don't forget to periscope it
And send it to Brad's Tumblr.
don't forget to periscope it
Giant Bomb #19 | Don't Poop In The Shower
Texas drivers do their road communicatin' by rolling coal.
you know how it is
Yall forfeit all rights to call a game garbage if you're going to sit here and act like croc is alright.
I don't know why but the Rez Infinite section on the bombcast made me really want to read Neuromancer. Is Neuromancer good? Has it aged well?
yeah, Croc is alright
I'm not swooning over it like some of you are with Tales from the Borderlands (which is also "alright")
So what's the best album to start on with these Chvrches folks?
So what's the best album to start on with these Chvrches folks?
I was randomly thinking about different E3 press conferences the gang might go back and talk over and I almost forgot the E3 where Sony spent a lot of time on Wonderbook and how it would change how kids play with video games. I think this was before Skylanders and I'm pretty sure the demo ended up being a complete mess... Weird how I never heard about that thing after that E3... Looking at Wikipedia they only put out 4 games for it. Can't remember what they gang said about it at the time though.
Cool, I didn't realize they'd only had 2 albums.Both albums are good but IMO the first one is a bit better. I REALLY love some of the songs (Gun, Nightsky and Science/Vision are my favorites).
I'll be the judge of that!all their stuff sounds the same to me but shh
Croc was amazing for someone who's parents didn't want to buy a console.yeah, Croc is alright
I'm not swooning over it like some of you are with Tales from the Borderlands (which is also "alright")
I just had a sudden realization that Broken Age "came out" this year. Think it will be uttered even once during the GOTY podcasts, in any context? I'd still really like to finish it. I never even completed part 1.
It kinda suck to have to re-do that first 1.5h of TftB but MAN that intro is nice (the whole credits with music and late title card)... Those scenes are always great in the Borderlands series and this one doesn't dissapoint.
Also, as much as I enjoy this game it kinda makes me want to play an actually Borderlands game again.
Why are you playing it again? Broken save or something?
Why are you playing it again? Broken save or something?
Jumbled input prompts, apparently. The classic telltale quality. To fix it, IIRC, you only had to run the game as administrator. Oh well... Anyway too late lol. I still saved the money so that's great.
Not the end of the world to redo the first part since I can pick different dialogue choices. Just too bad you can't skip any cutscenes.
they really dug part 1 but i really don't remember much discussion on part 2. doubt it's gonna get more than a mention
Paid 15$ for it on Steam last week. Played the first 1.5h with weird controller issues (the game is kidna fucked when playing with a wireless XB1 controller).
Bought it today on PS4 for 3.75$ and got the 14$ refund on Steam. So not only did I save a lot of money but I also got a version without the controller issues. Now I just need to catch back up to where I was.
Listening to the bombcast, it seems the crews pretty down on Just Cause 3
Croc was amazing for someone who's parents didn't want to buy a console.
I only had a PC when I was a kid and seeing Croc made me want to write a letter to its makers to port the game on PC (I was ~10 at the time).
You can imagine how surprised and hyped I got when it was actually released on PC a while later. I remember making my parents buy me a PC gamepad for it.
As far as I remember Croc 2 was much better, mainly control-wise, but I didn't spend much time with it.
All I remember is a spoiler being dropped out of nowhere on the Bombcast, although I don't even recall what it was now. Would they consider it for most disappointing game? I guess they didn't have big expectations, so probably not.
Croc's cool because it's a decent game that scratches my "3D platformers with a linear structure" itch, which doesn't really happen too often.
Now it's a pity party contest of who gets number 10, Witcher, Just Cause, or Fallout
Broken age act 1 is terrific
Act 2 is not so hot. It's reuses a ton of environments from the first act and has some fucked up stupid ass puzzles in it that quickly remind you of why adventure games died off in the late 90s.
So when you get to act 2 just set those expectations real low and you'll be alright.
puzzle & dragons mario bros. edition
Sounds like a terrible infection.
Huh, I just noticed Austin likes to end his articles with "but what do you think" kind of paragraphs quite often. I don't know how I feel about that.
I'll get on this sinking ship with you. TftB is a fun romp, but it is nowhere near top ten GOTY material for me, not even close. People in here seem to be flipping out over this game. It's fine.I'm not swooning over it like some of you are with Tales from the Borderlands (which is also "alright")
Listening to the bombcast, it seems the crews pretty down on Just Cause 3
Haven't listened to the Bombcast yet, but when I'm playing JC3 I almost always have a Twitch stream or a podcast going as well... Game doesn't hold my attention enough on it's own, but is still enjoyable.