if jeff was going to do the last livestream solo, why didn't he just do it at home?
instead of being alone at the office.
idk man.
doesn't want the cops to come and get him for playing roms
now they'll apprehend les moonves instead
if jeff was going to do the last livestream solo, why didn't he just do it at home?
instead of being alone at the office.
idk man.
Giant Bomb's video player has been making mylaptop run hot recently. I don't know if this is a recent thing or just something I never noticed before.
That's really disappointing. Have the week of Christmas off but back to work the week after so I won't have the time. Why do they have GOTY in a different week this year?
when did vidpod news come out?
I really have no use for video podcasts. I like listening to the bombcast over the week, and not in one sitting right after it's released. Also, on the go.
if jeff was going to do the last livestream solo, why didn't he just do it at home?
instead of being alone at the office.
idk man.
You think they'd just put out a video version of the Bombcast as-is for everyone? That'd be up to a 5GB file and they've mentioned before that bandwidth is a concern with all their long-form video. I can see them chopping it up. Makes it more Youtube-friendly too.
remember the smelling salt upf
what exactly is this? what does it smell like?
I really have no use for video podcasts. I like listening to the bombcast over the week, and not in one sitting right after it's released. Also, on the go.
But cool for people who want that.
Watching the Jeff stream right now.
I know Jeff isn't too hot on Turok, but it actually looks super fun to me. I really like this kind of level design. Probably gonna get this.
Turok 1? I heard that game is gonna get re-released on Steam along with its sequel Seeds of Evil.
I really want to play Seeds of Evil, both to relive my nostalgia (or crush it) but to also understand it. It was a really weird game iirc, with multiple story paths and a hub world and I'd like to experience that now that I'm not a stupid kid.
I just went on Tested.com (to watch an old video, don't worry, I'm not a maniac) and noticed Will had left. Any idea what he's doing with his new gig?
I just went on Tested.com (to watch an old video, don't worry, I'm not a maniac) and noticed Will had left. Any idea what he's doing with his new gig?
what exactly is this? what does it smell like?
He was playing the Steam version.
Some start up charged with making VR presentable or something like that.
Watched the solution to Armageddan and I'm sorry to say there's just no way Patrick will beat this stage. Even if he viewed the editor he probably wouldn't get it.
Watched the solution to Armageddan and I'm sorry to say there's just no way Patrick will beat this stage. Even if he viewed the editor he probably wouldn't get it.
Wanna bless us with that link friend
I assume it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVv3XzSe5Ks
You think they'd just put out a video version of the Bombcast as-is for everyone? That'd be up to a 5GB file and they've mentioned before that bandwidth is a concern with all their long-form video. I can see them chopping it up. Makes it more Youtube-friendly too.
Will the video Bombcast replace the premium podcast or will it be free?
Yeah, video podcasting is lost on me, I'm never going consume podcasts that way, unfortunately. I listen to all podcasts exclusively from my phone. Gametrailers has a video podcast that I never watch either, but I do listen to it every week.
Nope! I totally just grabbed an image I saw in the database under our header. Not sure what you heard last week, but maybe I was talking about something else?
Haha, Dan's a monster.
Watched the solution to Armageddan and I'm sorry to say there's just no way Patrick will beat this stage. Even if he viewed the editor he probably wouldn't get it.
yeah, this one's gonna be tough
just enough puzzles & tough platforming and it's a long one, too
good luck, patrick
I assume it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVv3XzSe5Ks
It seems like it'd be insanely hard to figure out getting the cape, then the helment, then yoshi then a spring just to get through that first part. So much repetition. That would be so damn frustrating.
Damn. What am I missing at 4:30, it looks like he takes damage but keeps the cape?
you're invincible when you slam down with the cape while flying
I assume it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVv3XzSe5Ks
I assume it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVv3XzSe5Ks