the holder of the trombone
Also need to know if the physical PC version just comes with a steam code because fuck me actually buying the physical PC version would be cheaper than buying on steam. ;_;
Too late.
Also need to know if the physical PC version just comes with a steam code because fuck me actually buying the physical PC version would be cheaper than buying on steam. ;_;
Don't all PC physical PC games just activate on steam?
A suggestion: Could we at least have a soft rule against posting links to other threads where people are shit posting GB? It doesn't reflect well on this thread if the GB defense force shows up from this thread, and during E3 that almost got this thread banned for a month over the Gametrailers bullshit.
only if we also have a rule against stupid ass "don't read the comments" posts that only draw attention to stupid shit
also what the hell happened with Gametrailers
Don't all PC physical PC games just activate on steam?
it looks like it would run on a vita so the answer is probably "no"
The mods won't care if people start posting in comment sections outside of GAF, they seem to very much care if a community thread brigades other threads. That's my point.
The Gametrailers thing was so dumb I can't even be bothered to recap it. Basically a useless slapfight between GB fans and GT fans over reactions to the Sony conference that got several threads locked.
only if we also have a rule against stupid ass "don't read the comments" posts that only draw attention to stupid shit
also what the hell happened with Gametrailers
Shenmue III was announced and the world was split into two.
Anyway, yeah. I said in the NFS topic I don't like playing defense force, but I also don't like people being wrong and bashy over seemingly nothing. Balancing those ideas is...tough.
On the one hand, I like the gallons of salt that Jeff seems to create every once in a while.
On the other hand, the GT shit was so goddamn stupid. It was bad on both sides.
As a rule of thumb, I find not going into defense mode for people is good, because those people can clearly defend themselves.
.....however bathing in the salt is enjoyable.
a third-line center for the Washington Capitals.
Underrated post right here. Respect.
As a rule of thumb, I find not going into defense mode for people is good, because those people can clearly defend themselves.
.....however bathing in the salt is enjoyable.
The funny thing is that Jeff's probably the most forgiving of EA racing games compared to most other games journalist(not counting the serious racer fan ones that aren't going to give NFS the time of day anyways)
Watching the ryckoning replay on the community update post and god damn.
you guys ever get super happy when you're reminded how awesome the internet is?
I find it dehydrates my skin, so I avoid it.
Got a timestamp? I vaguely remember that happening.
Around 2:20:00
They should play Avalon again.
Last night was my @allprowrestling debut, and you can watch it from my perspective.
I don't know. Some of the textures in Witcher 3 are REALLY bad. Like everything about the interior of a tavern.
Haha jesus christ, the FO4 thread is going HAM right now.
Are some poor souls trying to argue FO4 looks better than Witcher 3? Thats some 'stripping down naked and running into the middle of a highway' type crazy
something on this page is tripping my antivirus software.
I need an adult.
probably (That box art)
which came from a piracy site lo
I mean, they're erratically bringing up how the writing in Pillars of Eternity is shit compared to Fallout..
Actually, it is being compared to COD.
I played Witcher 3 for 30 hours and 90% of my experience are going around towns or settlments that all look the same and using a batman voice to talk with pre-historic people wearing kitchen rags that either act like they don't like to talk or they don't have the mental ability to talk.
Here is a shot of Witcher 3 at max setting 4K. Who want to count the polygon sides now?
People talk about Fallout 4's indoor texture, but they don't realize how pulled back Witcher 3's camera is.
The base game of Witcher 3 is nothing more than a glorified up-res PS2 game with grass mod.
And the core gameplay is simply connecting the dots on a segmented map.
No exploration, no role playing, no character creation, it just needs some trinket collecting to be the perfect Assassin's Creed wannabe.
I'd be down with a good subway game.
Subways are fucking cool