Did they sit on that Demo Derby for a week or did Drew and Jason quickly rig up a bootleg setup? Guessing the former.
Did they sit on that Demo Derby for a week or did Drew and Jason quickly rig up a bootleg setup? Guessing the former.
Table for scale, that is actually a pretty big space.
How long will it take their new desks to become gigantic messes like their old ones? I give them 13 days.
Demo Derby!!!
Oh man I LOVED Intelligent Qube back in the day.
Nothing plugged in yetDid they sit on that Demo Derby for a week or did Drew and Jason quickly rig up a bootleg setup? Guessing the former.
Someone should tell Jason those TVs are facing the wrong way.
Guys, I know they are probably facing this way to make connecting them easier.
Who's the guy they recognize during the E3 clip?
petefic asked:Is there any sort of new content that you guys previously weren't able to do that you will now be able to with the new studio?
jeff:Well investigate a video version of the podcast once were up and running. Thats probably the big one.
Do you plan your youtube videos as much as you do for The Point? or are they more stream-of-conciousness style? You seem to be very good at verbalizing what you are thinking, and hitting the nail on the head with difficult subjects.
No those are pretty much from the hip. I try and remember a few bullet points to talk about, and then go for it. The thing about recording is that you can always stop and start again - so that helps. Honestly I think I could be doing better at it - its a muscle Ive lost over the years. I used to be better when I was on gaming podcasts and radio shows a lot more. Doing my live streaming at home is helping a lot actually.
As for the preparation for The Point, though they are scripted Ive actually had so little time to do The Point these past few months, that I dont even spend that much time on it. Where Im spending my energy is something Im taking a real hard look at at the moment. To be honest, Im not sure if that show is a good fit for GameSpot anymore. Its nothing like anything else we produce and its becoming harder and harder to get eyes on it. Its frustrating. I think the Tony Hawk episode took the wind out of myself and Andys sails. The audience were trying to reach with that show isnt the same audience that visits GameSpot anymore and it increasingly feels like a losing battle.
I want to make stuff that works for GameSpot, while not letting skills that matter to me atrophy. Its a difficult balancing act that Im taking a lot of time to think about right now. Thanks though. I do like doing them - when I have something I want to say.
Man that answer on Danny's Tumblr is sad. I replied to him saying he should continue to make those videos because they are awesome but post them on GBb instead. Better community for that kind of stuff.
Man that answer on Danny's Tumblr is sad. I replied to him saying he should continue to make those videos because they are awesome but post them on GBb instead. Better community for that kind of stuff.
That does sound a bit grim. Hopefully Danny manages to find a good middle ground where he can do what he loves without slaving over something nobody watches.
In other news, the sky isn't fallingyet
Why was he filming that?
That's just sad. But I do understand GameSpot users not caring about that stuff. It just gets drowned by everything else on that site.Man that answer on Danny's Tumblr is sad. I replied to him saying he should continue to make those videos because they are awesome but post them on GBb instead. Better community for that kind of stuff.
How long will it take their new desks to become gigantic messes like their old ones? I give them 13 days.
Why was he filming that?
Follow the money.
Danny is never going to leave GameSpot but if some of his long form video content went up on GB I think it would get a higher profile. As a trade off I can see some of Dan's dumb shit going down well with the kids that visit GameSpot.
Why was he filming that?
Rorie is suspicious of everything and lets no moment go undocumented.
regarding this, i was just listening to a super-early bombcast episode (i think it might've been episode of april 8th of 2008 maybe?) where Ryan mentions that they shot video of the podcast. anyone know if that video was ever released? i really don't remeber ever seeing that on the site.
Rorie is suspicious of everything and lets no moment go undocumented.
Man that answer on Danny's Tumblr is sad. I replied to him saying he should continue to make those videos because they are awesome but post them on GBb instead. Better community for that kind of stuff.