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Any recommended GB videos from the past year? I'm new...
Any recommended GB videos from the past year? I'm new...
I was randomly clicking around on Youtube and all of a sudden the next video was "Quick Look: Velvet Sundown"
Any recommended GB videos from the past year? I'm new...
Any recommended GB videos from the past year? I'm new...
You know you can do that too, right? With the Synchtube, anyone can add videos to it. If you're a registered member, you can also change the order of videos to play or play a video instantly.
congrats! i finished it a couple weeks ago---registered for my first 5k in two weeks! If you're gonna keep going, 5K210K starts off pretty slow in comparison, so you've got some recovery runs ahead.
It just hit me that Dan and Danny are Bulk and Skull lol
It's amazing to me that navigating the Giant Bomb video library is still so terrible considering how important video is to users. I mean, unless I'm missing a setting, is there really no way to immediately skip to Metal Gear Scanlon 2 if I want to without scrolling through endless pages of video thumbnails in the "Metal Gear Scanlon" section? Is there something I'm missing? I made a shitty 45 second mockup in Paint that would make a difference.
Even something simple like hovering over for a preview (like porn sites) and tags would make a huge difference. I've had a couple segments I'd like to go back and watch in various UPF's over the years, and without tags, a proper description, or a preview ability, you're basically left to blindly stumble through videos and hope you find what you're looking for.
I realize there have been some crazy changes at Giant Bomb over the last few years, but c'mon now.
It's amazing to me that navigating the Giant Bomb video library is still so terrible considering how important video is to users. I mean, unless I'm missing a setting, is there really no way to immediately skip to Metal Gear Scanlon 2 if I want to without scrolling through endless pages of video thumbnails in the "Metal Gear Scanlon" section? Is there something I'm missing? I made a shitty 45 second mockup in Paint that would make a difference.
Their content organization and video player are so ridiculously bad, especially for a site that's 90% video content.
Yeah I mean a lot of this stuff was solved collectively by designers over a decade ago, and it's like everywhere you look on the Giant Bomb site there's just a mess of nonsensical, glaring design missteps.
Hell, another basic thing that's fucked up is the search. When you search for "Metal Gear Scanlon 2", episode 6 shows up first. Then 10. Then 5, 9, 13, 4, and 7. With no descriptions. Why? How does this help anybody?
Yeah, I think the unified look across CBSi sites is fine, but there needs to be room for more customization.
Apparently they are in the process of changing the way videos are categorized and that might help.
I recently realized that there should be a clear indication on QLCrew whether the video is Premium or Free, I should get on that.
As for the video player. I hate it. Recent changes broke it even more. There is a lot of tracking going on in it, but all the request are done synchronously. Whenever you skip position it calls two or more urls and they must complete before the player even decides to do the seeking. This is horrible. Same thing happens when you click play. It makes it feels sluggish.
There is also the initial load of the video file and that could also be improved. The longer the video, the longer you have to wait for it to start playing.
All of this is giving me a headache when I want timestamps or chat archives to work properly. Today I switched to using YouTube embeds wherever I could. Clicking on a timestamp with a YouTube embed loads the video in like 2 seconds, vs. 10 with their video player.
What's wrong with the video player? I love the GB player. Having a fullscreen option that just fills the browser tab is so good and handy.
The best way to search for something like that is to search for the game and go to the video section of the WIki.
Yeah, I think the unified look across CBSi sites is fine, but there needs to be room for more customization.
Apparently they are in the process of changing the way videos are categorized and that might help.
I recently realized that there should be a clear indication on QLCrew whether the video is Premium or Free, I should get on that.
As for the video player. I hate it. Recent changes broke it even more. There is a lot of tracking going on in it, but all the request are done synchronously. Whenever you skip position it calls two or more urls and they must complete before the player even decides to do the seeking. This is horrible. Same thing happens when you click play. It makes it feels sluggish.
I'm sure that works, but if anyone on the design or engineering team thinks this is acceptable, they should be replaced. Seriously. It's 2015 y'all, and it's still a pain in the ass to browse videos on Giant Bomb. All the user jerry-rigging and shortcuts in the world don't excuse fundamentally poor design decisions.
What's wrong with the video player? I love the GB player. Having a fullscreen option that just fills the browser tab is so good and handy.
Yeah, I think the unified look across CBSi sites is fine, but there needs to be room for more customization.
Apparently they are in the process of changing the way videos are categorized and that might help.
I recently realized that there should be a clear indication on QLCrew whether the video is Premium or Free, I should get on that.
As for the video player. I hate it. Recent changes broke it even more. There is a lot of tracking going on in it, but all requests are done synchronously. Whenever you skip position it calls two or more urls and they must complete before the player even decides to do the seeking. This is horrible. Same thing happens when you click play. It makes it feels sluggish.
There is also the initial load of the video file and that could also be improved. The longer the video, the longer you have to wait for it to start playing.
All of this is giving me a headache when I want timestamps or chat archives to work properly. Today I switched to using YouTube embeds wherever I could. Clicking on a timestamp with a YouTube embed loads the video in like 2 seconds, vs. 10 with their video player.
Any recommended GB videos from the past year? I'm new...
Wow Crimson, dude, it's just a video player. There are options to mitigate the problems you have.
Player works great for me and QL Crew supplies the rest.
Yeah I didn't realise what a difference it was until I went back to an earlier video(It's still the week-end right?)
So I'm watching the latest "Best of" video and Jeff really is in great shape these days. As someone who lost a lot of weight lately, I'm really happy for him. Looking gud
Yeah I didn't realise what a difference it was until I went back to an earlier video
(It's still the week-end right?)
So I'm watching the latest "Best of" video and Jeff really is in great shape these days. As someone who lost a lot of weight myself lately, I'm really happy for him. Looking gud