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Giant Bomb 18: Everything is always a surprise on some level

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I'm even playing a good guy Sith Warrior in Old Republic.

This was actually recommended to me, since the NPC reactions can be pretty funny


the ideal situation for me is anytime I can do good deeds but be a sarcastic jerk to people at the same time. Mass Effect was good at that.

Oh yeah for sure... I've never been able to do a full Renagade playthrough in any of the Mass Effect games (even as a second playthrough) but man..... I pulled ALL those triggers during cutscenes lol.


dan you're a lucky boy to have such parents

most divorcees are not that cool with each other in the long run


Those people have really selective memories in addition to being idiots. They obviously don't remember that one time Ryan slipped a homophobic slur and wrote a really sincere apology for it of his own volition.

Never saw this before, would be interesting to see what all these anit-SJWers thought of it


Ryan said:
Ladies and gentlemen, during tonight's Lantern Run, I made a terrible mistake with my language, one that I immediately recognized as hurtful, embarrassing, and just categorically inappropriate both personally and professionally. Giant Bomb has certainly been known to "work blue", but that kind of language simply has no place on Giant Bomb--and, frankly, in the world at large--not now, not ever. I was shocked myself when it came tumbling out, and instantly felt like the worst piece of shit in the world. Context is meaningless, because that word comes with too much of its own hurtful baggage to ever possibly justify.

I want to be crystal clear here: I'm saying this not because of some corporate mandate or some fear for my job. I'm saying this because it's important to me personally that I acknowledge the significance of what was said, and to own it. I feel miserable because that's not me, and it's horrifying to me to think that someone would take that awful outburst as some sort of implicit approval to use that word. That shit is just indefensible. As such, the archived version of the Final Lantern Run will be edited, though I wanted to make sure that this message got out there first, and that people know that this isn't a cover-up.

All I can ask for now is forgiveness for my gaffe. If you can't manage that, I understand, and hope that you can at least give me a chance to prove that I am better than what you saw of me in that deeply regrettable moment of frustration.


I wouldn't mind someone complaining about SJW pandering or whatever imaginary slight, but the "ever since Ryan died" makes that such a scumbag sentiment.

There's a Jeff Tumblr post somewhere saying Ryan would set them straight on GG if he was still alive and Jeff calmly saying Ryan was a pretty liberal guy who wouldn't support anything like that and I can't help but think Jeff has way more restraint and level headedness than I do.

I lost a friend when I was younger and if people were trying to "claim" him for their dipshit movement I'd be nowhere near as articulate as Jeff was in telling them to fuck themselves.


I passed a point of no return at some point in my adult life and can't bring myself to be a bad guy in games anymore :\

I still enjoy it because it often kinda breaks games due to, what I assume is, developers just not expecting the majority of players to bother with? Fallout 4 major spoilers -
So I sided with the Institute and massacred the Railroad. And the end Piper was all like "So are you proud of yourself?", replied with "Yeah I am" and she went off on one. Immediately after I talked to her again and got the default "Oh I'm so happy I found you, you mean so much...". It's great. Video games are terrible.

Are there any games that really commit to chastising the player for being awful? Aside from everyone just trying to kill you?


I've never been able to play the bad guy in games. If I do it's always the second run of a game.

I only replayed as evil in the inFamous games for trophies. gotta say, the stories made absolutely no sense when playing as evil. Second Son in particular was just bizarre and didn't match up with what's going on.


I still enjoy it because it often kinda breaks games due to, what I assume is, developers just not expecting the majority of players to bother with? Fallout 4 major spoilers -
So I sided with the Institute and massacred the Railroad. And the end Piper was all like "So are you proud of yourself?", replied with "Yeah I am" and she went off on one. Immediately after I talked to her again and got the default "Oh I'm so happy I found you, you mean so much...". It's great. Video games are terrible.

Are there any games that really commit to chastising the player for being awful? Aside from everyone just trying to kill you?

I mean, Morrowind straight up cuts off the Main Quest if you kill people willy nilly. I guess that's kinda it.


Renegade Female Shephard is the only true path for me.

Making it Renegade instead of evil was an interesting way to try to make it more palatable to people like me who just can't be evil. But often they'd still fall into the hole of making it be basically evil instead of being more like a pragmatist.
Are there any games that really commit to chastising the player for being awful? Aside from everyone just trying to kill you?

