I might have exaggerated my description of the situation slightly for comedic effect in Jeff's stream chat.Wait what.
The answer you seek is hidden in the very question.Is Dan actually leaving GB, moving to join the guys on east coast or just on vacation?
It was kinda funny at first, but now I'm just confused.
Dans gf just said "My mom doesn't understand kayfabe and thinks the Giant Bomb staff is super mean lol"
Just caught up with the latetest UPF and I've got a serious question.
Is Dan actually leaving GB, moving to join the guys on east coast or just on vacation?
It was kinda funny at first, but now I'm just confused.
Just caught up with the latetest UPF and I've got a serious question.
Is Dan actually leaving GB, moving to join the guys on east coast or just on vacation?
It was kinda funny at first, but now I'm just confused.
We'll find out for sure tomorrow. Smart money is on a road trip, possibly ending with him at GBEJust caught up with the latetest UPF and I've got a serious question.
Is Dan actually leaving GB, moving to join the guys on east coast or just on vacation?
It was kinda funny at first, but now I'm just confused.
Isn't Dan just moving to a new place? Probably needed time off for it.
The missing piece is the "bonkers" email he sent to Aaron Trites. Dan must have sent it around the time they were planning UPF and the goodbye video, so this angle will probably end at PAX.
You are being worked son.
Jeff has occasionally in the past, I believe, so he might give it a look.So will anybody at GB actually play Pokemon?
I've seen some comparisons between NMS and Minecraft. Comments that people enjoy Minecraft because of the exploration, and NMS will be the same. I'm not sure that's the case, or at least it's not for me. My fun in Minecraft was always taking an image in my imagination and building it. Creating a massive fort built into a mountain with lava running down it. The randomized environments were great, but it was about what I could do in that environment, what my place in that world would be. If NMS was actually Minecraft In Space i'd be all for it.
Also Pokemon Go has rekindled a desire to play Pokemon. I'm definitely getting Sun or Moon. I didn't like X. There weren't many pokemon I liked the look of, and I found the main city to be a nightmare to navigate due to the perspective. Also, fuck roller skates.
Is this Smug Assholemon?
I've seen some comparisons between NMS and Minecraft. Comments that people enjoy Minecraft because of the exploration, and NMS will be the same. I'm not sure that's the case, or at least it's not for me. My fun in Minecraft was always taking an image in my imagination and building it. Creating a massive fort built into a mountain with lava running down it. The randomized environments were great, but it was about what I could do in that environment, what my place in that world would be. If NMS was actually Minecraft In Space i'd be all for it.
Also Pokemon Go has rekindled a desire to play Pokemon. I'm definitely getting Sun or Moon. I didn't like X. There weren't many pokemon I liked the look of, and I found the main city to be a nightmare to navigate due to the perspective. Also, fuck roller skates.
NMS looks like a more colorful Elite: Dangerous with more stuff to do.
But it also loses the dark gritty realism and solitude thing Elite has going for it.
I think you are confused about what the word "better" means.That is Pokémon copying the better franchise, Digimon, by doing its own version of SnowAgumon:
I still see a bit of outrage coming when people finally get the game. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.There's new impressions from the leaker in the spoiler thread. It sounds rad.
Popplio lost
The No Mans Sky thread is a mess right now.
good lord...
People are actually arguing based only on what ONE dude said
Happens all the time
any time before a preview comes out and LITERALLY one person who got it early says they didn't enjoy it, you get hundreds of posters 'oh man i was hyped for this' 'that sucks' 'i guess i'll save my money'
Turning the website into literal wrestling is maybe the line they shouldn't cross. I thought the bit was funny on UPF just cause Dan usually wins those fights and gloats afterwards so it was fun to see him lose and having the pre-filmed video of him walking out was pretty good.
But I don't need a "storyline" in my personality driven website. The wrestling podcast is already the only site thing I don't listen to (Alt+F1 is awesome however), so more of this feels really unnecessary.
Unless this is all a setup for a new SFV Scrub Leage Tournament in which case all is forgiven.