Jeff's comments on Arkham Knight on UPF confirm my suspicion it will place for Most Dissapointing.
"Schoolies"I forgot what that thing is called when you finish year 12 and you zag off up to Surfies to get wasted for a week, but it's more like that I think.
But with costumes, and sometimes candy.
Australians call biker gangs "Bikie Gangs", you can't believe anything they say.
I can't tell if you're making fake holidays up because that sounds like something someone would say happens in Australia but is totally made up
It's not like we don't have Halloween. Just not celebrated on as massive of a scale as america.
Halloween is getting bigger by the year here in the Netherlands. When I was a kid it wasn't even a thing at all. America's cultural dominance is spreading.
it's pretty crazy how much the japanese young adult scene has taken to halloween. Was just out and about in osaka for the night. Crazy. wall to wall costumes.
The witcher 3 is gonna get the red dead treatment on this years Goty podcast.
Halloween is getting bigger by the year here in the Netherlands. When I was a kid it wasn't even a thing at all. America's cultural dominance is spreading.
wait... beagle is dan teasdale's brother?!?!?!?!
Commander Beagle?!?!?!? jeeze.
I have no idea what he's saying.
what's a beagle
I'm not a super big fan of GBE's current video thing.
Like, I love love love their videos, but why start Phantasmagoria and Life is Strange and not finish them? It's such a tease. Especially as someone who knows what's coming in both, I was really looking forward to seeing where they went with it.
I'm not a super big fan of GBE's current video thing.
Like, I love love love their videos, but why start Phantasmagoria and Life is Strange and not finish them? It's such a tease. Especially as someone who knows what's coming in both, I was really looking forward to seeing where they went with it.
Isn't that technically every game Giant bomb plays? that they start them and never finish them?
I think the GotY talk has gotten worse than the new hire talk was at this point
They finished Phantasmagoria 1 (one of the best videos on GB), and they randomly stopped Life is Strange after, what, four hours?
I'm happy to keep watching whatever they put out, but I wish they'd be a little more clear about everything, or just bite the bullet and call full game playthroughs "Let's Plays" and everything else Quick Looks. It's kind of hard to filter searches with their current naming setup. Am I missing an obvious tagging thing or something?
I think the GotY talk has gotten worse than the new hire talk was at this point
It's just proof that it's been a great year for video games.
It's just proof that it's been a great year for video games.
I think the GotY talk has gotten worse than the new hire talk was at this point
It really has, but people never bring up more than the same two or three games, so conversations don't really go anywhere.
Evolve was a 2015 video game!
That makes me feel young!
Drew got back yesterday
He made a jet lagged appearance on gbe playdate
Don't go into Need For Speed review thread.