Brian Ekberrrrrrg
At least you know where he's at. Ricardo and Thor straight disappeared.
Brian Ekberrrrrrg
Jeff is duck-cist, confirmed.
Those youtube bucks at workWhat's up with the shaky cam? It's like I'm watching Man of Steel.... good grief.
Greg Miller is a lovable oaf. Glad he decided to make an appearance.
Greg Miller is a lovable oaf. Glad he decided to make an appearance.
You used to be cool. Now I have to look for a new Chloe gif supplier.
MPP is gonna be 5 hours, amirite
I really want to read that publication email thread Jeff mentioned. I bet the hypocrisy is rife.
Who's the guy in blue next to Jeff?
Bought Madden 16 since I haven't bought a Madden since 11 and I'm trying to get into my solo Franchise mode but can't because servers are down. Seriously?
I think Colin Moriarty is great. What's the beef against him? Genuinely curious. I don't remember him from his IGN days.
Who's the guy in blue next to Jeff?
what is this?
That's a crazy lineup!Beastcast live (no stream)
That's a crazy lineup!
that's not jeff bakalar haha
Some people don't like him because he's an unabashed libertarian, and people have a very strict idea in their mind of what that means which may or may not apply to Colin.
He used to get on my nerves because he comes across as the most absurd Sony fanboy. I haven't really seen of his content in a long time, so he may not be like that since leaving IGN.
God I hope there's a surprise Jeff Bakalar livestream/Skype thing.
What? Someone stole their money?Is he their merch man?
Hopefully not the same one who ran off with all the poster money during the WM days.
I didn't know anything about Colin until he went hard after the people who hated the ending of Mass Effect 3. His article was unnecessarily hostile and I haven't seen anything to make me think better of him since. Not that the Giant Bomb crew were all that receptive to the Retake ME3 thing, but they weren't attacking anyone over it.I think Colin Moriarty is great. What's the beef against him? Genuinely curious. I don't remember him from his IGN days.
Why only ask Jeff? Vinny is the bigger Persona fan, and the guy who will only get to play P5 if he plays it at work.
I don't expect an ER, but it could easily replace VinnyVania.
Why only ask Jeff? Vinny is the bigger Persona fan, and the guy who will only get to play P5 if he plays it at work.
I don't expect an ER, but it could easily replace VinnyVania.
Does anyone know if tonight's stream will be on YouTube? Would quite like to watch on my TV.
Considering Jeff put Persona 4 Golden on his GOTY list when it came out and played through all of Arena for the story stuff, I'm going to doubt that.