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Giant Bomb #17 | Baby Dan Wyckert

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That's part of my frustration as well. Act 2 of that game is an abomination. Quiet is emblematic of all the problems with Kojima in terms of dealing with women. This FOB insurance, heavy push towards online play and the buying of MB coins is completely fucking gross, though. Yes, the sneaking is fun. The action is good. The core gameplay loop is pretty satisfying. But all the shit around it stinks so much, and it really ought not be rewarded.

The list is what games they enjoyed most in 2015. For better or worse, most of them played MGSV before the crappy changes so it doesn't (and shouldn't) have any bearing on how they rate it. The list isn't supposed to be objective and take into consideration stuff like price or fairness, it's a culmination of what games they enjoyed most.
Downwell is really good!

Edit: Just getting to the "Keep talking and..." talk on the bombcast. I'm gonna try it with some people I haven't played with yet this weekend, and in person, so hopefully I rekindle my love for that game with them. At this point I'm scared to keep playing it because I don't want it to get boring.
Im late, but I had to



the holder of the trombone
That's part of my frustration as well. Act 2 of that game is an abomination. Quiet is emblematic of all the problems with Kojima in terms of dealing with women. This FOB insurance, heavy push towards online play and the buying of MB coins is completely fucking gross, though. Yes, the sneaking is fun. The action is good. The core gameplay loop is pretty satisfying. But all the shit around it stinks so much, and it really ought not be rewarded.

For not wanting to sound pretty whiney you are sounding pretty whiney.
MGS V is the best game ever and the way it handles Quiet almost
being raped
is incredible and beautiful and smart. The endless variation in mission structure also helps it become the most perfect amazing game of all time. Any criticisms make you a big whiner!
MGS V is the best game ever and the way it handles Quiet
almost being raped
is incredible and beautiful and smart. The endless variation in mission structure also helps it become the most perfect amazing game of all time. Any criticisms make you a big whiner!

Uh... spoilers dude. I haven't gotten to that part.


the holder of the trombone
MGS V is the best game ever and the way it handles Quiet almost being raped is incredible and beautiful and smart. The endless variation in mission structure also helps it become the most perfect amazing game of all time. Any criticisms make you a big whiner!

Caring so much about other people's taste in games certainly is though!
I wouldn't argue against MGS V's mechanics. They are almost perfectly tuned. I would argue against many design decisions though, the Chapter 2 structure being the biggest offender. The narrative was handled terribly. The FOB stuff, had some interesting ideas but Konami leveraged it about as exploitatively as I could have imagined.
MGSV vs Witcher 3 in two months is gonna be a treat. Well between the fans anyway. Its pretty unanimous around the office at this point.

Slowly but surely Jason is biding his time and energy for next year when the GOAT SFV finally drops.


I wouldn't argue against MGS V's mechanics. They are almost perfectly tuned. I would argue against many design decisions though, the Chapter 2 structure being the biggest offender. The narrative was handled terribly. The FOB stuff, had some interesting ideas but Konami leveraged it about as exploitatively as I could have imagined.

Pretty much where I'm at. I think it would have benefitted from being about a third shorter.
Designing pain points in games just so you can charge players to avoid them is trend to strongly push back against. In my mind it crosses a line beyond just giving players an option to speed up progress.
Designing pain points in games just so you can charge players to avoid them is trend to strongly push back against.

Oh believe me, I hate pretty much all of Konami's business decisions this year, but it's not hurting my enjoyment of the game at all. Even if the rest of the game turned out to be garbage, I've put in 77 hours so far and loved every single minute. In fact, the worst thing I can say about the game is that it's keeping me from playing a lot of other games that I wanted to play.


Just finished Tales from the Borderlands and I REALLY dug it. Of the three Telltale games I've played (TWD season 1, TWAU, and this), this is probably my favorite. The writing is genuinely hilarious and there are some pretty heartfelt moments. Much better story than any of the Borderlands games, not that that's saying much. Highly recommend to anyone into these types of games.


Man, smh at the guy who double dipped on the wallet question. It did get some good discussion on the Bombcast though, so I'll allow it.


like, i'm not entirely sure i'd enjoy metal gear if i played it, say, this month. but i liked it well enough when i played it (fucked up design though it has)
Man, smh at the guy who double dipped on the wallet question. It did get some good discussion on the Bombcast though, so I'll allow it.

Its a really important question though.

Phones/headphones in front left pocket, keys and wallet in front right pocket depending on if im wearing shorts or jeans (or sometimes sweatpants). If its jeans I'll switch between the front right and back right pocket for my wallet.

