Felix Lighter
Geeze, how much did that cost?
It's expensive for a monitor but not absurdly expensive in my opinion. It was $800, but I use it every single day for hours.
Geeze, how much did that cost?
Overwatch will be the Rocket League of this year right down to the GOTY discussion.
Judge's week this week, Jeff will be on assignment. E3 is right around the corner for reals.
GB writing staff is hit or miss.
"We're saying Rocket League is better than Super Mario Maker?!???!" is the most evil play I've ever witnessed
"We're saying Rocket League is better than Super Mario Maker?!???!" is the most evil play I've ever witnessed
"We're saying Rocket League is better than Super Mario Maker?!???!" is the most evil play I've ever witnessed
The Gerstmaneuver
The Gerstmaneuver forever changed the GotY talks.
best something?
That was definitely the hardest I've seen El Jefe go all-in during a GOTYcast. Dude was MM or bust from day one.
aka put on a "fuck everything but MM this year" disposition with little cogent backing to it
and have everybody capitulate because it's jeff
yes i'm still salty
Dude... go outside.
Anything that keeps MGSV from winning awards can only be a good thing. Hottest messes don't deserve accolades.
Since GBEast's Megadate, I can't help but think it winning Best Style was a mistake.
lol what
Are you seriously upset someone's taste in games doesn't match your own?
Anything that keeps MGSV from winning awards can only be a good thing. Hottest messes don't deserve accolades.
Since GBEast's Megadate, I can't help but think it winning Best Style was a mistake.
FailedNinjaEdit: I mean it won because it has those retro filters (on menus you barely look at) that the crew lambasts in every retro game ever.
On another note, I wonder if they will consider VR stuff along with regular games this year, or if they'll have a separate category for that.
Yeah, Galak-z was a weird choice. I guess they really liked that VHS pause screen.
On another note, I wonder if they will consider VR stuff along with regular games this year, or if they'll have a separate category for that.
Yeah, Galak-z was a weird choice. I guess they really liked that VHS pause screen.
On another note, I wonder if they will consider VR stuff along with regular games this year, or if they'll have a separate category for that.
It was also a mistake since Galak-Z was not a full released product in 2015 (Or I guess any other year since 17-Bit is never completing it at this point).
On another note, I wonder if they will consider VR stuff along with regular games this year, or if they'll have a separate category for that.
Austin was saying that Void DLC was (essentially) the fifth chapter during the Megadate...
...which probably means there's enough time to revoke Galak-Z's 2015 Best Style win and give it to them this year.
yeah, it's called 'worst game'
If the current trend holds, I can see the "Please Stop" category being won by VR tech demos, and them saying like "just release full-fledged games already."
I've said my piece on it a hundred times, but I'll summarize again:
Releasing a bad version of a mode that should've been there at launch is not a replacement for finishing the damn game.
Since GBEast's Megadate, I can't help but think it winning Best Style was a mistake.
VR is going to take "Best short time game" category by storm, ain't a single damn VR game worth playing for more than about 30 minutes.
Galak-Z doesn't even get the right kind of animation for the 70s/80s galactic space wars its referencing.
This was a year in which Splatoon came out, let me remind you.
Don't forgetGalak-Z doesn't even get the right kind of animation for the 70s/80s galactic space wars its referencing.
This was a year in which Splatoon came out, let me remind you.
Are you being serious right now? I can't tell.
Were you in the GOTY thread when the proceedings were ongoing? You must have been a joy.
Clash Royale has Best Short Time Game on lock, I think.
You're actively complaining about someone enjoying a game you did not 5 months after they said it was good.
Let's not forget the true travesty of last year's GOTY deliberations: Undertale losing Best Music.
You're actively complaining about someone enjoying a game you did not 5 months after they said it was good.
I don't wanna defend that other guy too much, but the only thing I was salty about was that Jeff dismissed Brad's very very VERY valid point about needing an external source to actually enjoy the game, and basically said "you're stupid MM is great period"
Splatoon deserved that by a milllllllllle. Undertale is cool, but Splatoon is so much more special. Undertale fans being so vocal can't change that.
Splatoon deserved that by a milllllllllle. Undertale is cool, but Splatoon is so much more special. Undertale fans being so vocal can't change that.
Undertale fans put me off playing Undertale. I don't claim this is rational, it's just what happened. I'll probably play it someday and enjoy it.
oh, that I'm not so sure on. The way Undertale mixes together its leitmotifs is freaking astounding. Splatoon's music is incredible (especially with those new songs! More updates, please!), but Undertale's metatextual elements are really impressive.
Okay buddy, I'm deeply sorry.
What's wrong with you man? Go outside.
Stellaris has this year's Best Music on lock.
What was the external part of MM, needing others to make levels? Because I don't know what dark, alternate reality Brad is from, but MM hasn't ever been hurting for creators AFAIK. MGSV's external part of getting actively worse every time it connects to Konami's servers is an actual reality for the game.
Okay buddy, I'm deeply sorry.
What's wrong with you man? Go outside.
Most of Undertale's music is unpleasant to listen to and, while it's got an interesting use of leitmotifs, the music itself is pretty boring. Splatoon's sound is infinitely more unique and listenable.