the holder of the trombone
Oh yeah, Gamespot...
Well they both have Game in their name, they're practically the same company!
So glad to see finally getting the spotlight from CBS.
Oh yeah, Gamespot...
Well they both have Game in their name, they're practically the same company!
It's probably the Notch thing all over again. Looking to sell, but gets WAY more then expected.
Yeah solo streams are not nearly as good as studio ones.Just hope it ain't all boring solo streams from home. Magic happens when they're in the studio and slowly succumbing to madness.
I'm really no expert, but King had 600 million in net income last year and trends can't be bad if Bobby is acting now. Zynga is actually losing money and Rovio is tiny.You know the head of King is laughing he was able to get that much.
How are they any different from Zinga or Rovio? I just see another mobile company that is making boat loads of cash around 1 game that might lose all its steam a month from now. Not a wise investment.
King is like mass production factory for games. Know a couple of programmers that have worked there and they basically get divided into small groups with the assignment to just make as many games as they can. Not all of them make it out of course, but the intents is super clear.
also there's a FO4 PC screenshot thread
looks considerably less assy with proper lighting and some AA
if you need a 970 to run that well on Ultra I'll eat my hat.
if you need a 970 to run that well on Ultra I'll eat my hat.
yeah seriously. I ran MGSV on ultra at 60fps on a 660ti.
What res? Any AA?
My 980ti could only just about hold 60 at 1440p/max everything.
1080 and and yeah I had almost everything on except DoF and motion blur because that stuff annoys me. game was absurdly well optimized.
Yeah, those two options definitely cause performance to take a hit. It really is a well optimised game - I was able to DSR 4k/60ish for most of the game - but there were just a couple parts later on that really chugged for no obvious reason, so I went back to native.
friday:gbeast 24 hours
saturday: brad at home
sunday: jeff dan drew roriein the cbsi officesalexis ian and jason
read only memories is on indiegala as part of a bundle for like two bucks. three hours left to grab it, super worth it for vn fans, very snatcher-esque
Thanks. I heard mixed things, but for that price I am gonna get it for sure.
Also it is crazy that that game is already in a bundle like that. It came out less than a month ago.
Thanks. I heard mixed things, but for that price I am gonna get it for sure.
Also it is crazy that that game is already in a bundle like that. It came out less than a month ago.
Hoping for Us vs Them: Rocket League Round 3 for Extra Life!
i've only heard positive things myself but it's probably worth experiencing, in any case
was also surprised to see it in a bundle so soon
I think Austin spoke highly of it in the latest Beastcast.
Yes oh god yes
Been in a haze of dealing with a newborn for two weeks and just now catching up on the podcasts. The last Beastcast episode is amazing so far. The production for Dr Vinny and the Bagel controversy are great. "Les Moonves loves an everything bagel."
is your name jason oestreicher
If my Steam library would have a name, that would be it.I got that bundle but I feel kind of bad because I have no interest in any of the other games
friday:gbeast 24 hours
saturday: brad at home
sunday: jeff dan drew roriein the cbsi officesalexis ian and jason
I got that bundle but I feel kind of bad because I have no interest in any of the other games
Anyone having problems with the video player not remembering your preferences? I'm signed in, premium member, but the streaming option keeps defaulting to Auto (which ends up being low) when I watch videos.
daydreaming is good ppl
More like dongdream
brb asking for a name change
I honestly was once tempted to ask for a name change on GAF.
Decided it wasn't worth it.
I don't know if anyone else listens to Lexicon Valley but the two comments introducing the word today were just absurd to hear, given the context of the conversation.
It's almost tumblr culture.
never change bro
I've been rocking the same avatar for 7 years now, even back in the GIF avatar era.
I don't change.
I've been rocking the same avatar for 7 years now, even back in the GIF avatar era.
I don't change.
Damn, just realized I'm working 99 hours the next two weeks. RIP video games.
That's a lot of work. Good luck duder.
Damn, just realized I'm working 99 hours the next two weeks. RIP video games.
RIP more than video games. Should I link that article that I recently linked that shorter work hours are not only better for productivity but also for the workers health?