I don't know how any human can put keys in their back right pocket.


Man, smh at the guy who double dipped on the wallet question. It did get some good discussion on the Bombcast though, so I'll allow it.

I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.


I wouldn't argue against MGS V's mechanics. They are almost perfectly tuned. I would argue against many design decisions though, the Chapter 2 structure being the biggest offender. The narrative was handled terribly. The FOB stuff, had some interesting ideas but Konami leveraged it about as exploitatively as I could have imagined.

Chapter structures and FOB stuff are parts of the game's mechanics.


I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.

You. Monster.

For me its front left phone, front right keys and wallet.


I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.

Wow, didn't expect it to be someone in here. I feel sorry for your butt having to sit on keys all day. Anyways, at least it was a good question. I completely understand the frustration of writing into a podcast and not getting your question read

Also, I just throw everything into random front pockets and pretty much ignore the back ones.
I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.

That is pretty amazing that the first time you get your question read it happens to be on both podcasts on the same week lol.


To clarify on the keys thing, I typically only have a set of car keys on me when I leave the house. The garage door opener in the car replaces the need for a house key. So a single key and a remote isn't really a big deal for a back pocket.


Drunky McMurder
Dan's mugproof second wallet idea was worth the discussion a second time. I did think I was psychic for just a moment though.


the holder of the trombone
Wow, didn't expect it to be someone in here. I feel sorry for your butt having to sit on keys all day.

Unless your butt is pretty flat there's usually some curvature where you can position the keys to the side of the back pocket where you're not sitting on them.


I'm glad Dan said what he had to say about Witcher 3. I feel overwhelmed whenever I try to play it since there is so many important looking quests to do yet the mechanics and combat don't feel good. I beat Witcher 2 since the map size was tolerable but Witcher 3 just seems to massive for me. I feel bad not loving it like everyone else does but I'd rather play something else like Dan. I'll try to beat it since the story and characters are intriguing.
I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.
Haha Jim you crafty bastard. And to think they never read my ASMR email!


Sorry if it's been said, but has anyone else had a problem with the Life is Strange video? It wont play past 4 seconds for me.

Edit: Nevermind, cleared cache and it worked.


i've written into idle thumbs at least 3 time over the past few years with the same question about the shortcomings of environmental shortcoming and it's never been read :T

i should attach an interesting story about videogames somehow. or a dumb dream, i don't know
Dan gave up on The Witcher 3 to play more Destiny.

Fuck Dan, he's part of the problem.

Seriously though, it's really disheartening to hear how they basically universally soured on Witcher 3. It's the best game of the past several years and knowing it may not even break the top five while some half-finished exploitative gross bullshit like MGSV gets GOTY bums me out.

It's their list and obviously they're not beholden to play what I want them to play or like what i want them to like, but fuck the Witcher 3 is just so good and there probably won't be anyone singing its praises in December.

"Yeah, it was fine but it was too long."

"It was basically impossible to move your character."

"The inventory screen literally murdered my family."

"Look at how many patches they needed just to fix it."

"It's no Fallout, that's for sure."

Edit: He's still probably like 10-15 hours at least from beating the game. He hasn't even seen the
Battle of Kaer Morhen
yet, and that's one of the best scenes of the game.

Maybe he just didn't find the Witcher 3 fun? It's not for everyone.

It's in a weird position. Even Vinny, who read the witcher books apparently and was hyped for it, seems to be enjoying other games alot more.

Lunar FC


Hiffie. This was supposed to be a Wednesday thing right? Or am I losing it?

edit: Uhh my video just plays for 5 seconds and then stops. Anybody else having this problem?
edit 2: html 5 works I guess. Strange.
edit 3: All video options are trash. Blehhh, I made grub and everything for this.


intangibles, motherfucker
Is it the time of year when people get mad that the GB guys opinion's dont match their own?

Its like the dumbest thing to get angry about.
Guys I have a strong feeling about The Taken King making top 10 this year, being the first exception for a major expansion pack

Jeff is positive on it
Brad loves it
Dan is positive on it
Drew is lukewarm on it
Austin likes it

I mean, that's a fiver.
Guys I have a strong feeling about The Taken King making top 10 this year, being the first exception for a major expansion pack

Jeff is positive on it
Brad loves it
Dan is positive on it
Drew is lukewarm on it
Austin likes it

I mean, that's a fiver.
Top 10 DLCs isn't a very interesting list. But it has been a good year for expansions and added content.
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