That's Polygon.
This is a site that published a long article on how the reviewer was refusing to finish Star Fox Zero, a game that's like 3-4 hours long.
What that also a video explaining it over footage of them fumbling with Star Fox Zero?
Jesus. Even the most pretentious people in my university English classes would have cringed watching this.
I refuse to believe that someone who has been playing games for decades is so inept that they can't figure out Star Fox Zero's controls.
So random question.
What the heck is Brad putting in his hair these days? Looks good. Doesn't look like hair with a lot of stuff in it.
Gimme them style secrets
Some sort of pomade. I'm guessing American Crew since it's so ubiquitous. I'd go for a Baxter of Calfornia Clay pomade since it holds better.
watching Jeff talk about Overwatch on Kinda Funny Gamescast. Overwatch will def be in the top ten.![]()
It's increasingly feeling like one of those games that needs to be played this year. It seems to have shaken up the FPS genre completely.
Yup, that`s the answer he`s given before.
It's less that it's shaken up the genre and more that it applies Blizzard's design principles to it. Stuff like not surfacing a direct k/d ratio and only highlighting good play is a really interesting approach to take.
Playing games on video is hard. I don't want to be too critical of people having a hard time playing and talking on a mic about it.
On the other hand, that DOOM video.
It's increasingly feeling like one of those games that needs to be played this year. It seems to have shaken up the FPS genre completely.
So random question.
What the heck is Brad putting in his hair these days? Looks good. Doesn't look like hair with a lot of stuff in it.
Gimme them style secrets
People get so angry about Polygon, it's pretty funny.
It's increasingly feeling like one of those games that needs to be played this year. It seems to have shaken up the FPS genre completely.
It's less that it's shaken up the genre and more that it applies Blizzard's design principles to it. Stuff like not surfacing a direct k/d ratio and only highlighting good play is a really interesting approach to take.
Don't mind me, old man yelling at cloud.
don't mistake disinterest or bewilderment for anger. I find them puzzling and sometimes bad, but they don't make me angry.
Blood & Vine live, after the Vindows 10 install is completeam i missing a live stream?
don't mistake disinterest or bewilderment for anger. I find them puzzling and sometimes bad, but they don't make me angry.
am i missing a live stream?
As a giant TF2 fan back in its heyday it's honestly kind of frustrating to me that people see this kind of stuff in Overwatch as a revelatory when it takes a lot of it from TF2. Like, Austin and some other folks on my Twitter feed were talking earlier about how Overwatch de-emphasizes hitscan weapons, and the good hitscan weapons have drawbacks, and there's damage falloff, and spacing between opponents is important, and I'm just sitting here thinking "TF2 did literally all of this years ago!"
Don't mind me, old man yelling at cloud.
As a giant TF2 fan back in its heyday it's honestly kind of frustrating to me that people see this kind of stuff in Overwatch as a revelatory when it takes a lot of it from TF2. Like, Austin and some other folks on my Twitter feed were talking earlier about how Overwatch de-emphasizes hitscan weapons, and the good hitscan weapons have drawbacks, and there's damage falloff, and spacing between opponents is important, and I'm just sitting here thinking "TF2 did literally all of this years ago!"
Don't mind me, old man yelling at cloud.
shiny llama's point still stands though. TF2 still had a scoreboard. the obscuring of all points and whatnot in favor of a more holistic "here's what you guys did well" is kind of a fresh take in a genre without many fresh takes.
Same, but it's kinda Valve's fault for really not having a team invested in updating TF2. Horizontal management strikes again.
What the hell is the Dangler?
Same, but it's kinda Valve's fault for really not having a team invested in updating TF2. Horizontal management strikes again.
I just messed with the update over lunch and the UI stuff is much better organized.
Just a bunch of tied cables that hang down from the ceiling.
I really want to upgrade my GPU but the UK prices are insane.
I don't think Valve could've made TF2 into Overwatch without alienating their current player base. They make so much money on that thing, there's no real point in making massive changes to attract new people.