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Giant Bomb #17 | Baby Dan Wyckert

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Late but if anything but FFXIV Heavensward wins best OST im starting a filibuster in this thread until you're all convinced.

coincidentally, i just started downloading the ffxiv demo on steam

mainly to see how it runs on my laptop but who knows where that might lead me
i guess it just boils down to me not seeing the benefits of vr for that game

aka my feelings about every vr game

As for VR, I totally agree with you. No one has showed me anything interesting enough yet to care. Most games seem actively hampered by trying to integrate it. I really want to get excited, I just can't.

Guys, don't be Luddites! VR is fucking amazing, and even though I've put dozens of hours into games using the DK2, it's still magic every time I put it on and find myself in another world. Elite Dangerous alone was enough to convince me, and I haven't even used a consumer version headset yet.


Guys, don't be Luddites! VR is fucking amazing, and even though I've put dozens of hours into games using the DK2, it's still magic every time I put it on and find myself in another world. Elite Dangerous alone was enough to convince me, and I haven't even used a consumer version headset yet.

people experience games differently, though

immersion means nothing to me, sorry
Downwell is fucking amazing but it's definitely something you don't want to stare at for too long. Really having a great time and that price is pretty unbeatable.

Someone should make a youtube that pulls audio clips from jefflr when he's actually talking instead of just these long drives of rap music.



envy my mad haxer skills I found an archive on the outernet.



Guys, don't be Luddites! VR is fucking amazing, and even though I've put dozens of hours into games using the DK2, it's still magic every time I put it on and find myself in another world. Elite Dangerous alone was enough to convince me, and I haven't even used a consumer version headset yet.

Outside of cockpit games, VR is incredibly difficult to implement. There are tons of concessions you have to make to avoid motion sickness and also deal with all the potential control issues. You then also have to make concessions because it's very difficult to do long play sessions in VR, again limiting he scope of potential games. I'm also not convinced that the effect of the immersion won't ware off over time as we become accustomed to the tech, making the usefulness of the headset drop dramatically. As has been mentioned a few times on the bombast, the crew actively had to work not to ruin the magic for themselves. How long until the novelty is such that that suspension of disbelief isn't worth keeping up?

Having these concerns doesn't make me a luddite. I want VR to be cool. I just don't think the mostly glorified tech demos that've been shown have come close to justify the tech nor am I convinced that the tech is truly ready for prime time.


Do yourself a huge favor and watch how FFXIV 1.0 ended before they took down the servers to work on a Realm Reborn. Some incredible stuff.

tabula rasa: the trailer

guess they really wanted to start fresh

Is there a VR experience you did enjoy?

[insert vib-ribbon joke]

i didn't get to try it, yet. unless i check out gamescom next year, i doubt i'll get my hands on it in the foreseeable future. i guess they'll probably have demo stations in electronics stores and the like once it's actually 'out' out, so that might be a venue for me to get my hands on it


I think what is going to hold VR back from becoming a mainstream hit is the price it looks like it is going to be $350-$400 plus the price of a gaming PC/PS4 you will be looking at a total price in the $750-$1000 range.
Outside of cockpit games, VR is incredibly difficult to implement. There are tons of concessions you have to make to avoid motion sickness and also deal with all the potential control issues. You then also have to make concessions because it's very difficult to do long play sessions in VR, again limiting he scope of potential games. I'm also not convinced that the effect of the immersion won't ware off over time as we become accustomed to the tech, making the usefulness of the headset drop dramatically. As has been mentioned a few times on the bombast, the crew actively had to work not to ruin the magic for themselves. How long until the novelty is such that that suspension of disbelief isn't worth keeping up?

Having these concerns doesn't make me a luddite. I want VR to be cool. I just don't think the mostly glorified tech demos that've been shown have come close to justify the tech nor am I convinced that the tech is truly ready for prime time.

Your concerns revolve around theoretical problems that largely do not exist anymore. VR is built into game engines and is simple to implement, motion sickness is basically eliminated completely when using sufficient hardware, control on traditional inputs as well as new touch controllers works great. Long play-sessions aren't an issue with DK2, I don't know why better, lighter hardware would be worse. You're concerned the effect won't stay the same over time? Oh, you mean like everything ever? I don't know what Bombcast you were listening to, but if you came away thinking that they had a negative impression I suggest you re-listen. You're reaching on every point as if you've already taken sides against VR. Yeah, that would be a Luddite.

[EDIT] I mean, I am all for skepticism but don't throw out bullshit and pretend you're well-informed.

I think what is going to hold VR back from becoming a mainstream hit is the price it looks like it is going to be $350-$400 plus the price of a gaming PC/PS4 you will be looking at a total price in the $750-$1000 range.

This is a real issue. Lucky posted a few things on Twitter the other day addressing this. They don't have the expectation that Version 1 is going to make it mainstream, and they expect the price to come down enough a few years in when broad adoption is more likely.


