Never owned a fight stick but this man deserves so much praise for stuff with that.
Do they get into spoilery stuff for UC4? Still haven't played it yet.
I'm biased but- will it?Shenmue 3 is totally going to be the next Mighty No 9, isn't it? There's no chance that game has a smooth dev cycle and delivers the product the fans want with the budget it has. I'm going to be so sad for the fans that have waited for so many years when the final game disappoints.
As for this, Sony are publishing and marketing the PS4 version, which offsets costs that would otherwise be diverted from the development budget. SIE's Third Party Production Team does seem to have some kind of oversight over the project though, seeing how YSnet is on the list of stops Gio Corsi and Boyes make when they're in Japan on business. Shibuya Productions are the main investor. No idea how much or how little money that is, but they're at least headed by someone who loves the series unconditionally and has a real monetary and personal stake in making the game succeed.Isn't sony still claiming that they've only put money in for marketing and have no budgetary commitment or hand in the actual making of it? That was the claim and it makes the project sound more worrying than less.
Shenmue 3 is totally going to be the next Mighty No 9, isn't it? There's no chance that game has a smooth dev cycle and delivers the product the fans want with the budget it has. I'm going to be so sad for the fans that have waited for so many years when the final game disappoints.
15 min so far and this is EXACTLY what I hoped it would be! <3
People like to shit on Shenmue, but you can't deny the significant amount of heart behind how Shenmue III came about. A French businessman (who happened to be a fan) got together with Yu Suzuki, got SEGA to licence the IP, launched a triple world-record breaking Kickstarter on one of the biggest stages in gaming (again, with the help from a fan), and went on to hire fans to work on the project too. There's so much personal investment from the developers to make Shenmue III good (not least from Yu Suzuki himself, the man cried with happiness backstage at E3 and again on the end of KS live-stream), that I don't think that effort will go unnoticed
It's a question that can be answered at your leisure.Video is 90 minutes long and was posted 30 minutes ago.
Always nice when someone familiar with the matter comes out of the woodwork and chimes in.snip
you can't deny the significant amount of heart behind how Shenmue III came about. snip
Sorry for the long ass post. I usually just lurk in this thread, but I felt I needed to say something given that this thread usually turns into an echo chamber with certain games. Which is fine, people gravitate to this thread given that their tastes are mostly in-sync with GB staff, and only Dan has ever admitted to liking Shenmue, but y'know, I felt like sticking up for the game because nobody else seemed to.
google keywords alert?
Is there anyone in here well versed enough in stock proceedings/acquisitions that can help me understand some details regarding one company purchasing a major stake in another? I'll take it to PMs but I just want to get a sense of what these things actually mean.
The next alt F1 should be fun. Monaco was a flurry of emotions.
Do you want to know more beyond the basics of "If company A owns a large amount of stock in company B, they have more bargaining power regarding the operation of company B because they can form a voting block with other stockholders"?
also i played some overwatch and yo that game is rad.
really interesting how almost all classes have, like, 1 weapon and that's it. really simplifies things. But the complex ability game is sick
Someone needs to make a collage with Danny doing that face from all his twitter pics, I think that's the only way he knows how to take a picture.
I'd do it myself but that's work.
To be fair tf2 started that way.
Just wait for overwatch. It'll come.
To be fair tf2 started that way.
Just wait for overwatch. It'll come.
Ugh I really hope not. I think Overwatch, whilst still very good, is already too complex compared to original TF2. TF2 was great for having clear and easily identifiable roles for the classes. Overwatch has a lot of overlap between character abilities and roles which in a first-person, high pace games is too confusing.
Overwatch has alternate heroes to fill the same role as the alternate load outs of TF2. I think Blizzard will just add new heroes that they can just sell more skins for rather than implement new things for the current set. I could see the hero load out eventually getting DOTA bad if the game does hold steady.
To be fair tf2 started that way.
Just wait for overwatch. It'll come.
He is, after all, a white Australian biclops.Orrrr they could give Junkrat a shield and a sword.
He is, after all, a white Australian biclops.
Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
It's so beautiful.Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
This... is a possibility I am willing to entertain!
Oh hey, I did one of those To Be Continued things that all the kids seem to be enjoying these days.
I suppose that's true, but I also feel like Overwatch's characters have a lower barrier to entry compared to TF2. I've played a couple dozen hours of TF2 and even after all that I'm still afraid to play Spy, because I know I would only be a burden to my team. Whereas with Overwatch I was never afraid to jump into a character, because after 10 minutes or so I always had a good enough grip to at least feel like I was contributing something, even if I was missing a lot of the higher level strategies.It definitely needs a class tutorial. I kinda understand a lot of the roles intuitively but I don't really want to experiment too much because, live game and all. Also, it lacks the really simple ID of tf2's classes, at least to a new player. But that'll come with time
I imagine the Hitman videos are a goldmine for this kind of thing.
I suppose that's true, but I also feel like Overwatch's characters have a lower barrier to entry compared to TF2. I've played a couple dozen hours of TF2 and even after all that I'm still afraid to play Spy, because I know I would only be a burden to my team.
This is less because Spy has a high barrier of entry and more because Spy is an extremely situational class that relies as much on the other team fucking up as your own skill.
This Uncharted video is TOO GOOD, even though I cannot grasp everything Cowboy is saying.
Thanks, Brad and Jason.