Pumped as fuck Jeff is a rare occurrence.
We just getting blessed these days. mario maker, witness, and doom changed him
Pumped as fuck Jeff is a rare occurrence.
Will Jeff be jumping on chairs at E3?We just getting blessed these days. mario maker, witness, and doom changed him
Will Jeff be jumping on chairs at E3?
Yeah I imagine he'll be really excited about the Sony press conference like he was last year.
Will Jeff be jumping on chairs at E3?
Prove that Giantbomb doesn't hate video games. See exactly you can't.
but why didn't they go crazy for shenmue?
And this was just at the loading screen of a game.
but why didn't they go crazy for shenmue?
Exactly I can't see what he's looking at. He's probably just happy that his wine paired nicely with his cheese.look at this cheese sniffing fuck
Shenmue 3 is totally going to be the next Mighty No 9, isn't it? There's no chance that game has a smooth dev cycle and delivers the product the fans want with the budget it has. I'm going to be so sad for the fans that have waited for so many years when the final game disappoints.
Shenmue 3 is totally going to be the next Mighty No 9, isn't it? There's no chance that game has a smooth dev cycle and delivers the product the fans want with the budget it has. I'm going to be so sad for the fans that have waited for so many years when the final game disappoints.
At this point, anything in life could pull a DOOM so, we'll see.
I fully expect Shenmue 3 to end up being serviceable. It's got some of that Sony funding (and oversight?). If the fans are expecting it to be what Shenmue was in 2000, that's unreasonable.
Compared to Mighty No.9 where I don't really know what happened.
Isn't sony still claiming that they've only put money in for marketing and have no budgetary commitment or hand in the actual making of it? That was the claim and it makes the project sound more worrying than less.
If that's the case then yeaaaaah that's way more worrying. Ouch.
Some of the moves made by the people running the Kickstarter have been super dumb. I kind of imagine if they had Sony guiding them, they wouldn't make such rookie mistakes.
The majority of the updates i see are just about how they're making it easier for slacker backers to get in on it. I also once saw an update where they addressed that people don't like the logo, and are looking into fixing it.
Is Jeff a Scientologist?
Giant Bomb 23 | Stygian Abyss Downstairs
welllllll i just went and bought overwatch and the 40 buck version US is... more than that aussie.
so i hope i enjoy it!
this has been today's slightly irrational purchasing decision
Wanna play? If people don't mind playing with an australian my battle.net tag is Antiwhippy#1354
I'll get in on this. demidar #1435
Vinnyvania. Vinny was saying Giant Bomb people are taller than you think.where I'd the hight talk coming from? UPF? Ryan was 5 foot something so I don't think it holds up. Plus Austin seems shorter than Alex.
The very beginning of the latest VinnyVania... or maybe the bit pre-stream?where I'd the hight talk coming from? UPF? Ryan was 5 foot something so I don't think it holds up. Plus Austin seems shorter than Alex.
where I'd the hight talk coming from? UPF? Ryan was 5 foot something so I don't think it holds up. Plus Austin seems shorter than Alex.
The very beginning of the latest VinnyVania... or maybe the bit pre-stream?
Oh yeah, you're right! That rose pollen has messed with my memory!Actually it was the grinding bit at the end.
I know more about Mr. Hands than Lewis and Clark.also has Hot Coldman always had that tag?
Vinny already said no to the 2D handheld ones multiple times. Unless we convince him otherwise, and show the technical feasibility, the series will always be incomplete.They are going to play through every single castlevania right?
Not just the 2D ones?
one day we'll succeed in making this a thingDemo Derby and Game Tapes. The two best premium features on the site. Next we need commentary over old Electric Playground episodes. (Which was in the ep of UPF with Tim Turi.)
I <3 Drew.Drew on Demo Derby about Monkey Island Special Edition said:people with accents love these games
Vinny already said no to the 2D handheld ones multiple times. Unless we convince him otherwise, and show the technical feasibility, the series will always be incomplete.
The majority of the updates i see are just about how they're making it easier for slacker backers to get in on it. I also once saw an update where they addressed that people don't like the logo, and are looking into fixing it.
The only reason that statement isn't true for me is that tag.I know more about Mr. Hands than Lewis and Clark.