I'm cautiously optimistic also, but I feel like the hype for many people will result in a major letdown for them. After all it's still a video game created by a small group, but we have a thread titled "No mans sky is 3 weeks away," and threats were made at people when the game was delayed a month or two, so people are definitely going to be let down no matter how good the game is.
Overcooked looks like a fantastic game that would really take off if it had online. I know it's hard but these Indie MP games are not doing themselves any favors without online these days.
There are also a lot of people waiting to say "SEE TOLD YOU IT WAS SHIT LOL HYPE IS SHIT" on the back of these reviews if it's less than a 99 metacritic.
Not saying y'all didn't have the right to post that Busey gif, seeing it all but killed my desire to watch that video though.
Yeah it's a bummer when people post that stuff when some of us miss it live. Spoiler tags aren't crazy for something like a competition like this video.
If he died his hair blonde again, Jeff could easily go as Barry Goodman from TMS #FE for Halloween at the GB/Gamespot office. All he would need is a headband and an anime t-shirt.
Malaysia. According to Enhanced Steam, our store has the cheapest price.
$25 seems a bit too low though, even with our shit economy. Makes me think it's a pricing error.
Not saying y'all didn't have the right to post that Busey gif, seeing it all but killed my desire to watch that video though.
Even knowing the result, it's still very much worth watching.
I have to admit, this is the first time I'm bummed by the elusive target concept. I killed Busey relatively quickly and it sucks not being able to go back and try different methods.
yeah I don't get why people won't watch something when they see the ending
It's not about the ending, it's about everything else that leads up to it. Especially when it comes to GB videos. The entertainment part doesn't come from Brad killing Busey.
I would be much more interested in No Mans Sky if it was a Tennis game.
yeah I don't get why people won't watch something when they see the ending
It's not about the ending, it's about everything else that leads up to it. Especially when it comes to GB videos. The entertainment part doesn't come from Brad killing Busey.
maybe there's tennis in it. infinite ping pong balls.
No, I get it. There is some joy in learning whether they messed it up or not. The video is still great but if you know the outcome it loses some impact. Like when everybody was shooting at Brad and you know he will survive it (though you can probably guess that by the lenght of the video). That's why I watched the video before visiting this forum again. I don't think anybody can be blamed for talking about it though.
I think the safe thing is to just assume that content will be spoiled, and not open this thread before you've watched the video if you care about that sort of thing. Better to have free discussion about content that's streaming or just gone up for those who are able to catch it early imo.
Eh, I disagree. It's more important knowing how they got their then just the conclusion itself without context. Seeing the ending of something, without the context surrounding it, is really nothing. It's the context that makes something enjoyable, in this case knowing how Brad got to where he did. Especially in the hitman video for Busey, after a while it becomes obvious that brad is going to be able to kill Busey.
I think you meant to say "for me, It's more important knowing how they got their then just the conclusion itself without context". People have different thresholds of what spoils it for them.
Not saying | will not watch the video eventually but in a competition, showing a gif of the ending is important to some people. It totally had context.
Help me find a specific Quick Look: It was Vinny and Alex and the game was some crappy eastern european horror (?) game from a top down angle. I only remember them walking down corridors and shooting zombies/guards. I think they actually finished the game in the QL.
Edit: Found it thanks to qlcrew. I was also reminded that The Fall exists. We probably will never get Episode 2 for that one, right?
That was such a great Hitman video! I'd say that surpasses even #TeamBrad as Brad's greatest moment on the site. So glad to hear they'll be doing more of it. Jeff kinda makes the whole thing, too. I'd love for him to try some Hitman.
Alex QL please
Nicholas Cage Souls
Context in what though
It's like to me, that stuff is more important. That stuff is what makes something viewable. If I saw the ending of a video, I would shrug and still watch it because that's only 1 point out of 20. It's always funny to me that if someone knows 1% of something, that they'll get angry for knowing that 1% even though it's such a minuscule part of it.
I was JUST about to post the same. Here is the full video about that if you are interested.
Also, when did Shrek become a meme? Am I old for not knowing Shrek is a meme? Was shrek ever not a meme?
Spoiler tags ain't that hard, Common Sense y'all.
it's completely insane to expect people to either not talk about or spoiler tag everything related to live shows. just stay out of the thread if it bothers you.
Just let it in.The inevitable happened - dota has become sentient.
I like that so far they haven't mentioned how Hitman's Busey looks nothing like actual Gary Busey. It kind of looks like how he might look if he didn't do 30 years worth of drugs.
Alex QL please
Nicholas Cage Souls
If he died his hair blonde again, Jeff could easily go as Barry Goodman from TMS #FE for Halloween at the GB/Gamespot office. All he would need is a headband and an anime t-shirt.