Twin Tails
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I wish No Man Sky was already out so that I don't have to wonder if it was worth pre-ordering or not.
People are taking the news there are no review copies well I see.
Dontcha know I really need my reviews to tell me whether I should buy a game
People are taking the news there are no advanced review copies well I see.
Dontcha know I really need my reviews to tell me whether I should buy a game
I managed to avoid the spoiler thread altogether but the doubters from the no reviews thread are starting to get to me.
J-jeff and Vinny Persona 5 cross coast endurance run r-r-right?
Some people here are super invested in reviews. They legitimately get pissed when a game isn't reviewed like they expected. It's pretty bad.
Review threads are pretty terrible places.
I have been following all the leaks and streams with gusto, if you have any specific questions you feel comfortable asking I will answer them for you if I can.
Terraria is the only one of those kinds of games that kept my attention. I liked seeking out the bosses and digging my way through secret areas and stuff. I didn't build much outside of the items I needed to explore. I'm hoping that there is enough to see/do and there is enough variety to not be bored with it. I like space so that was the thing that sold me in the first place.
with how little jeff seems to care about p5 i wouldn't be shocked, honestly.
New Retro Arcade: Neon is now out on Steam. Can't wait for the VRodeo episode with this one.
New Retro Arcade: Neon is now out on Steam. Can't wait for the VRodeo episode with this one.
New Retro Arcade: Neon is now out on Steam. Can't wait for the VRodeo episode with this one.
I wish No Man Sky was already out so that I don't have to wonder if it was worth pre-ordering or not.
It's never worth preordering a digital item.
I look forward to hearing Jeff rip NMS. I have a feeling he can't wait to.
Something has to replace Vinnyvania after SotN
Vin Megami Tensei
I look forward to hearing Jeff rip NMS. I have a feeling he can't wait to.
Popplio stay flexing.
It's never worth preordering a digital item.
"Vinny Might Be Suffering From Clinical Depression"
I wish No Man Sky was already out so that I don't have to wonder if it was worth pre-ordering or not.
Some people here are super invested in reviews. They legitimately get pissed when a game isn't reviewed like they expected. It's pretty bad.
Review threads are pretty terrible places.
I preordered NMS on Steam. Gotta see for myself one way or the other.
It's never worth preordering a digital item.
He kind of repeated that sleeping thing in the last Beastcast and I immediately thought about this.
No Mans Sky seems to be exactly the game they showed but nothing more. All the mechanics and individual pieces are shallow but they are there, so I guess it just depends on if you like the loop enough to keep playing it
I love Jeff's reply, "Do you want to sleep the day away?" Fuck yeah I do!
There's a remarkable silence from the duders today.
Did they ever update the original game for the vive? I enjoyed that much more than the neon demo.
It's Monday, dummy. It's just the standard Monday silence.