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Giant Bomb #17 | Baby Dan Wyckert

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I like that he took 5 days to cook up that sick burn.


Bringing up an old (and non existent) review completely out of nowhere, not even somewhat related to the topic. This is amazing.

How do people put so much personal stock into reviews? Maybe being a fan of franchises like Tales that get mixed reviews at best has hardened me, but I just don't get it.
God damn Mister Bushido man. Used to be a cool not-American rival pilot, then just goes off and goes full HONOUR. The fact that he actually calls himself Mister Bushido is amazingly stupid

Man its so bad i even forgot that was the name he was going by LOL

CCA is extremely frustrating because it pretty much ignores any character development post-0079. The film basically acts like Zeta never happened, and that hurts all the characters involved, particularly Char.

Basically, Zeta has Amuro and Char teaming up to take on an Earth government that's gone out of control. It takes Char away from being a character who's purely revenge driven and humanizes him. You can tell he genuinely cares about humanity.

CCA turns him into an egomaniacal dictator of a new Zeon force (With zero explanation of how he even rose to power). He also wants to drop an asteroid on earth so he can drive humanity off it and let it recover from the damage we caused, which isn't something that makes any remote sense given the Char we see in Zeta. All this feels purely to set him up in a villain role so we can see a conclusion to his and Amuro's rivalry. It's awful.

Amuro also gets shit on a bit as well. The relationships he develops in Zeta are promptly dropped with zero mention and he's back in good graces working with the Earth government. Even though he took out the force in the Earth government that was abusing power, I don't think it makes much sense that he would go back to a high ranking military position after seeing all that.

Since you didn't finish 0079, I highly recommend checking out The Origin manga. It's really the perfection of that story. The art is amazing and the pacing has really been fixed. Amir does start as a whiny shit, but he develops over the course of the series into someone likable, or at least relatable. Also, The Origin treats him and Char as co-protaganists, so you aren't stuck seeing things just from his view for the whole time.

Hmmm didn't know that happened (didn't watch Zeta although i heard good things) and i thought just he doubled down since (iirc) Zeon went down (kinda like the Gundam Wing Analog with Zechs, who funnily enough is basically a Char expy). I can see why that can be frustrating especially if there is no explanation or hint on why he might have reverted (unless it was all done so he could fight Amuro again).

I'll check out that manga when i can.

About Wing i agree in hindsight that the story and characters made no sense but man that series is on the Nostalgia level of DBZ for me so it will always be fucking awesome in my eyes.

Heero is fucking crazy , those Gundams are dope as fuck and completely ridiculous
(that Wing Zero from Endless Waltz aka Wing Zero Custom has FUCKING FUNCTIONAL ANGEL WINGS man, FUCKING FUNCTIONAL ANGEL WINGS :O)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It'll still make the Top 10, but it's clearly shifted from top 5 to bottom 5 at this point.

Yeah but so will Metal Gear by the end of the year.

Something's going to have to be in the top 5.
And Just Cause has just enough time for that Honeymoon Phase


Heart of Stone is so good, it's gotta be one of the best "DLCs" I've played so far. So much actual story content. Not just a couple bits of dialog explaining things like other crappy story DLC.

It gets me real excited for the next one since it takes place in a whole new area.
Heart of Stone is so good, it's gotta be one of the best "DLCs" I've played so far. So much actual story content. Not just a couple bits of dialog explaining things like other crappy story DLC.

It gets me real excited for the next one since it takes place in a whole new area.

It's fucking great.

One of the best quest lines in the game full stop.


Yeah but so will Metal Gear by the end of the year.

Something's going to have to be in the top 5.
And Just Cause has just enough time for that Honeymoon Phase

I still think MGSV has a more than decent chance at winning GOTY.

I'm just far less certain than I was a month ago, given how Mario Maker has made such a strong push.

I'd still be shocked if MGSV falls further than 2.
The trick with open world RPG's and Giant Bomb is to release them near the end of the year.