I can't do the genocide route in Undertale, but it was good enough at making me feel like a total piece of shit for killing even one person that I'll count it.

but yeah FO4 is a total disaster in that regard. almost nothing is connected to anything else. if you're lucky you'll get a line of dialogue. it's funny that so much discussion has been about the engine being built to be modular because it seems like every character and questline is modular since they don't really tie together at all.


but yeah FO4 is a total disaster in that regard. almost nothing is connected to anything else. if you're lucky you'll get a line of dialogue. it's funny that so much discussion has been about the engine being built to be modular because it seems like every character and questline is modular since they don't really tie together at all.


:: A Moment later ::

So tell me more about Diamond City.


Are there any games that really commit to chastising the player for being awful? Aside from everyone just trying to kill you?

It doesn't chastise the player (edit: actually, it totally does and even chastises people who don't engage in it but watch a playthrough on YouTube or something), but the Genocide route in Undertale is one of the very few games I can think of that actually make the player truly feel like they're being evil. "Evil paths" like in inFamous don't even do that; they're usually too silly, over the top, or have the protagonist tell themselves what they're doing is for the good of all or something like that.

After playing the Normal and Pacifist routes of Undertale, I was surprised just how dramatically different the game portrays itself as if you follow the Genocide route. There are so many minor touches that work in a big way.

I can't remember any video game in which
the NPCs realize that the evil player character is such a threat and is killing everyone that a mass evacuation occurs in order to get away from them specifically, leaving whole towns deserted and empty.
Usually, I feel like "friendly" NPCs will always just rush the player to their inevitable death if they're going evil and everyone else will just be oblivious.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I can't do the genocide route in Undertale, but it was good enough at making me feel like a total piece of shit for killing even one person that I'll count it.

but yeah FO4 is a total disaster in that regard. almost nothing is connected to anything else. if you're lucky you'll get a line of dialogue. it's funny that so much discussion has been about the engine being built to be modular because it seems like every character and questline is modular since they don't really tie together at all.

Coming after Witcher 3 it is really embarrassing in this regard.

Actually in pretty much every regard.
Nah, I'll be a bad guy if it's funny, but I don't want to do that to the characters in undertale.

Yeah, Undertale is maybe the only game I've played where I couldn't bring myself to at least start an "evil" playthrough (assuming one is available). I usually don't give enough of a shit about the characters to feel bad but I'm going nowhere near a genocide run.


Coming after Witcher 3 it is really embarrassing in this regard.

Actually in pretty much every regard.

The offhand moment in Witcher 3 where Geralt
asks the Doppler to imitate Ciri so he can see how she looks, and then immediately regrets it and becomes despondent has more pathos than the entirety of the main quest in Fallout 4, and that Doppler moment in the Witcher 3 is far from the most powerful.
Undertale is a really good shout for games actually reacting to you being evil. Going the evil route results in some characters motivations changing entirely

Renegade is just being an asshole to people. not really evil per say.
There's definitely some straight up evil stuff in there, I tend to avoid that stuff (because it's normally not interesting) and stick to just being a space asshole.
Can someone post the link to the video where Brad showed Dan how to change the hard drive in his PS4? I don't know how to search for it.

I'm going to attempt it myself tonight.
I can't do the genocide route in Undertale, but it was good enough at making me feel like a total piece of shit for killing even one person that I'll count it.

but yeah FO4 is a total disaster in that regard. almost nothing is connected to anything else. if you're lucky you'll get a line of dialogue. it's funny that so much discussion has been about the engine being built to be modular because it seems like every character and questline is modular since they don't really tie together at all.

I'm playing FO1 again and within the first two hours there's a sidequest to rescue someone from raiders.

Your options are

-Kill all the raiders in a frontal assault
-Sneak in from the back, quietly kill a couple of guards out of sight, pick the lock on the cell door, and run
-Talk to their leader and
-Barter for the release of the hostage with items of equivalent value
-Pass a speech check
-Offer to fight him one on one with no weapons​
-Use a stick of dynamite to blow open the cell door with a timed charge, taking out at least one raider, and making a run of the exit
-If you're a man, and have Luck of 9 and are wearing leather armor or using a stealth boy (to look like a ghost), you'll happen to resemble the leader's deceased father, causing the raiders to freak out. If you pass more Intelligence/Charisma/Speech checks, you can convince the leader into letting the hostage go.

Of course, this quest is impossible if you've already become a friend of the raiders by murdering two slaves (and talking to them after killing the raiders constitutes a sidequest of its own).

In Fallout 4, that sort of quest would be either Kill Everyone, or talk for these options: X) Let Them Go (Sarcastic) B) Let Them Go (Angry) A) Let Them Go (Nice)
I was firmly Team Index, but I just tried to replicate it on my phone and was kind of baffled about how it could look like that with either finger. She's an alien.


