Giant Bomb #23 | Like Mud-wrestling with a Pig More Often Than Notthis is the next OT tag
Watch it be something that nobody wanted but the person who chose it
fits perfectly though
Giant Bomb #23 | Like Mud-wrestling with a Pig More Often Than Notthis is the next OT tag
Watch it be something that nobody wanted but the person who chose it
this is the next OT tag
Watch it be something that nobody wanted but the person who chose it
Alright, which one of you subbed to 2025.
Great video.
Before you go off on him, Dan Harris is a really cool dude (not to mention an established journalist, wartime reporter, etc.) that has gone through some terrible anxiety attacks, one famously on live television, himself.
I just finished a fantastic audiobook of his on the subject called 10% Happier:
I think it's fucking dope that something the GB guys were talking about caught his eye.
Stone this kid for not being a hardcore gb fan.
Well, they were talking about that book, so it definitely caught his eye.
The audiobook for 10% Happier is good? I have a couple of Audible credits that I have no idea what to use for.
The audiobook for 10% Happier is good? I have a couple of Audible credits that I have no idea what to use for.
Am I weird that I don't like Greg Miller that much? :/
Man, the new Mirror's Edge is....weird and....rough.
I REALLY liked Mirror's Edge 1 but this one....
Man, the new Mirror's Edge is....weird and....rough.
I REALLY liked Mirror's Edge 1 but this one....
Am I weird that I don't like Greg Miller that much? :/
Am I weird that I don't like Greg Miller that much? :/
You say that as if the first one wasn't rough as well. I think Mirror's Edge was pretty good, but don't have the love for it some people have. I was ever only going to pick up this new one on a sale.
Not really. Humor is subjective. I've never found him very funny myself.
holy shit, MBMBaM are doing commentary in 100 ft robot golf. that's amazing.
Am I weird that I don't like Greg Miller that much? :/
What does that mean, "doing commentary"? Like, as an in-game thing?
holy shit, MBMBaM are doing commentary in 100 ft robot golf. that's amazing.
Yeah. like, they're the in-game play by play.
They do, but the costs likely come out of the Giant Bomb budget. If they don't bring in enough revenue to offset those costs, GB gets less money to do things like buy equipment and hire new people.
It's not free money.
holy shit, MBMBaM are doing commentary in 100 ft robot golf. that's amazing.
youtube is the default player now (not sure about non-premium members), so I'd assume the ad revenue does not greatly outweigh bandwidth costs. or it's because youtube has the HD video for free.I really wish they would just use youtube for everything. Their player has been straight garbage for as long as the site has existed. I guess the revenue the ads they can run on their own player far outweigh the cost of bandwidth and ads via adsense. I was hoping there was a way to link your youtube account with your gb account to watch premium stuff on youtube's player.
So that's what he does around there.Today I learned that Brad invented the Quick Look
I really wish they would just use youtube for everything. Their player has been straight garbage for as long as the site has existed. I guess the revenue the ads they can run on their own player far outweigh the cost of bandwidth and ads via adsense. I was hoping there was a way to link your youtube account with your gb account to watch premium stuff on youtube's player.
So that's what he does around there.
Am I weird that I don't like Greg Miller that much? :/
He also invented Daily DOTAToday I learned that Brad invented the Quick Look
He also invented Daily DOTA
Today I learned that Brad invented the Quick Look