That way when GOTY time comes around they will talk like they still plan on playing it before they give up on it completely in the new year.

Worked for Skyrim.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I never expected Witcher 3 to have a chance. It too good for those guys. Jeff gave Ratchet and Clank Future 1 a 7.5 Not expecting much from a site that hires that guy.

Gotta be a GGer is my guess.

9/10 on the internet when someone attacks credibility over a straight up non-existent event that's why.

Wow. I needed to know, looked that person up on Twitter and guess what.
You are correct!

Heart of Stone is so good, it's gotta be one of the best "DLCs" I've played so far. So much actual story content. Not just a couple bits of dialog explaining things like other crappy story DLC.

It gets me real excited for the next one since it takes place in a whole new area.

Yeah, it's really great. And it's not even the expansion with new area. I can't wait for Blood and Wine. I love Witcher 3 so much.



I feel like I'm crazy for thinking W3 got stronger as time went on. It's the most I've ever been hooked on a game and it really kicks into gear in act 2.

And then after 10 hours or so I kind of stopped caring about MGSV and forced myself to rush till the end. Whereas the Dan says he played for 90 hours or something and loved every second.
Fallout is gonna be such a wild card for goty stuff.

^^ I'm the same as you guys. Witcher drew me in the closer I got to the end (barring my slog through novigrad, but that's mostly down to how I chose to tackle the quest order) and MGSV just felt incredibly repetitive and was worse the more and more I played it.


About Wing i agree in hindsight that the story and characters made no sense but man that series is on the Nostalgia level of DBZ for me so it will always be fucking awesome in my eyes.

Heero is fucking crazy and those Gundams are dope as fuck and completely ridiculous
(that Wing Zero from Endless Waltz aka Wing Zero Custom has FUCKING FUNCTIONAL ANGEL WINGS man, FUCKING FUNCTIONAL ANGEL WINGS :O)

I love the Wing mech designs, particularly the Endless Waltz stuff (as divisive as they are). They're currently running a remake manga of Wing called Glory of the Losers that fixes a ton of the issues the series has and uses the EW designs throughout. Sadly the guy translating it doesn't keep a good schedule, but it's also worth reading. Not as special as The Origin, but still very good.

The guy who did the EW designs, Hajime Katoki, does a lot of the better model kits as well. His versions of Nu and Sazabi from Char's Counterattack are amazing. His Sazabi is one of my favorite kits ever.

MGSV's popularity is a crime. I don't understand it; Ch2 and beyond just take everything good out of the game.
Heart of Stone is so good, it's gotta be one of the best "DLCs" I've played so far. So much actual story content. Not just a couple bits of dialog explaining things like other crappy story DLC.

It gets me real excited for the next one since it takes place in a whole new area.

Destiny: Taken King is going to win Best DLC, hands down. There's no point in even entertaining anything else.

I feel like I'm crazy for thinking W3 got stronger as time went on. It's the most I've ever been hooked on a game.

And then after 10 hours or so I kind of stopped caring about MGSV and forced myself to rush till the end. Whereas the Dan says he played for 90 hours or something and loved every second.

The gameplay in TW3 can be a little too janky for my tastes, but I do enjoy it overall. The thing I love is how everything comes together... which I guess would be exactly what others say about MGSV.

Sigh, opinions. We all know I'm right in the end.
I was much more satisfied with the 60 hours I spent with the Witcher 3 and it's unique sidequests than the 38 or so I spent with MGS V grinding out mmo garbage.

The more I think about MGS V the more I realized how disappointed I am with most of it. It's like a less interesting Peace Walker in terms of mission design, there is(quantity)
boss in the game, and all of the areas/bases in the game are tiny compared to other games in the series or even Ground Zeroes. Oh well!