I think the duckface cut is key. it looks like the extended finger crosses over the other (index) finger

anyway, the collection has been updated accordingly.


I think the duckface cut is key. it looks like the extended finger crosses over the other (index) finger

anyway, the collection has been updated accordingly.

So, weird thing:
I searched "PassCode" and listened to some songs. I found it super fun, but I can't really explain why! I just liked it unconsciously.
I'm playing FO1 again and within the first two hours there's a sidequest to rescue someone from raiders.

Along with all of those outcomes, it's also worth noting that the raider clan in question has a history that spans three games (F1, F2, NV) and multiple generations. Compare that to the Gunners and every other group in F4 who are all content to just murder the fuck out of you upon seeing you for the first time. I enjoyed Fallout 4 for what it was, but I felt like most of the groups roaming the Commonwealth had the depth of a puddle.


"I wish there were more politically incorrect jokes on GB again and not the SJW-pandering bullshit that took over with Patshit ever since Ryan died."
31 thumbs up

I will say that some jokes made during the Persona 4 ER seem like they would draw more attention now. Didn't they call Naoto a ladyboy?


I will say that some jokes made during the Persona 4 ER seem like they would draw more attention now. Didn't they call Naoto a ladyboy?

i think it was just jokes on how this kid the story was trying to say was a guy was very obviously a woman trying to do a young male voice

vinny might've said ladyboy at some point though, yeah.


Along with all of those outcomes, it's also worth noting that the raider clan in question has a history that spans three games (F1, F2, NV) and multiple generations. Compare that to the Gunners and every other group in F4 who are all content to just murder the fuck out of you upon seeing you for the first time. I enjoyed Fallout 4 for what it was, but I felt like most of the groups roaming the Commonwealth had the depth of a puddle.

"We're racist"
"We're elitist"
"We're crazy"
"We love slavery!"

That's pretty much it. Then the endings:

"We're gonna need you to kill the other two factions."

"But do we really have to?"


It's even worse with the the Institute because they basically say "Oh, you're our leader now!" yet you have no choice to not just kill everyone else.


Jason Oestreicher ‏@unastrike 6 hours ago

That weird screen tearing I mentioned on the podcast? Well, turns out that upgrading to Windows 10 just... fixed it? Cool. Whatever.

Jason is spoiling the Bombcast.


I'm playing FO1 again and within the first two hours there's a sidequest to rescue someone from raiders.

Your options are

-Kill all the raiders in a frontal assault
-Sneak in from the back, quietly kill a couple of guards out of sight, pick the lock on the cell door, and run
-Talk to their leader and
-Barter for the release of the hostage with items of equivalent value
-Pass a speech check
-Offer to fight him one on one with no weapons​
-Use a stick of dynamite to blow open the cell door with a timed charge, taking out at least one raider, and making a run of the exit
-If you're a man, and have Luck of 9 and are wearing leather armor or using a stealth boy (to look like a ghost), you'll happen to resemble the leader's deceased father, causing the raiders to freak out. If you pass more Intelligence/Charisma/Speech checks, you can convince the leader into letting the hostage go.

Of course, this quest is impossible if you've already become a friend of the raiders by murdering two slaves (and talking to them after killing the raiders constitutes a sidequest of its own).

In Fallout 4, that sort of quest would be either Kill Everyone, or talk for these options: X) Let Them Go (Sarcastic) B) Let Them Go (Angry) A) Let Them Go (Nice)

Fallout 4 is a bad RPG.

I should replay Wasteland 2 now that the enhanced version is out.


"We're racist"
"We're elitist"
"We're crazy"

That's pretty much it.

well, Raiders and Gunners are just fodder for gear and weapons. so I can understand that altho some of them have pretty entertaining conversations if you don't aggro them immediately. I would've liked if Scavengers didn't aggro on me tho.


This Ryckertcast is some great stuff all around. Though coming from a pretty square conservative sorta family, it boggles my mind to hear Dan laughing as his parents talk about their sex life when they were together. That was a great segment, though.

Also, since Dan's girlfriend knows the truth about Morrowind being the best Bethesda game, she's undoubtedly more qualified to talk about video games than Dan is.


Fallout 4 is a bad RPG.

I should replay Wasteland 2 now that the enhanced version is out.

problem is i started wasteland 2 and gave up in about half an hour because it wasn't actually very fun to play.

xcom has spoiled me for anything from that damn camera angle now
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