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Giant Bomb #23 | See you Space Cowboy...

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I tried to make sense of all this No Mans Sky stuff and I just cant. People are really fucking invested into this game. Taking down Jims site just because of a bad score WTF?


Also, my god, I was literally yawning at that Batman Quick Look.

Are people not overexposed to Batman yet? I feel like I've seen exact same plot told 100 different times in 10 different media and a lot better too. Absolutely nothing interesting or new.


Also, my god, I was literally yawning at that Batman Quick Look.

Are people not overexposed to Batman yet? I feel like I've seen exact same plot told 100 different times in 10 different media and a lot better too. Absolutely nothing interesting or new.

I'm pretty tired of superhero stuff in general, it's a shame looking ahead a few years that I'm going to be like this with Star Wars too.


Was it really, though? I think the accolades for that game were more due to slim pickings in 2012. Sam reason Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age got so many awards.

when it came out, it was different and new. nowadays, it's old hat but it was a major change than most of the traditional adventure games that TT was working on before it came out. also, i loved the characters.
Was it really, though? I think the accolades for that game were more due to slim pickings in 2012. Sam reason Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age got so many awards.

Yeah, it was. It wasn't novelty or whatever - Jurassic Park came before it and was panned. Heavy Rain also had its share of critics. TWD season 1 was fantastic.

Also, my god, I was literally yawning at that Batman Quick Look.

Are people not overexposed to Batman yet? I feel like I've seen exact same plot told 100 different times in 10 different media and a lot better too. Absolutely nothing interesting or new.

They took a new approach to Penguin at least, maybe Two-Face too (to early to say) but their approach to Bruce/Batman seems extremely shopworn. The way they constantly reference his parents (bloody movie tickets on his desk, some awful dialogue) is really groan-worthy. The dialogue and some of the VO (Alfred, Batman voice) is pretty bad too.


when all the SP modes are complete garbage, only people who play MP will enjoy it. even then, the online is shit with rage quitters.

SFV is still easily one of the best games this year despite this.

Even beside the fact that at least two of those things aren't really true.


I hated TWD season 1 - and by extension, all subsequent Telltale games.

However, Tales from the Borderlands was on sale some time ago and I decided to give it a chance, since a lot of people were saying it was better, and it seemed genuinely funny from what I played of it (1st chapter). I might go back to it, but
I probably won't because I should be playing the 349384038 new games I have bought and I'm just replaying God Hand instead


Between Peter Brown's ten-hours-in impressions on The Lobby and Sterling's video, I think I'm happy to hold off on NMS for now.

Batman seems about as boring as I expected. Laura Bailey sounded good though. Might pick it up when it goes on sale in a year.

Now, Telltale, give me TWAU S2 and make it good. Please.


Finally got back home after 3 days out... Time to catch up on the content starting with the NMS QL.

Also, I got very excited when I saw a Game Tapes Raw upload but then there's no actual Game Tapes...bleh


As far as I can tell there is no way in No Man's sky to mark a spot on a planet.

I was exploring a mild climate planet with no environmental hazards. I found a cave system absolutely stuffed with plutonium and gold. And it wasn't patrolled by the sentinels. It would have been easy to mine the caves and earn a ton of money selling the materials on the trading network. However, without a way for me to save the location of the cave entrance, I was screwed. Once my inventory was full I had to go offload the stuff, and doing that meant leaving. I'd never find the caves again.

The lack of base building irritates me, too. I want to build little settlements, places where I can protect myself from creatures, sentinels, the environment, etc. It's like... this is a game that's supposed to be about long form exploration, yet it still goes out of its way to constantly make me feel pressed and in a hurry. It constantly engages you in a chase for resources. Even in space, I felt like I was being rushed along. I was constantly being scanned and attacked by hostile ships (who? why?) when all I wanted to do was chill and enjoy the view. Either that or dodging the endless field of giant asteroids that occupies every system I've visited. It's like you can't take your hands off of the controls for 10 seconds unless you're either on the ground in your ship or on a space station.

- Huge, visually distinct planets that are all basically the same thing
- Weird, vaguely earth like alien animals (shifty looking cow)
- Prefab warehouses and other buildings
- Mineral gathering

- Text boxes describing weird occurrences when interacting with mysterious alien objects

Oh yeah, there are tons of similarities. The music is nearly the same, too.


- Huge, visually distinct planets that are all basically the same thing
- Weird, vaguely earth like alien animals (shifty looking cow)
- Prefab warehouses and other buildings
- Mineral gathering


- Text boxes describing weird occurrences when interacting with mysterious alien objects


I would say the game is definitely not for everyone.
It's a niche game that, because of a really good reveal on a central stage it was made to seem like it would appeal to everyone.

