Is there a GH Live quicklook on the schedule?
Is there a GH Live quicklook on the schedule?
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"That was complete horse shit" says Dan Ryckert as he falls into same kind of death trap that he has used many times in his Mario Maker levels
In December of 2014, Diablo III director Josh Mosqueira and a few other members of his team at Blizzard came to Bungie for a talk, according to two people who were there. The parallels were uncanny; Diablo III had launched to commercial success in 2012 but saw a great deal of criticism from fans thanks to randomized loot, frustrating online DRM, and a lack of endgame content. Both games shared a publisher, Activision, that thought Destiny could redeem itself in fans eyes the way Diablo III eventually had after its release.
They basically came in and said, Look, heres our story of developing Diablo III and then bringing in [the expansion] Reaper of Souls, said one person who was at the Blizzard talk. They were saying, like, Hey, random numbers are not fundice rolls are not fun. You can give the illusion of randomness, but you want to weight it towards the player The only point you have to deliver on is that when people leave your gamebecause they willwhen they leave your game, they need to be happy.
People who were at the presentation say it was extraordinarily helpful for Bungies team. One source called it invaluable. Others said it drove some of the decisions they made for The Taken King. In previous interviews with Kotaku and other sites, director Luke Smith has talked openly about avoiding randomness and designing quests with guaranteed rewards, an approach that has served Destiny well throughout year two so far. Destinys meta-narrative has followed the same path as Diablo IIIs: It had a rocky launch, then the developers found redemption.
Don't worry you guys, I voted for Crusader Kings just like you said.
How to fix your game? Paid expansion! The Activision Way
Gbeast continues being great.
How to fix your game? Paid expansion! The Activision Way
Still not bought Reaper of Souls on principle, even though it's killing me a little bit.
Life Is StrangeI'd be happy for them to move on to something else this time.
They should really just finished Episode 1, then play something different, then come back to LiS etc. I really don't want them to just play LiS for the next 3 months
I think the point is the choice is out of their hands so they are gonna play what has most votes in the thread.
I hope you're excited for some more Life is Strange.
I hope you're excited for some more Life is Strange.
Everyone enjoys a good old game of soggy biscuit
How to fix your game? Paid expansion! The Activision Way
Still not bought Reaper of Souls on principle, even though it's killing me a little bit.
They almost completed episode 1 last week, I think three months is a big overestimate.
loving the wednesday + friday streamage
go beast
I mean, Blizzard did those kind of expansions long before Activision.
As above. Fixes to the base game took far too long in order to be timed to the expansion.Every Blizzard game does expansions. It's not like the game is still shit if you didn't buy the xpac. They overhauled the base game too.
I hope you're excited for some more Life is Strange.
If I wanted to watch a teen drama full of nightmare people that makes me want to kill myself even more than usual I would go back to watching Degrassi.
If I wanted to watch a teen drama full of nightmare people that makes me want to kill myself even more than usual I would go back to watching Degrassi.
I wish they recorded on Tuesdays instead.
If I wanted to watch a teen drama full of nightmare people that makes me want to kill myself even more than usual I would go back to watching Degrassi.
That's a pretty good gif and a really good use of it.
I wish they recorded on Tuesdays instead.
shit's today son
They should really consider it. Seems like they just miss big news every week.
Recording on Monday is probably because of scheduling reasons more than anything else. If it was practical for them to record on Tuesdays they would've started years ago.