i've now watched four grown men play mario party for the equivalent of an entire day.
You could see their souls leave their bodies at around hour 2i've now watched four grown men play mario party for the equivalent of an entire day.
How are the demon buttholes?
Mustard is the only thing that should go on a hot dog you sickos.
A lot of the cooler demons don't start showing up til later in the game
and man do they look FUCKING AWESOME
Are there Cacodads?
Uncharted 3 didn't deserve to make itYeah we'll see.
Uncharted 3 didn't make it and I feel like the guys' tastes and opinions on games are even more diverse now than they were then.
I've never played an Uncharted game BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL LACKLUST IMO.
I'll tell you who doesn't lack lust, Drew Scanlon that's who.
Finally getting to this week's UPF. Seems funny to me that Dan "KILL THAT GUY KILL THAT GUY KILL THAT GUY" Ryckert poked Brad about playing it cool once he died. I don't really like the backseat gaming around these Hitman plays. It just feels really roundabout compared to just letting Dan play :/
Finally getting to this week's UPF. Seems funny to me that Dan "KILL THAT GUY KILL THAT GUY KILL THAT GUY" Ryckert poked Brad about playing it cool once he died. I don't really like the backseat gaming around these Hitman plays. It just feels really roundabout compared to just letting Dan play :/
It has it's growing pains just like Metal Gear Scanlon did, if they keep doing it I'm sure Dan will chill a bit and let Brad experiment and do things his way.
Dan getting all crazy is the shtick of anything hitman related at this point. I find it entertaining. It makes me laugh.
i colmpletely missed drew just giving up during that one minigame during the stream
I just came back from a Hatsune Miku concert. Anime is real and it is among us. I am scared.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWsyp-R61Y0Did they show it?
Anybody seen Hush on Netflix? Thought it was pretty dang goodies.
Anybody seen Hush on Netflix? Thought it was pretty dang goodies.
My only experience with Doom is watching Vinny play on the MegaDate and Brad on the QL. Brad playing on the harder difficulty looked much, much more fun.
It also helped that Brad was playing with a M+KB
I've never really been this way before with single player games... but I can't imagine playing later levels of that game with a gamepad. There's just too much weapon swapping, running and quick aiming.