I wonder what surprises he comes up with next!
"So are we agreed that Witcher 3 is the best looking game this year?"
"What about Dragon Quest Heroes?"
"Ok yeah sure."
I wonder what surprises he comes up with next!
I'm now reminded of how Destiny was about to win best looking game last year until someone (was it Jason?) brought up Guilty Gear Xrd and stole the category.
"So are we agreed that Witcher 3 is the best looking game this year?"
"What about Dragon Quest Heroes?"
"Ok yeah sure."
The big visual bugs in Unity that were exclusive to the PC version were patched out day one. Ie, the famous x-ray faces.
Indeed, that x-ray face became a meme for the game on the PC which is a shame given it was fixed at launch but oh well. Game runs great now(wasn't awful at launch) and still looks amazing, and I'd argue that overall it's still the best looking game available on any platform.I did not realize that. Goes to show how, if you fuck up out the gate, perception may never recover.
I'll get Unity eventually, maybe when it's like $5 on a Steam sale. I still haven't finished 3, which is the last Creed game I played.
You forgot *plays DQH gameplay footage on phone*
There is a very large thread that spans over a hundred pages showing very specific examples of the numerous downgrades.
Have fun!
Really? I kept trying to watch them but not a single one interested me. I'll check out the one that's linked I suppose.
I'm sure you defended the game's honor ably.That thread was full of circular arguments and utterly specious examples from poorly sourced footage and wilful ignorance. I was in that thread for a considerable span.
I'm sure you defended the game's honor ably.
When are alphas and pre-release footage ever representative of the final game? Like, come on.
A single asterisk would've killed this entire debate from the get-go, had CDPR shown some foresight.
The one with Lorne Lanning sticks out in my mind as being particularly good.
edit: "pickin team giant bomb who do you pick first? I got first pick I pick vinny."
lang fanboys over vinny and drew like somebody who posts in this thread
I can't wait for Extra Life this year.
When are alphas and pre-release footage ever representative of the final game? Like, come on.
A single asterisk would've killed this entire debate from the get-go, had CDPR shown some foresight.
Read a synopsis and watch the ending on YouTube.
Unless you really care about the lore of the Hotline Miami world and the origins/endings to a bunch of plotlines it's kind of hard to recommend playing through.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that's unfortunate. :/If you liked Hotline Miami but thought "Man, I wish those levels were much larger!" and "I wish melee weapons were useless because every enemey is carrying a gun" and "Wow, I really wish I was being shot from outside the screen more!" than you should play this game.
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
When it begins.
I'm waiting for tickets to go on sale, which is happening simultaneously.
When it begins.
Life is Strange Ep. 5 is up on Steam, shits about to go down folks.
Who here is waiting for the Star Wars trailer?
I hope Warren goes and dicks Brook instead of turning into a fedora once my Max finally rejects him once and for all.
I have never ever once waited for a trailer.
No? Ever watched an E3?
I'm watching RAW.
I totally forgot RAW was on because I'm waiting for the Eagles game. Anything good happen?
Only with Giant Bomb mocking how ridiculous all that stupid shit is. And in the days before readily available streaming videos I was waiting for new announcements, not for a trailer of a known quantity.
Boy, Star Wars tickets did not happen.
I can't see it until the following week anyway.
I just want ONE ticket, isn't that sad enough?
They opened with Stone Cold and he got a really big pop.
You should really watch it when you can. Otherwise nothing much so far. Opening with New Day who are as great as always, though you start to worry how fresh they can keep their skits when Vince isn't giving them much to work with.
For the marathon or the actual force awawkens?
Just Force Awakens. I have no desire go to the theater at 4 in the morning and be there all day.