Death Metalist
Yeah the fights and stuff were fine but the story was fucking terrible and everything felt like it was two scenes too long. Also I found the 'serious' aspect to be dreadfully dull. The first CA movie was goddamn perfect and they've used these last two trying to make some kind of political thriller instead of just having fun with everything or do something truly interesting.
Hell the fact that Zemo of all villains is a bit part is sad.
Zemo is a great villain because he's like
fuck it, I ain't stronger than these guys so I'll try to find a way to make them fuck each other up even more. Really dug how honest he is about it all and logical.
As for fun, well this too has fun in it much less so than other Marvel movies because if there's one thing we're not short of when it comes to Marvel films, it's having light hearted fun.
Man, we need more Danny-related things. I should really listen to more Alt-F1
Yes, you should.