Twin Tails
He always turns into a ghoul-like creature.I like how creepy he always makes Jeff look.
He always turns into a ghoul-like creature.I like how creepy he always makes Jeff look.
Is there ever an appropriate use of "gross" on GAF? Because if so, I've never seen it.
Huh, I had no idea Divinity: Original Sin came out for PS4. What's the GB thread consensus on that game, should I play it?
we have those threads in off-topic every once in a while where someone says a long incredibly foul story, and that's an appropriate use of gross, i would say
I guess the confessions thread in OT is the epitome of gross, when guys are talking about jerking off in people's coffee or actively fucking their sister. So there we go.
I'm always super late to this thread, but a few pages back someone was wondering how to pronounce Yakzua.
Correct pronunciation.
Glad you guys are enjoying it. It's been a real rush for me and my music pal seeing the view-count go up so quickly!
I guess the confessions thread in OT is the epitome of gross, when guys are talking about jerking off in people's coffee or actively fucking their sister. So there we go.
Glad you guys are enjoying it. It's been a real rush for me and my music pal seeing the view-count go up so quickly!
I've always pronounced it Yakooza and I'm very sorry for that.
The sister fucking is sweet in its own way
Is there ever an appropriate use of "gross" on GAF? Because if so, I've never seen it.
Imagine what it will be like with no content next week.petition to lock the giant bomb neogaf thread until the next stream
Still better than how most non-Japanese people say Ryu.And still people will say Yakooza lol.
Guys, you should really watch The Walk. Zemeckis really brought those suckers back to life.
God, I really just want Giant Bomb: The Animated Series at this point, lol
No Life is Strange livestream tomorrow ;(
Speaking of hilarious. Love these man, well done!Glad you guys are enjoying it. It's been a real rush for me and my music pal seeing the view-count go up so quickly!
I've always pronounced it Yakooza and I'm very sorry for that.
God, I really just want Giant Bomb: The Animated Series at this point, lol
No Life is Strange livestream tomorrow ;(
Cosigned. Imagine if he got a budget to do a "bombcast highlight of the week" or something.i say hire lackingsaint as freelancer and give that dude a budget
love the shorts and there's not enough of them
This is still one of the funniest GB thing ever
Jeff's emotionless facial expression while he goes through the motion is incredible lol.
never stops being hilarious. jeff's casual star trek correction just makes it that much better.
This is still one of the funniest GB thing ever
Jeff's emotionless facial expression while he goes through the motion is incredible lol.
This is still one of the funniest GB thing ever
Jeff's emotionless facial expression while he goes through the motion is incredible lol.
No Life is Strange livestream tomorrow ;(
Canceling my sub
Could've sworn GB already did a Fast Racing Neo QL.
Canceling my sub
Last weeks UPF
This is still one of the funniest GB thing ever
Jeff's emotionless facial expression while he goes through the motion is incredible lol.
So when can we expect a Trails of Cold Steel QL? I know how into the series the GB crew is.