I'm tempted making an avatar bet about JC3 being a top 5 game at the end of the year a couple of months before release. I won't, but I'm convinced that it will be a contender unless it's just full of bugs at release or something.

edit: I loved playing MGSV, I disliked playing Witcher 3. That's why MGSV ranks higher for me. But yeah, the backlash against MGSV combined with people thinking they're not giving Witcher a fair shot is gonna rival the Destiny drama of last year.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Despite years of people complaining similarly and me shrugging it off.

I think 2015 has been the year of 'these games take too fucking long to finish' for me


MGSV's popularity is a crime. I don't understand it; Ch2 and beyond just take everything good out of the game.

I think Chapter 2's problems are overstated and the game's story was terrible beforehand anyway. Chapter 2 gave me some of the few story beats I actually enjoyed, so overall I don't hate it, despite the fact it's structured like shit. The reason that game will probably be my GOTY has zero to do with the story. The game was so damn fun to play that those issues slipped to the back of my mind.
How do people put so much personal stock into reviews? Maybe being a fan of franchises like Tales that get mixed reviews at best has hardened me, but I just don't get it.

As a musou fan I'm basically numb when it comes to actual 'critical' reviews of a lot of niche games I like (mainly JRPG's and well musou games). For a lot of that stuff I prefer just to go to actual user impressions on Neogaf or Reddit or whatever. Up until DW7, I basically went almost a decade enjoying a franchise everyone told me was the fucking worst kind of game ever. Don't get me started on that Compile Heart moe bullshit
I love it so much I own almost every Neptunia game except for PP and the 2nd and 3rd Rebirth .

Yeah for some reason the Witcher 3 never grabbed me either. Like, I finished what I guess was the prologue/ starting area and I didn't really feel compelled to keep playing. I guess this was expected. I never finished the Witcher 2 cause I got bored halfway through. I might give TW3 a shot again when my wireless XBOne controller adapter comes in, and play it with a controller this time around.


TW3 just plays bad. Combat is a chore, crafting is terrible and while they fixed Geralt's movement the horse is still a pain to control. Goddamn thing gets stuck on everything.

Everything else, the graphics, the world, the story, the characters, the dialogue, that's all great but actually sitting down and engaging with the game's systems isn't fun.


Lol Dan is on the Ugly Baby quest and thinks he's near the end. He's not even in the second half yet. I can see him wearing out on it since the story hasn't really reached a critical point yet.

Insane to me that he's taken that long to get there. If you don't do everything you can make it to act to in 10-15 hours.
Has there been any word on a (really depressing) Best Remaster category this year? The way releases are going, it's practically a genre of it's own at this point.
Lol Dan is on the Ugly Baby quest and thinks he's near the end. He's not even in the second half yet. I can see him wearing out on it since the story hasn't really reached a critical point yet.

Insane to me that he's taken that long to get there. If you don't do everything you can make it to act to in 10-15 hours.

The end of the ugly baby saga is pretty directly tied to what i'd call the beginning of the end.

that said, yeah, he's got a LOT to go.

edit: witcher 3 combat is more fun to engage with than MGSV's there i said it

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Witcher 3 crumbles under its own weight. The latter stuff is boring as hell.

I'd say the same of MGS though. Like the exact same. You never get the highs you get from fultoning cargo boxes once you get that over with. And the game's story is not interesting enough to keep you going


Super Sleuth
I am somewhere late in the Witcher 3 (I think? I survived the attack at the castle) and I just can't bring myself to finish it. It has been too long now so I don't remember where I am, what I am doing, or how to play.

If you are lost like me, would it be fairly easy to get into the DLC?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
MGSV's popularity is a crime. I don't understand it; Ch2 and beyond just take everything good out of the game.

I think MGS V's popularity is the first time in a long time I got a bit angry about people liking a thing (which is extremly stupid. I know. I'm sorry)
I just don't understand it. The game is soooo boring. It feels like half of the story missions have zero connection to the plot, and might as well be randomly generated side ops, like "Kill this random commander!"
Yeah, it's always amazing to see what reviews people hold a grudge over any time a reviewer who's been around as long as Jeff is talked about.

it could have been a somewhat passable thought if the person got it right.

