i'm mostly glad but it must suck if you weren't in on the ground floor getting entire publisher catalogues (that you'd never play) for like $50
like, I'll probably never get a better deal than when THQ was having their going out of business fire sale. no matter how sad the circumstances.
What PC compatible controller has the best D-pad for 2D games?
What PC compatible controller has the best D-pad for 2D games?
Those bundles are a joy for when, say, I hear talk of certain games on a podcast and discover I've owned them for years. After Dawn of War talk after E3, I checked my steam library; sure enough I own the first two.
Wireless? Wii U Pro is all around great with a ridiculous 80 hour battery life. It's Bluetooth but I personally use a cheap mayflash adapter. 8bitdo makes a quality Bluetooth SNES pad.
Wired, buffalo or something to that extent makes an inexpensive well made super famicon USB pad.
Like an allergy, it's something that can leave but forever remain.And a new anime editor awakens.
Did i miss a tweet somewhere? What happened to dans eye? More lasik surgery?
Did i miss a tweet somewhere? What happened to dans eye? More lasik surgery?
Oh hey that's the lady gundam that confused me when I was looking at gunpla.
Vinny should be Jenks in Contradiction 2
And a new anime editor awakens.
Yes he was.uh
I don't think he was born 1984?
I don't think he was born 1984?
Pretty good UPF for it being without Jeff. Why was he out of the office?
Pretty good UPF for it being without Jeff. Why was he out of the office?
I don't know about angels, but it's social anxiety that gives men wings.
'The things that I want' by Max Payne. Taco Bell. Nacho Cheese. Red Vines. That's it.
I had a dream about Taco Bell. I had a Chicken Burrito. But it was alright.
Pretty good UPF for it being without Jeff. Why was he out of the office?
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX is damn good.
Like really, the only thing I don't understand about new dan is the suit.
I feel like that position would demand bigger lapels with gold trim.
Yes and it leaves me quaking in my boots. I hope the chat doesn't start to rage about it. Call me a heretic, but I'm pretty Commander keen about it. Hexen.Is brad doomed to forever be playing id games on UPF?
Is brad doomed to forever be playing id games on UPF?
Shaving your head is so hard and not worth it.
Yes and it leaves me quaking in my boots. I hope the chat doesn't start to rage about it. Call me a heretic, but I'm pretty Commander keen about it. Hexen.
man i wanna see austin introduce them to a dungeon world or equiv. that fiasco game was so grand
Whoa, do Bastion and DOOM's Hayden have the same head?
Five years from now will Dan look like a full blown Metal Gear Solid character? (He's already pretty close)
Also what will his codename be?
Five years from now will Dan look like a full blown Metal Gear Solid character? (He's already pretty close)
Also what will his codename be?