It's too bad Overwatch doesn't have a war crime in it.
Although that could change if Overwatch gets a new hero.
Ah, that might be it. There's been confusion about the launch.
Edit: Lol, and just as I'm watching the Paragon Unfinished they announce a free weekend for the game--PC and PS4. May 26-30.
Although that could change if Overwatch gets a new hero.
how are last hitting, item limits and height evasion bizarre? Maybe they came out of necessity but they're very good features that add a lot to the gameplay
- Last hitting: leads to really counterintuitive weapon speeds, very restrictive damage amounts, and is in general a weird mechanic when heroes autoattack anyways.
- Item limits: WC3 engine limitation, which lead directly into the bizarre item fusion mechanic.
- Evasion on hills: aka the only cover in the game. Forget bushes, fellow minions, or buildings--inclines are the real deal.
I think it's launching at midnight GMT so that'll be Monday for the Americas and Tuesday for everyone else
Ah, that might be it. There's been confusion about the launch.
Edit: Lol, and just as I'm watching the Paragon Unfinished they announce a free weekend for the game--PC and PS4. May 26-30.