YOOO Yuzo Koshiro music!
Since we talk about spoiler culture in the last pages of the last thread I want to say that having a GAF thread about the NFL draft while banning untagged spoilers is nuts.
I couldn't tell if that was a joke or not, and I didn't want to actually click and know if it was.
Streets of Rage is the fucking shit
"Why would anyone want to play this" is also what I ask myself about any Sonic game post Sonic CD
what's so bad about S3&K
Did Dan really break his ribs?
Rorie is great and I wish he was in more content.
Austin and the team learn a lot about samurai, religion, and connectivity issues.
What should I watch on UPF this week?
This GBE Playdate starts pretty strong
What should I watch on UPF this week?
Looking at the Anime sale on steam...
... Is MegaMan anime?
Everything else on that sale is super creepy anime... then Megaman.
Or is MegaMan just being creepy hanging out with the underage visual novel girls?
So, say I really haven't watched anything in the past 4 weeks, what are the must watch videos?
Damn, they have so many quick looks and unfinisheds coming up they can't fit them all on the schedule.