James Spader has had a bizarre late career. Working backwards from the Blacklist to that character he played on the Office to Boston Legal.
There's like Michael Chiklis level pivots there.
well and then you go even further and you have Sex Lies & Videotape, Crash (the weird/bad/great Cronenberg movie), and Stargate (lol)
even funnier is him being the sex-icon actor in Secretary, literally on the cusp of him in real life going from "dude" to "old dude"
he's had a fascinating career
He loves in one of the most populated areas in the country so I'd have to guess its decent but with American telecommunications companies I've learnt you can never really guess anything logical like that.
to be fair he lives in New Jersey and, no offense to the fine people of Jersey, but it's kind of a wasteland. not exactly the type of place to be on the cutting edge of telecom tech
heck, not even NY is that great for internet speeds
e: apparently NJ's telecom infrastructure got a big renovation in 2014, who knew