Vape king 420 for best new character
Usually Thanksgiving is turkey and Christmas is ham.
They'll have two categories: best new character and best FMV actor/character.
turkey is like shit-tier meat, but my dad deep-fried it this year and it was CRAZY good.
Deep fried turkey is absurdly good. Also a really good way to burn your house down but eh. Worth it.
Vape king 420 for best new character
Just realized Dan or Alex could totally pull off a wicked cosplay of this guy
Deep fried turkey is absurdly good. Also a really good way to burn your house down but eh. Worth it.
The fact that deep fried turkey is a thing and also apparently kind of common is blowing my mind.
Stump's description of it basically being like chicken but worse in pretty much every way is spot on. If you've never had it then you aren't missing much.I looked up the prices for turkeys in New Zealand and now understand why I've never had it.
with all this turkey talk, I just googled "deep-fry turkey" and fuck now I want some too, didn't even know that was possible.
(but that looked like it could be dangerous!)
with all this turkey talk, I just googled "deep-fry turkey" and fuck now I want some too, didn't even know that was possible.
(but that looked like it could be dangerous!)
As if anyone has a chance against Jenks.
Oh, Alex is already in San Francisco! Cool! GOTY so close yet so far. I wonder if they'll release them before, during or after Christmas this time..
The Giant Beastcast - Episode 27 (Premium)
We gather up to give thanks to all the emails we received for this special episode. Of course, it wouldn't truly be a holiday without some controversy so we've brought a side dish of that too!
They'll release them the week before New Years like always I'm guessing.
In 2012 and '13 it started a day or two before Christmas. In 2008 it was December 19th. But yeah, in 2009, '10, '11, and '14 it was after Christmas. Odds are against a sooner release, but I'm crossing my fingers.
Kind of surprised to see them talking about the DOA stuff.