.. does that exist?Or doctor who porn.
Asking for a podcast's tumblr.
.. does that exist?Or doctor who porn.
.. does that exist?
Asking for a podcast's tumblr.
It's always weekend here.
All of IGN's Best of 2015 nominees are out. For those curious.
"Best Technical Excellence"
Arkham Knight
One of those is not like the othersWhat Was the Best Action Game of 2015?
Duck Game
Hatoful Boyfriend
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
It's always weekend here.
I only know what tumblr is because my friend said "Hey look at this." and it was porn. And then I eventually had to learn not to blindly click on any link she sent me.
I only know what tumblr is because my friend said "Hey look at this." and it was porn. And then I eventually had to learn not to blindly click on any link she sent me.
I had to laugh. I know they mean the console versions, but still (also "Best Technical Excellence"?)
I only know what tumblr is because my friend said "Hey look at this." and it was porn. And then I eventually had to learn not to blindly click on any link she sent me.
All I know is that Brad will be sifting through a ton of yaoi.
I'd like to hear more of this story.
I think the last one I clicked on was some sort of furry inflation thing. Do dragons count as furries?
I wonder how long it'll take before Brad burns that tumblr to the ground?
That sounds like Boston and Shaun, an infamously bad webcomic that's very transparently fetish-fuel for inflation enthusiasts.
Love that bootleg ass slightly off-key SMB theme in the menu
With the new 2.0 release, I think there's plenty of content playable in Star Citizen for GB to do a feature, whether it be an Unfinished or even a Flight Club or something. Maybe wait for the next performance update, though.
With the new 2.0 release, I think there's plenty of content playable in Star Citizen for GB to do a feature, whether it be an Unfinished or even a Flight Club or something. Maybe wait for the next performance update, though.
Whilst it is impressive from a technical standpoint, I still don't think it is ready to be approached by the layman expecting to waltz into the game without any preparation, which is what they'll do then claim nothing works. Honestly there is plenty of time until it gets to beta.
I think calling what exists right now a "2.0" pretty amazingly overconfident statement
Great point. I feel like Drew could do it justice, though.Quoting what I said on friday.
I think calling what exists right now a "2.0" pretty amazingly overconfident statement
Dark Souls people.
I have never played a Dark Souls kind of game before. I'm not really sure I can say I've played anything vaguely related to the kind of game. If I were to get both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II (maybe Scholars of the First Sin version) on PC, which should I play first?
people really aren't familiar with some of the more obscure mario games out there, eh
my favourite might be mario no sweater for famicom, a game where you design sweaters
Rewatching Metal Gear Scanlon 1
Pretty sure I've psychoanalyzed why Drew said "H Button"
He was right next to the Heliport
You've played a ton of Monster Hunter which shares a lot of similar thought processes and mechanics in how you approach situations, but Dark Souls applies that to a level design format as well and not just the boss aspect like MH does.
Dark Souls people.
I have never played a Dark Souls kind of game before. I'm not really sure I can say I've played anything vaguely related to the kind of game. If I were to get both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II (maybe Scholars of the First Sin version) on PC, which should I play first?
people really aren't familiar with some of the more obscure mario games out there, eh
The constant 20 frames per second in the port is shitty though, and would probably look awful on video..
Dark Souls people.
I have never played a Dark Souls kind of game before. I'm not really sure I can say I've played anything vaguely related to the kind of game. If I were to get both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II (maybe Scholars of the First Sin version) on PC, which should I play first?
Somebody in the OT said he actually got 60fps on port Olisar. It was a completely fresh server. It is something you notice, that as you play performance degrades until it goes crazy for a few moments an then recovers.
Dark Souls people.
I have never played a Dark Souls kind of game before. I'm not really sure I can say I've played anything vaguely related to the kind of game. If I were to get both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II (maybe Scholars of the First Sin version) on PC, which should I play first?
Oh, huh, I guess that's true. Though I've only played 4.
what if I told you I've never played a mario game? no SMB, no Galaxy, nothing
It's like living life without sex or music, possible but you're only depriving yourself of something wonderful. What a bummer.what if I told you I've never played a mario game? no SMB, no Galaxy, nothing
You can actually trick the game into letting you play in the PU offline, and frame rates are excellent. Maybe that's the way they would/should do it.
Nah. There is something special about going to Kareah, killing people camped near the rifles, taking one of those, going outside and jumping somebodies ship, killing the pilot, stealing their ship then going on a joyride.
So you're there having your fun and then somebody tracks you down and murders you in retaliation.