Death Metalist
There's no tension in any Marvel movies
As a guy who doesn't read comics, It had tension to me moreso than the other films however I do agree that when it comes to Marvel it always comes to how it's going to happen instead of what's going to happen. It's always safe.
I watched Civil War and was so bored I almost fell asleep. Movie lacks any tention.
Oh, I wonder if Captain America will kill Iron Man. Of course not. Nothing happens. They punch each other a bit, both sides looks like colossal morons, no arguments make sense and in the end they kinda don't like each other anymore but not really.
It's probably cool to watch Spiderman beat Red Magic Lady if you are into the comics but I'm not.
The strongest thing for me is that it did what BVS tried to do but failed spectacularly, from the VS aspect to the thing about superheroes getting flak for doing more harm than good. I found both sides of the argument to have points/reasons that I could side with however, I feel that if they had more time to argue about it then the whole fighting wouldn't have happened but for anyone who saw the film knew that time wasn't on anyone's side.
Also, who could forget Black Panther? He's great as well as Spiderman and the rest. For a film that juggles so many characters, I felt it gave the time to let everyone shine which is to be commended and any action film that's well shot is A+ in my book. Now, let's look at Taken 3 for how not to film action films.