Vinny really just has to keep jumping up and left even if it looks like nothing is coming. Sometimes you just have to trust the level design to save you. I think the cruelty of the NES versions is messing with him.
I actually binged on GB's quick looks back in the day, but at the time I had to micromanage a 200GB monthly quota and eventually shelved the QLs as they were eating into the allowance a little too much. Consequently, I stopped visiting the site, and as my interest in games waned over time (there's a bit of running joke that all I play is AssCreed and it's not far removed from the truth), so too did my interest in the QLs.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 3m minutes ago
We're on a giant billboard over the Las Vegas strip for some damn reason today!
guess they've hit it big
guess they've hit it big
guess they've hit it big
guess they've hit it big
Everyone should follow Amanda.
Jeff is sick again.
shes the new hire
shes the new hire
Pretty much this.
Jeff is sick again.
guess they've hit it big
guess they've hit it big
Her experience in the Sunglass Hut will come in handy at Giantbomb..