As someone who doesn't really care - I like Dan well enough but am not really bothered if he switches offices - this endless speculation has gotten old fast. Which I assume was the point - well done Dan, mission accomplished.
That's just one of their random transitions. The PAX connection is pretty far fetched.
If PAX were next week maybe, a month is a long time to keep a bit running.
with how little jeff seems to care about p5 i wouldn't be shocked, honestly.
Vinny will do a QL and not have time to play any more of it until 2018.
The more people ask Jeff about it, the less interested he becomes. Only a Chie cameo could get him excited at this point. His wife seems to like RPGs thou so you never know.
Duuuuuude, how many times do I need to post it.
Dan is going to move to New Jersey and work in the beast office. He thought it'd be funny if he did it this way because he's used to wrestling bulllshit. That's all it issssssssss.
Watch the bit again and pay attention to what everyone says.
You might be 100% correct but you would still be reading too much in to what people said in that video.
Mary seemed to be having a great time. And it was fun to see a gaming personality I know play thru a game again. The last one I watched was probably GBEast playing Life is Strange.
I would watch the end of a RE4 playthrough, never did finish it.
I am with Jeff, the controls in that game are terrrrrrible.