Worth watching?
I found an alleyway with locked doors on either side filled with raiders that looooove their molotovs. And the entrance I was hiding by was lined with cars. That was rough.
11 hours in on Very Hard, still never seen a legendary enemy.
What is Starbreeze even working on right now? I know they are releasing Payday stuff and they are developing some VR headset, but are they still making new games?I'm like that when it comes to The Darkness whenever Starbreeze is brought up, that was such a great game.
He should move on and test it with Quake Live.Jeff used Steam Controller
What is Starbreeze even working on right now? I know they are releasing Payday stuff and they are developing some VR headset, but are they still making new games?
Oh man just watching Toonstruck.
"You can go ask Jeff Gerstmann why cartoons aren't violent anymore".
Finished the Bombcast. It was a solid episode, aside from one thing...
Steam Machines were always destined to be super niche. Steam Link is the more interesting hardware.I am not hearing much buzz about the steam controller or steam machines in general
Finished the Bombcast. It was a solid episode, aside from one thing...
I am not hearing much buzz about the steam controller or steam machines in general
I think we can excuse them from Destiny talk this week because it's a game Dave Lang plays and it's not like he's on the bombcast every week.
I'd get one but the quality of the controller looks like shit. Especially compared to a xbone controller.
Haha that's amazing. I'm behind on GB content because my life is 24/7 Fallout right nowOh man just watching Toonstruck.
"You can go ask Jeff Gerstmann why cartoons aren't violent anymore".
Haha that's amazing. I'm behind on GB content because my life is 24/7 Fallout right now
hope y'all are ready for the best+ localisation announcement tonight
goodbye sweet world, otherwise ;-;
people need to give up the hope on PSO2 coming over
it really is fine if you use the fan translations
aaaaaaand Dan just spoils me a major twist in MGSV on accident in the new metal gear scanlon. Drew didn't notice. ehhh. Well it was actually my main theory and the most obvious at that ....so you ARE playing as a clone. thought that was coming. now i cant wait for the mission where it says starring "venom snake" and "big boss"
Oh lawd I missed what it was referring to it, but now I remember that mixlr.
Haha that's amazing. I'm behind on GB content because my life is 24/7 Fallout right now
I remember Brad saying he had never played Twilight Princess. I hope, assuming the remake is announced, that he tries the game out to hear his opinions on it.
I hope Jeff reviews the game (he won't /there won't be a review for it) for a nice nod back to 8.8.
the game doesn't even really account for different "legitimate" styles of play so I'm not surprised that they didn't bother to account for extreme styles like a genocide run.
none of the stats or perks really matter. at best they let you talk your way out of killing everyone in very specific circumstances, but for the most part they're just quality of life things. like, oh i can hack this terminal so my life is slightly easier.
it's just a matter of time before we see a bunch of 0 skill point runs because even in situations when you have to hack a computer to progress, they'll just have the password laying around somewhere. or, you can bring a buddy who will hack it for you. for a role playing game, there's really only one role they want you to play.
I've been watching the SF EL stream at work, and them trying out the graphics settings on Black Ops III PC is some good content. That game can scale real fucking low.
playing fallout 4 and am discovering that you can't kill non hostile npcs (i.e. townspeople or that asshole preston garvey). fuck this game
catching up on the blops ql:
dan: "were you a fan of the gamecube start-up and sounds?"
jeff: "well yeah"
they were so good
Finished the Bombcast. It was a solid episode, aside from one thing...
people need to give up the hope on PSO2 coming over
it really is fine if you use the fan translations
Is Vinny's Extra Life stream gone forever? That should've been archived on Youtube, right?
Also, what about the archive for Drew/Alexis? You'd think that would be up on the site by now.
From GBU, this should be most of the archive.Is Vinny's Extra Life stream gone forever? That should've been archived on Youtube, right?
Also, what about the archive for Drew/Alexis? You'd think that would be up on the site by now.
I want Fallout 4 Squarespace.
I can't check reddit at work. please summarize.
Fun fact: I currently possess a copy of Fallout 4. I was massively looking forward to it, and I fucking LOVED Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim, etc. The jank has never bothered me, and Mass Effect 1 on 360 is my favorite game ever, so clearly I have zero problem with shit framerate.
The tone of discussion on Fallout 4 has meant that I have not yet bothered to play the game, and I'm increasingly feeling like I don't want to play it, even though I'm fairly certain I would love the game.
That is all.