At least we got a Jeff burn out of it

I love the Wing mech designs, particularly the Endless Waltz stuff (as divisive as they are). They're currently running a remake manga of Wing called Glory of the Losers that fixes a ton of the issues the series has and uses the EW designs throughout. Sadly the guy translating it doesn't keep a good schedule, but it's also worth reading. Not as special as The Origin, but still very good.

The guy who did the EW designs, Hajime Katoki, does a lot of the better model kits as well. His versions of Nu and Sazabi from Char's Counterattack are amazing. His Sazabi is one of my favorite kits ever.

that looks really cool.

That pic along with Austin's tweet of the Anubis figure he bought is doing a number on my judgement tbh lol
I'd say the same of MGS though. Like the exact same. You never get the highs you get from fultoning cargo boxes once you get that over with. And the game's story is not interesting enough to keep you going

It crumbles under its own weight for the opposite reason. TW3 feels clunky and slow, but the story, characters and dialogue are all engaging enough that people want to keep playing. MGSV plays so fucking good SO SMOOTH 60FPS FREE INFILTRATION ACTION, but the story is almost non-existent and Punished Jack Bauer isn't as hype as I wanted it to be.


I'm tempted making an avatar bet about JC3 being a top 5 game at the end of the year a couple of months before release. I won't, but I'm convinced that it will be a contender unless it's just full of bugs at release or something.

edit: I loved playing MGSV, I disliked playing Witcher 3. That's why MGSV ranks higher for me. But yeah, the backlash against MGSV combined with people thinking they're not giving Witcher a fair shot is gonna rival the Destiny drama of last year.

I'd almost be willing to bet that JC3 ends placing higher than Fallout 4.

For whatever reason, I'm still convinced that Fallout 4 will either barely make the list or not make the list.

If I had to make a BOLD prediction, it would be Brad filibustering to get The Taken King on the list instead of Fallout 4.
I am somewhere late in the Witcher 3 (I think? I survived the attack at the castle) and I just can't bring myself to finish it. It has been too long now so I don't remember where I am, what I am doing, or how to play.

If you are lost like me, would it be fairly easy to get into the DLC?

The DLC is a completely separate story so yeah.

But in terms of how to play and combat it is much tougher.
Lol Dan is on the Ugly Baby quest and thinks he's near the end. He's not even in the second half yet. I can see him wearing out on it since the story hasn't really reached a critical point yet.

Insane to me that he's taken that long to get there. If you don't do everything you can make it to act to in 10-15 hours.

The end of the ugly baby saga is pretty directly tied to what i'd call the beginning of the end.

that said, yeah, he's got a LOT to go.

edit: witcher 3 combat is more fun to engage with than MGSV's there i said it

Damn, I just got there and thought I was like 5-10 hours from the end. I was hoping to get this finished before Halo 5. don't know if that will happen now.


Wait, how fucking long is The Witcher 3's story? I'm just starting the main quest in Skellige; if I mainline and only do story missions what kind of an hour count is left?


I enjoy the combat in Witcher 3, but honestly because I love the series and lore so much I would still play it if I found it to be shit. I would just sit it to easy or just cheat since I'm on PC just to get what I love out of it.



Wow. I needed to know, looked that person up on Twitter and guess what.
You are correct!

It's a burden being correct so often!

There's just something about that complete detached from reality accusation that kind of reminded me of that guy that called Jeff upset about how they're not making DOA anymore but oh they are well I don't care it's more important I'm mad than right.


Damn, I just got there and thought I was like 5-10 hours from the end. I was hoping to get this finished before Halo 5. don't know if that will happen now.

It's perfectly doable. You don't need to do all the sidequests besides the few critical ones like the Radovid one.

Everything once you get Ciri moves way faster than anything before it.
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