Jeff works for the North Koreans too?!?!?
For now.
Jeff works for the North Koreans too?!?!?
I'm still a little shocked that they let Drew take vacation now.
After all, they kind of knew what Jason's window was going to be for about six months, right?
It's not always up to you alone when you're going on a vacation if you're going with other people. GB will be fine without them for a couple of weeks, chaos can be good!
It's not always up to you alone when you're going on a vacation if you're going with other people. GB will be fine without them for a couple of weeks, chaos can be good!
Drew's in Europe, he might've planned this for a long time
Also, there is only a small window before the end of year release rush and the GOTY experience.
I'll bet he's on some secret government black op.
I'm still a little shocked that they let Drew take vacation now.
After all, they kind of knew what Jason's window was going to be for about six months, right?
Whaat?! If anything, the North Koreans HATE Giant Bomb. Just look at this leaked photo from Drew's recent Logitech sponsored excursion to the DPRK.
i hope it's not a sneaking mission
If it was, we'll hear about the bloodbath on the national news soon enough.
At some point you can't force someone to not take vacation! There's already so many other times of the year that he pretty much "can't" go on vacation: GOTY, E3, the main PAXes, BLLSL.I'm still a little shocked that they let Drew take vacation now.
After all, they kind of knew what Jason's window was going to be for about six months, right? recorded two great episodes of Danswers in the last 24 hours. @MrMooEar's goes up soon, and @SamanthaZero's will be up in two weeks!
So Mary's really doing a thing that has no attachment to Gamespot?
I feel like that's odd, especially combined with Danny's streaming of Fallout and the like, but then I think about all of Dan's Periscopes and shit.
Is it strange? It is worrisome?
Tell me what to think!
I noticed I had a bunch of new followers on Twitter. Some even from this thread. I did some follow back from the people I recognized by name or through the profile.
Looks like Dan is also not that much into Tri Force Heroes. This is now the second first party Nintendo title in a short time that turned out ho-hum right? On 3DS I mean.
Yeah, 3DS output this year has been not great.
But we are getting a new SMT, Ace Attorney, and Fire Emblem next year which is awesome.
Like, why do this? Why space them out when they're ready to go?
It's the Giant Bomb NeoGAF community's Synchtube page!
daydream hasn't been around recently to add good videos so we're... two and a half hours into Brodyquest 10 Hours. It's the jam!..
Only Fire Emblem is really something for me. It seems like the software for the thing is really winding down, which does make sense if the new console/handheld hybrid thingy is coming.
Like, why do this? Why space them out when they're ready to go?
Probably because they don't know when they'll record a new one so it makes sense to have something already recorded they can release down the line. It's really no different than them recording 5 quick looks in a day then spreading them out through the week. Danswers just has a longer schedule ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I like the look of Beyond Earth thanks to the new quicklook but I wish it had a bit more personality.
Danswers is the only semi-regular thing they have on Mondays, and you ideally need content every day to get people to come back.
Only Fire Emblem is really something for me. It seems like the software for the thing is really winding down, which does make sense if the new console/handheld hybrid thingy is coming.
Due to the recent giantbomb talk about how insane and impractical xbone's drm was, I've been listening to the bombcasts from the period of Microsoft unveiling the xbone's drm policies to when they decided to get rid of it. It's kinda funny how obstinate they were back then that the drm was the right thing to do compared to now.
Also made me sad because it very shortly lead up to THAT episode.
Due to the recent giantbomb talk about how insane and impractical xbone's drm was, I've been listening to the bombcasts from the period of Microsoft unveiling the xbone's drm policies to when they decided to get rid of it. It's kinda funny how obstinate they were back then that the drm was the right thing to do compared to now.
Also made me sad because it very shortly lead up to THAT episode.
I understand the Quick Look thing since most, if not all, have embargoes tied to them. It just seems so unnecessary with a podcast that's based on emails.
Well, its premium feature that doesn't really need to get people to come back? They're there. Waiting.
There was such an aura of inevitability about DRM going to Sony. I still think that they are right that it will happen, it's just a matter of time. Hell, most games a nigh unplayable without day-one patches and live internet connections. Keeping the right to resell discs was a minor victory at best.
There was such an aura of inevitability about DRM going to Sony. I still think that they are right that it will happen, it's just a matter of time. Hell, most games a nigh unplayable without day-one patches and live internet connections. Keeping the right to resell discs was a minor victory at best.
As they've said though recently, the infrastructure is still not there yet. Also at least you can deal with it on a game by game instead of it being an enforced system-wide thing.
The Legend of Zelda quick look is pretty amazing
The Audio balance(Or lack of it)
The MGScanlon border under the DS overlay
The QL streaming for no reason
The were territories like the UK and Australia the 360 had made so much ground in was pretty much wiped out in a second because the only tangible benefits to the system over the cheaper PS4 simply didn't work.
is there no one at gamespot who can save us
The Legend of Zelda quick look is pretty amazing
The Audio balance(Or lack of it)
The MGScanlon border under the DS overlay
The QL streaming for no reason
The Legend of Zelda quick look is pretty amazing
The Audio balance(Or lack of it)
The MGScanlon border under the DS overlay
The QL streaming for no reason
The Legend of Zelda quick look is pretty amazing
The Audio balance(Or lack of it)
The MGScanlon border under the DS overlay
The QL streaming for no reason
Ah, the day without top men
The Legend of Zelda quick look is pretty amazing
The Audio balance(Or lack of it)
The MGScanlon border under the DS overlay
The QL streaming for no reason
New conspiracy theory; Drew and Jason planned their absences so they can bargain for higher wages when they return.
"See how messed up things were without us".
Follow the money, etc