Sleeping Lesson
They legit hurt my game experience by putting it on such a pedestal. In some ways that's not fair, but let's not pretend expectations don't matter.
Yep! That's more or less why I ended up not playing it. Someday, maybe.
They legit hurt my game experience by putting it on such a pedestal. In some ways that's not fair, but let's not pretend expectations don't matter.
Stellaris has this year's Best Music on lock.
What was the external part of MM, needing others to make levels? Because I don't know what dark, alternate reality Brad is from, but MM hasn't ever been hurting for creators AFAIK. MGSV's external part of getting actively worse every time it connects to Konami's servers is an actual reality for the game.
okay here i think we just straight up disagree
I hope you're not still salty over this exchange in 5 months.
oh, that I'm not so sure on. The way Undertale mixes together its leitmotifs is freaking astounding. Splatoon's music is incredible (especially with those new songs! More updates, please!), but Undertale's metatextual elements are really impressive.
Most of Undertale's music is unpleasant to listen to and, while it's got an interesting use of leitmotifs, the music itself is pretty boring. Splatoon's sound is infinitely more unique and listenable.
I wonder how much this year's goty format is gonna change. Seems like Vinny especially wants to do something different with it moving forward.
I almost turned the sound off because I found the soundtrack so unpleasant.
I'm sick of the GOTY stuff. I'd rather they put all that effort into something else. Ranking games is just so arbitrary.
The stuff I'm reading in here is so emblematic of what puts me off about the Undertale fandom. Hyperbole incarnate.
In this thread, or on these forums in general?
The stuff I'm reading in here is so emblematic of what puts me off about the Undertale fandom. Hyperbole incarnate.
Undertale fans put me off playing Undertale. I don't claim this is rational, it's just what happened. I'll probably play it someday and enjoy it.
Thing is I don't really understand why Undertale got singled out for having a shitty fandom. It does, but so did anything in a really niche fanbase. Did people get turned off by the souls games because of its fanbase? It's kinda worse.
A bit, I guess? I don't think I could point to any particular reason Undertale's fanbase irked me so much, though.Thing is I don't really understand why Undertale got singled out for having a shitty fandom. It does, but so did anything in a really niche fanbase. Did people get turned off by the souls games because of its fanbase? It's kinda worse.
Undertale is a good game but you won't find me forcing someone to play it or declaring it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
But the music is next level.
Hell, not even niche fanbase, just fanbase in general. Look at how people act in uncharted review threads.
Eh. They both are bad and they both get the amount of shit they deserve. I do think the Undertale fans are way more obnoxious in terms of actively hunting people down that disagree with them and harassing them.
I mean, I had someone read my Undertale complaints on Gaf and they actually came at me on twitter and told me to kill myself. I've bitched about a lot of games with niche fanbases and that's the first time that's happened. Hell, I've bitched about Bloodborne plenty and no one has felt the need to come at me on twitter.
Put it on vinyl, I'll listen to it! Sounds like the use in the game adds a lot, though.
People who let "fanbases" determine their desire to try something out or not will forever be very silly to me. Like I could care any less about the rabidity of a certain audience regarding how it informed my opinion ofor my desire to seek outa work.
The stuff I'm reading in here is so emblematic of what puts me off about the Undertale fandom. Hyperbole incarnate.
A bit, I guess? I don't think I could point to any particular reason Undertale's fanbase irked me so much, though.
Put it on vinyl, I'll listen to it! Sounds like the use in the game adds a lot, though.
I think it's real unfortunate if a fanbase turns you off from playing a great game. Thankfully I've never had this problem.
People who let "fanbases" determine their desire to try something out or not will forever be very silly to me. Like I could care any less about the rabidity of a certain audience regarding how it informed my opinion ofor my desire to seek outa work.
And that's super shitty, but there will be fans who does that for anything. It just takes one insane guy really.
Your defensiveness is proving my point.We're talking about the Best Music award. I'm going to use the word 'best' and other words like it. That's too hyperbolic for you?
In this case, I don't see anyone really being any different from the normal tenor of discussion in this thread. Any time you talk GOTY or favorite games like this, you have people being dismissive and hyperbolic for dramatic and comedic effect. Hell, I just have been doing a bit of that here for my defense of Splatoon.
Your defensiveness is proving my point.
I have very little time to play games. A lot of factors, subconscious and conscious, go into deciding what I'm going to play. When I see fans being super hyperbolic and shitty, I'm less likely to be interested in their thing. Like I said before, I'm not saying this is rational or a good way of deciding, but it's a factor.
Settle down.
There are quite a few fanbases that do similar, sure. On the other hand, let's not pretend that the Undertale fanbase isn't more vocal than normal. Pretty much anyone who was public in games last year was constantly bombarded by people demanding they check it out. Almost no other game get's that kind of push from its fanbase, and that can be really off-putting for obvious reasons.
Oh don't get me wrong, I agree that the fanbase is kinda shitty with how it tries to push the game. I think we even talked about it some during the goty threads. Just comes from people hoping that a small thing they like get the recognition they think it deserves, but they are really bad at actually moderating the tone and knowing when to back off.
Totally, I agree. The sort of framing of the discussion is probably magnifying how I feel about it. Others' reactions to a game rarely sway me one way or another, Undertale is just one case where it kinda was.I get that. It's still really silly, and I'm glad that's not a factor at all for me when it comes to the media I choose to consume.
Persona 5 is coming this year (believe). If anything has it on lock, there you go.
Sure they won't play it and it'll get snubbed, but it'll be the real winner.
the currator pre-currator patch was abysmal. You had to check forums and shit to find good levels, otherwise you were stuck in a see of autoplay levels and 5 years old spamfest. Not including a good way to find levels in a game where 50% of the fun is playing other peoples level is really bad and shouldn't be pushed aside. It was also the way Jeff dismissed it that made people angry, I don't remember the exact phrasing but he did include the word stupid
ultimately who cares, but you know, cmon Jeff be nicer
Witcher 3's inclusion seemed so weird back then, but it's made a lot more sense as 2016 has progressed. All of BEast are very positive towards the game, it's just that it's so massive that no one really has a chance to play it completely.At least Undertale got on the list last year while the real GOTYs Witcher 3 and Bloodborne had to duke it out for 10th place scraps.
Never forget 2015's true GotY
I wonder why exactly Undertale generated this and not some other indie game. Was it just the general themes? The crossover from the Homestuck fandom/general tumblr culture pushing out into the wider internet?
At least Undertale got on the list last year while the real GOTYs Witcher 3 and Bloodborne had to duke it out for 10th place scraps.
Never forget 2015's true GotY
Good point! Persona 5 is style personified. The menus alone sold me on it as a winner, back before I even knew what Persona was.
Thing is I don't really understand why Undertale got singled out for having a shitty fandom. It does, but so did anything in a really niche fanbase. Did people get turned off by the souls games because of its fanbase? It's kinda worse.
At least Undertale got on the list last year while the real GOTYs Witcher 3 and Bloodborne had to duke it out for 10th place scraps.