Your concerns revolve around theoretical problems that largely do not exist anymore. VR is built into game engines and is simple to implement, motion sickness is basically eliminated completely when using sufficient hardware, control on traditional inputs as well as new touch controllers works great. Long play-sessions aren't an issue with DK2, I don't know why better, lighter hardware would be worse. You're concerned the effect won't stay the same over time? Oh, you mean like everything ever? I don't know what Bombcast you were listening to, but if you came away that they had a negative impression I suggest you re-listen. You're reaching on every point as if you've already taken sides against VR. Yeah, that would be a Luddite.

Even with lighter hardware, it's always going to be more stressful than current interfaces. You are still carrying significant weight on your head+neck. There's no way that you won't feel fatigue after a couple hours.

As for motion sickness, it's not just a hardware and tech issue. Listen to how VR has been talked about on every turn. They consistent narrative is if that it will make you motion sick in real life, it'll make you motion sick in game. The games have to be scale adjusted to deal with that. Yes, it's an avoidable issue if you build around it, but it still limits the scope of the experience.

As for the impressions, I'm mostly referring to the most recent experience Jeff and crew had (at PAX IIRC). They had a whole discussion of Jeff talking about how he actively had to work to avoid breaking it for himself. That immersion is something you have to buy into, it's not something that's inherently built into the tech. I'm just pointing that as a potential issue and it's something that might night be avoidable.

As for me being a luddite, I'm not afraid of the new tech. I think VR can be cool. I'm just not convinced that this is the generation of tech that finally breaks through.

I'm honestly not sure why you're taking this all so personally and throwing around insults just because we have a disagreement over the potential of one piece of new tech.
Alright, fair enough. I know VR is hardly a sure thing, and your concerns are shared by plenty of people. At this point I've seen the light and am fully on board, so if it crashes and burns I'll be really, really bummed.

You're not a Luddite, that was a bit much.

Now this is for you.


I totally understand the excitement. I want to be like you. VR has a ton of potential to be really cool. It's just that every time I hear about something really cool, it comes with 15 caveats that bum me out. I'm definitely mostly on board for VR if only for how damn cool stuff like racing sims are going to be, I just can't be a full convert yet because there are a million problems yet to solve.

The idea of a VR F1 simulator gets me close, though. Man that could be really really cool.
For me it's the space/flight sims, and Elite Dangerous gave me a peak into how awesome that can be. There's probably a ton of problems that are yet to come to light too, though. It's an exciting time for games, in any case.

Now that I've identified how grumpy I am, I'm going to sleep. Cheers!


Alex being impatient with Vinny's antics is becoming one of my favorite pastimes

you know, a good straight man is hard to find and alex fills that role perfectly

and while you usually see that kind of role in a double act, the 2:1 ratio works even better, i find


Wait... That news report about The Ryckening is fake right?

I mean it's one of those service where you can pay people online to read a script for you on video or something?
Wait... That news report about The Ryckening is fake right?

I mean it's one of those service where you can pay people online to read a script for you on video or something?

Nope. Real.

Twin Tails has clearly indulged in "Issho ni Training: Training with Hinako," so they're unstoppable.

Don't google that at work.

You fool, I use Asami's 10 situps, 10 push ups, and ice cream training regime.


GBEast-GBWest collaboration. Needy & Hardcore modes. 10 minutes.


I was thinking about how fun a KTANE match over Skype could be. The small extra step that could mess things up really add some extra enjoyment to the process.

I also realize it's the only way I'd even have a chance of getting a group together to play, haha.

so how fucked is Dan vs. Patrick 2: the ReRyckoning going to be

would it be over the line dan made the level underwater

The first rematch is going to be made by Jeff, but if Dan does try and get more fucked up I say that nothing is off limits. Make full use of your tools. There are some really devious things you could do with an underwater NSMB level.


Add a pipe that you have to go through to get to the end that's an extended autoscrolling wall jumping sequence that also makes major use of music blocks.

You have to go all the way. You have to.


Whew, being a wrestling fan is scary. Saw Terry Funk was trending on Twitter and instantly feared that he died.

Silly me, Terry Funk ain't never gonna die. You could shoot him in the head and he'd get up before a 3 count, spit the bullet out and call you a yankee sonofabitch.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Whew, being a wrestling fan is scary. Saw Terry Funk was trending on Twitter and instantly feared that he died.

Silly me, Terry Funk ain't never gonna die. You could shoot him in the head and he'd get up before a 3 count, spit the bullet out and call you a yankee sonofabitch.

We'll all die in Terry Funk's lifetime


Sword Coast Legends looks really sweet. I'd love to see the GBEast play that, maybe with Austin as DM. A different angle on the Unplugged campaign.

We'll all die in Terry Funk's lifetime


NSMB is what you use when you actually want to design a good level with modern, tight platforming mechanics so sadly we'll never see it.

Exactly. NSMB plays the best out of the whole bunch. Wall jumping, spinning to extend your jump. It gives you the most control over your movement, which should really be the end goal of a Mario level.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes for smartest game 2015.

Brilliant idea.

It's really something. The tension it creates was absolutely palpable on that last run. You could see how hard Jeff was breathing.
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