"What is Plastic Bolt Plasma?"
"What is Plastic Bolt Plasma?"
Is there wrestling on?
I've played a lot of Diablo for the past three weeks or so. Two character to level 70 and just a few levels short on a third one (this one's hardcore). It's pretty crazy, I don't remember the last time a game hooked like this.Boy I have played Diablo alot tonight. I'm watching Netflix and there's a scene with a group of people, and I had an urge to press the keys to Ground Stomp everyone and Rend them.
Brad should get back to facerig and be the anime girl he always knew he could be.
Brad should get back to facerig and be the anime girl he always knew he could be.
We have fun around these parts?also
So many Bombcast emails can be answered with "Who the fuck cares?"
Is Die Hard a christmas movie?
Who the fuck cares?
Is it really chilli if it contains beans?
Who the fuck cares?
I guess it is good for you if these are the only concerns that keep you up at night but take it to an internet forum, there you will find all the meaningless discussion you can handle with people who care every bit as much as you do.
So many Bombcast emails can be answered with "Who the fuck cares?"
Is Die Hard a christmas movie?
Who the fuck cares?
Is it really chilli if it contains beans?
Who the fuck cares?
I guess it is good for you if these are the only concerns that keep you up at night but take it to an internet forum, there you will find all the meaningless discussion you can handle with people who care every bit as much as you do.
But it's so hard to believe that I'm an anime girl tiamat.
It's just so hard.
We have fun around these parts?
I didn't know the Bombcast was the place for Serious Concerns that Keep You Up at Night
Now Danswers though..
I saw a Giant Bomb fan tumblr go in hard on Patrick about becoming a YouTuber and saying he only gets hits because of Jeff & Dan (which is weird because he has loads of pretty popular ones that aren't GB related including his 2nd most watch Mario video).
His solo videos on YouTube are almost exactly the same as the ones that were on Giant Bomb.
Pretty harsh. Tumblr is the worst.
I saw a Giant Bomb fan tumblr go in hard on Patrick about becoming a YouTuber and saying he only gets hits because of Jeff & Dan (which is weird because he has loads of pretty popular ones that aren't GB related including his 2nd most watch Mario video).
His solo videos on YouTube are almost exactly the same as the ones that were on Giant Bomb.
Pretty harsh. Some people don't know how to 'let go' I guess. Tumblr is the worst.
To be clear, emails is usually my least favorite part of the podcast (though I bet I'm in the minority on this one). But my impression is that the dudes usually have quite a bit of fun with the questions, and I can see how it could be a nice break from constant talk and thought about videogames. Anyway, I feel like the "who the fuck cares?" complaint kind of overgenerates and hits most of the stuff going on at GB or in videogames generally.I am tired and grumpy, that is my excuse, but you know Jeff feels the same way about most of the "this or that?" emails. You can hear it in his voice. I think he screened emails a lot better when he used to run the podcast. Nevermind me, go back to shit talking each others fruit choices![]()
I saw a Giant Bomb fan tumblr go in hard on Patrick about becoming a YouTuber and saying he only gets hits because of Jeff & Dan (which is weird because he has loads of pretty popular ones that aren't GB related including his 2nd most watch Mario video).
His solo videos on YouTube are almost exactly the same as the ones that were on Giant Bomb.
Pretty harsh. Some people don't know how to 'let go' I guess. Tumblr is the worst.
That damn dirty Patrick, getting views outside of GB. He should have gone under, cut all ties with them and then start working under a different name. Fortunate son indeed.
Name of that tumblr?
Well yeah, that's why I posted it here, I knew that person was a GAF member.
Ew, so you did the gaf equivalent of a sub-tweet? Think that's worse than the post tbh.
So what else did I miss while I was sleeping?
Vinny seems like a producer that wants a little bit of editing and focus in his works, I like that about his stuff.I'm not a fan of vinny passing around some handouts before the show so everyone can read the emails. Where's the surprise? I get why he does it, but I think it's super lame. Then again a lot of the beastcast emails have been great so maybe it's worth the lameness.
Ew, so you did the gaf equivalent of a sub-tweet? Think that's worse than the post tbh.
Part 3 of that Unarchived Retro Gaming Marathon has been wiped from youtube on copyright claims from SME :3
I'm not a fan of vinny passing around some handouts before the show so everyone can read the emails. Where's the surprise? I get why he does it, but I think it's super lame. Then again a lot of the beastcast emails have been great so maybe it's worth the lameness.
Giant Bomb Unarchived should be on some kind of UNESCO Cultural Heritage list or something, to be honest.
brehPart 3 of that Unarchived Retro Gaming Marathon has been wiped from youtube on copyright claims from SME :3
is it just me or does kojima now look like asian chris remo?
Jesus Christ. Man looks like he hasn't slept in months.
I did not know Andrew House could speak Japanese. Cool!
is it just me or does kojima now look like asian chris remo?
I did not know Andrew House could speak Japanese. Cool!
lol, Andrew House speaking japanese like it was nothing and here I am struggling with learning Cantonese.
lol, Andrew House speaking japanese like it was nothing and here I am struggling with learning Cantonese.
You should watch some Supergreatfriend.So I've been down a youtube let's play hole (don't ask me why) and goddamn why do they feel the need to make wacky voices for every single line of dialogue. Every. Single. Dialogue.