I've been enjoying my time with it a lot. But I'm not sure if I would tell anyone else necessarily to buy it

def sim

Someone in the review-in-progress thread said it's ME1 side-missions: the game. I dunno if I want that or not.

the text box screenshots do remind me a bit of it heh

i felt incredibly disappointed when quests were resolved that way in ME. I'd give NMS a pass since it's made by a small team, but I can see why people who were lead on by the marketing and full price tag might feel differently
The problem with TT is re-doing the same blueprint 2-3 times a year. If TWD S1 was released now I don't believe it would have the same impact.

Yeah but you can say that about anything. Of course if you take thing X out of its original context it's going to be less impressive because of copycats. If Super Mario Bros came out today, it wouldn't be as impressive. Or GTA 3. Or World of Warcraft. Or Call of Duty 4. Etc. The big difference is that TT's games have been inconsistent at best. But that doesn't make TWD somehow less good.


Yeah but you can say that about anything. Of course if you take thing X out of its original context it's going to be less impressive because of copycats. If Super Mario Bros came out today, it wouldn't be as impressive. Or GTA 3. Or World of Warcraft. Or Call of Duty 4. Etc. The big difference is that TT's games have been inconsistent at best. But that doesn't make TWD somehow less good.

Yeah, agreed. That they still use that engine doesn't help.
Wow. Iron Galaxy is really getting around. On Tuesday, they were on the Bombcast (duh, obviously) and Kinda Funny's PS I Love You XOXO. Today they are on IGN's Podcast Beyond.


Dan wasn't saying he doesn't like Telltale games because of technical issues that they bafflingly continue to have, he dismisses them outright for even being video games. "Why don't they just make graphic novels? They're not video games!" is a stupid fucking thing to say, not to mention completely missing the point of the interactivity. He sounds exactly like the 4chan dirtbags bitching about Gone Home, and it's a bad look on someone in his profession. And like those kinds of fucking people, he goes into his little hissy fit about them any time they're ever brought up around him.

Dan had a long list of complaints about Telltale games, and I don't recall a single one having to do with them not being video games. He thinks they're the epitome of formulaic, stagnant, and terrible to play. His point wasn't that they aren't genuinely video games, but that they're very bad ones, and Telltale's strengths might be better suited to another medium.

And doesn't Dan like Gone Home? I mean, in the same podcast, he raved about Abzu. Whether or not Dan sounded like some 4chan people, his argument didn't have the same inherent problems theirs tend to, and his motivations weren't the same. "This thing sounds like that thing, so now I'm going to associate them, and pass that thing's sins onto this thing" doesn't work when the similarities are so superficial.

Also, Dan had a strong opinion on the subject, but he seemed to be having a good time. Other people could be projecting less anger, though.
Jesus... Two hours of science talk with Dan is fucking painful to listen to...

I loved that QL. Normally Dan being Extremely 100% Dan kinda gets me, but maybe it's because I'm also an idiot when it comes to science (as we have established), or the fact that Dan works REALLY well with Vinny & Alex, but I had a lot of fun with it.
Shockingly enough, the one time Dan wasn't being hyperbolic was when he was talking about telltale games.

But but...Tales From The Borderlands.

i'm so glad Vinny and Alex were there to defend them even with their flaws.

The hate is completely rational to me, because I share roughly similar feelings.

Like how the hell does telltale games still have framerate and stutter problems?

Because they keep using that same damn shitty engine. Really if there's anything bringing Telltale games down, it's that god awful engine which deserves every bit of hate. As for their games, it's a hit and a miss. My personal favorites are TWDS1, The Wolf Among Us & Tales From The Borderlands. That's about it. However, the old Sam & Max games are also fantastic but nobody ever mentions those.

Also, my god, I was literally yawning at that Batman Quick Look.

Are people not overexposed to Batman yet? I feel like I've seen exact same plot told 100 different times in 10 different media and a lot better too. Absolutely nothing interesting or new.

I think adventure games in general are hard to cover because you're in it for the long haul and playing or watching half of an episode will do nothing for you obviously. I for one will be getting it when all episodes hit because I don't want to wait but it's EXTREMELY disappointing knowing their engine is still shit even after saying this.

Take a damn break and work on a new engine.

Mr. F

last two bombcasts been rough. can't even finish them.

too much dave lang goes a long way. and a jeffless podcast prior.

Listening to them at 1.5x or 2x speed helps Brad sound a bit animated at least.

I really wish Jeff would take back the hosting reigns


I gave up on TT after EP2 of TWD:S1 when I almost 100% predicted what was going to happen to the optional survivor in EP3 because of the transparent way they were all but excised from the previous episode. The rest of the season was hardly any better in that regard and from what I've seen of S2 I'm glad I jumped off when I did
I'm probably really late to this, but it seems Patrick left Kotaku at the right time. They (among other Gawker properties) are being auctioned off next week.


Edit- I started a thread about it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1261110

Weird that that Gawker post was from Monday and up until now there wasn't a thread about it. I initially didn't bother making a thread, because I figured one had to exist already. Then I did a search and found there was none. So, now there is.
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