Does anybody remember which GB video is the one where they're watching a bunch of old crack intros full of ridiculous greetz and callouts?
Yeah his girlfriend is. Dan will just be there to support her.
Does anybody remember which GB video is the one where they're watching a bunch of old crack intros full of ridiculous greetz and callouts?
Seriously. I know Dan lives a charmed life, but I don't think he's solved male pregnancy yet.
Would you like to know about the deviantart profiles that I follow?
I wonder if anyone in the industry really dislikes when GB talks as openly about emulators of even last gen consoles as they do on this Bombcast. I'm fascinated by that sort of stuff, but it's kind of surprising that they're still so open about it even when they're owned by CBSi. I'm probably overestimating how frowned upon it is.
Emulators are completely legal in every way.
Emulators are completely legal in every way.
I wonder if anyone in the industry really dislikes when GB talks as openly about emulators of even last gen consoles as they do on this Bombcast. I'm fascinated by that sort of stuff, but it's kind of surprising that they're still so open about it even when they're owned by CBSi. I'm probably overestimating how frowned upon it is.
I wonder if anyone in the industry really dislikes when GB talks as openly about emulators of even last gen consoles as they do on this Bombcast. I'm fascinated by that sort of stuff, but it's kind of surprising that they're still so open about it even when they're owned by CBSi. I'm probably overestimating how frowned upon it is.
Man.... I really wish Dan wasn't the one doing the Bombastica on Quackshot. Isn't the whole point of them to teach the audience things they don't know? Dan constantly shitting on Disney and not even knowing Gyro Gearloose's name is borderline insulting. Sure I am a Disney fan but the last thing I want is Dan driving this game and crapping all over something he has gone on record multiple times saying he doesn't like nor does he know anything about. I was excited when I saw this on the schedule and now I don't think I can get passed the first 20 mins of this thing.
Dan writing off The Witcher at Dandelion is pretty funny.
it's on
Brad / Jeff / Dan I hope
Do they actively dislike the Witcher 3? It is a challenging rpg with interesting, layered writing I suppose.
Do they actively dislike the Witcher 3? It is a challenging rpg with interesting, layered writing I suppose.
Do they actively dislike the Witcher 3? It is a challenging rpg with interesting, layered writing I suppose.
I decided to take Vinny's advice and started reading Witcher books. I'm three books in so I'm actually looking forward to seeing Dandelion.Only played W1 and 2, but Dandelion a shit. He ain't as bad as Roche though.
the dandelion questline in the witcher 3 is wonderful
Dan gave up on The Witcher 3 to play more Destiny.
Fuck Dan, he's part of the problem.
Seriously though, it's really disheartening to hear how they basically universally soured on Witcher 3. It's the best game of the past several years and knowing it may not even break the top five while some half-finished exploitative gross bullshit like MGSV gets GOTY bums me out.
It's their list and obviously they're not beholden to play what I want them to play or like what i want them to like, but fuck the Witcher 3 is just so good and there probably won't be anyone singing its praises in December.
"Yeah, it was fine but it was too long."
"It was basically impossible to move your character."
"The inventory screen literally murdered my family."
"Look at how many patches they needed just to fix it."
"It's no Fallout, that's for sure."
There's gonna be A LOT of anger when The Witcher 3 doesn't make their top 10.
I don't think there's any way The Witcher 3 won't at least make the top ten.
If this was 2014.
There's gonna be A LOT of anger when The Witcher 3 doesn't make their top 10.
I wonder if people will discredit them if they don't.
I wonder if people will discredit them if it doesn't make it in the top ten.
"I'd be hard pressed to find 10 better games than The Witcher 3" - Bradley Shoemanufacturer.
I mean, at this point fuck it. Turn it around completely. Witcher 3 for Giant Bomb's Most Disappointing Game. It's definitely not MGSV, after all.
I wonder if people will discredit them if they don't.
Mario Maker
Just Cause 3
Fallout 4
Dying Light
Until Dawn
Life is Strange
Her Story
Rocket League
Black Ops 3
Halo 5
Axiom Verge
I could definitely see all those games being ahead of The Witcher 3 based on what they've said. I know I'm forgetting some games they really dug. How much did they like Grow Home?
More like Giant Bummer am I right guys?
Mario Maker
Just Cause 3
Fallout 4
Dying Light
Until Dawn
Life is Strange
Her Story
Rocket League
Black Ops 3
Halo 5
Axiom Verge
I could definitely see all those games being ahead of The Witcher 3 based on what they've said. I know I'm forgetting some games they really dug. How much did they like Grow Home?
Mario Maker
Just Cause 3
Fallout 4
Dying Light
Until Dawn
Life is Strange
Her Story
Rocket League
Black Ops 3
Halo 5
Axiom Verge
I could definitely see all those games being ahead of The Witcher 3 based on what they've said. I know I'm forgetting some games they really dug. How much did they like Grow Home?
Ehhh, if the Witcher 3 completely falls off of their list, it doesn't bother me. I think it's the best game to come out in years but they couldn't find the drive to come close to finishing it. It wouldn't make sense for any of them to push for it. I'm more bothered by the bullshit that MGS V is going to get away with. I can see the argument for giving it their GOTY but that slimy bullshit Konami's is layering on post launch, I hate to see it rewarded.