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Giant Bomb #23 | See you Space Cowboy...

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I really liked the first 30 minutes of VII - it's great when films/tv/games go back and show the aftermath of what happens once the credits rolled on the last one.

But after that, meh. Was kinda disappointed they wasted two really promising and charismatic British actors. Rey was boring and Finn felt like a budget Will Smith.

Moon is one of the best recent scifi films. Utterly captivating beginning to end.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Moon is great. And I pretty much agree with Brad on Episode VII. I see why a lot of people love that movie, especially after the trainwreck that was Episode I-III, but it didn't do much for me personally.

I 100% agree with Brad and I liked EP7. But it really did feel like "one of those" summer blockbuster movies. And I know that might be unfair cause Star Wars at one point meant a lot to me but I feel the same about EP7 as I feel about all the Marvel movies. Fun for 2 hours, not much more.
I'm willing to bet Ep 7 was their safest attempt to making one of those movies, a plot that couldn't lose because it's won for the series before. Here's hoping 8 does something a bit different, maybe Rouge One will be cool or something.

What is Moon?
I'm willing to bet Ep 7 was their safest attempt to making one of those movies, a plot that couldn't lose because it's won for the series before. Here's hoping 8 does something a bit different, maybe Rouge One will be cool or something.

What is Moon?

The less you know about Moon going in, the better.


Film crit hulk is not that good. Seems like he's 'babby's first film criticism' to many who are just used to reading RT quotes or something, and sure he can come up with good points, but his increasing fan base is getting annoyingly loyal.

TFA had good new characters you care about. You're in it for their journey, not just set pieces with exposition and one liners. That's the only thing it needed to get right and it did, obv better than the prequels but better than the superhero blockbusters too. The rest is mostly down to craft. There were good and less good scenes in TFA, and it's not hard to criticize certain plot elements. But the important job was done.


Yeah I agree.
The film introduced new characters, that were interesting and I want to see more of in later movies. And that is the number one thing that movie had to do.
People who think Tyler Durden is inspirational don't scare me half as much as the people who think Alec Baldwin's character in Glengarry Glen Ross is inspirational.


Star Wars 7 looked good in trailers and was decent. Yes, we got new characters but they were mostly one note and flat and the old characters got too much screentime.

Ghostbusters looks terrible, and the first trailer was boarderline racist and that has nothing to do with women.

Moon is the best SciFi film in the last 16 years.
Man, the whole steam item gambling thing needs some serious regulation. It's basically underage gambling through a legal loophole.

Remember Rami Ismail on one of the post-GDC streams a few years ago? He totally called that shit out in terms of exploitative microtransactions on mobile, but this shit is actually way worse than that.

And Valve's actively enabling that shit because it makes them bank. This is in serious need of a legal crackdown.

Don't worry, it is all cool now.

Real Hero

episode 1-3 are more interesting failures than 7 is a success. 7 is interesting as a reaction to the prequels but as its own film it's quite dull
Yeah I agree.
The film introduced new characters, that were interesting and I want to see more of in later movies. And that is the number one thing that movie had to do.

the number one thing episode 7 had to do was to assure series fans that the new owners know what was good about the series in the first place, which they did by basically making a frankenstein monster of Star Wars' greatest hits. it's a warm blanket and a pat on the head for disenfranchised consumers. that it was actually half-decent on top of that is just gravy.

now if they don't do something interesting from here on out, then that sucks.


episode 1-3 are more interesting failures than 7 is a success. 7 is interesting as a reaction to the prequels but as its own film it's quite dull

1-3 are the most boring snoozfests of failures.
There is NOTHING interesting about those movies

now if they don't do something interesting from here on out, then that sucks.

Thats the biggest thing to me.
VIII better hit it out of the park/go in a new direction. Or the setup/resetting the frame of VII will have been completely pointless


episode 1-3 are more interesting failures than 7 is a success. 7 is interesting as a reaction to the prequels but as its own film it's quite dull



Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Brad and Dan talking about Star Wars reminded me when Brad tried to explain Lord of the Rings to Dan. That was fun. I need to rewatch that Quick Look.


7 is exactly what I expected from a JJ Abrams universe launcing vehicle. What's more sad to me is all these spin off movies that I thought might be interesting are going to revolve around the same tiny cast from the originals (Darth Vader cameo in this one, young Han Solo, Boba Fett)

Real Hero

7 is exactly what I expected from a JJ Abrams universe launcing vehicle. What's more sad to me is all these spin off movies that I thought might be interesting are going to revolve around the same tiny cast from the originals (Darth Vader cameo in this one, young Han Solo, Boba Fett)

just think, they could be making a blues brothers rip off with the cantina band instead of all that


Someone should make a Dan parody account/bot that posts once a day.
It will take the top trending topic of the day and tweet: "Everyone is talking about [TRENDING TOPIC] and I still have no idea what the hell it is.

Call it @DanInformer :)

Even by Dan's standards that's kind of stunning, as even if you hadn't heard of Hamilton and refuse to Google it like a normal person, every sign says "AN AMERICAN MUSICAL" right below the title.

Sooo uhhh....is it bad that I also don't know what Hamilton is?

Nah, there's nothing bad about not knowing what it is. Flaunting that ignorance solely to rile people up would be worse.


I find the "Lego's shouldn't talk" thing silly, I mean Lego Marvel was great.

Now if you were to tell me Lego's shouldn't reuse recorded movie dialog then maybe I'd be willing to listen.

Also Lego Island.
Film crit hulk is not that good. Seems like he's 'babby's first film criticism' to many who are just used to reading RT quotes or something, and sure he can come up with good points, but his increasing fan base is getting annoyingly loyal.

TFA had good new characters you care about. You're in it for their journey, not just set pieces with exposition and one liners. That's the only thing it needed to get right and it did, obv better than the prequels but better than the superhero blockbusters too. The rest is mostly down to craft. There were good and less good scenes in TFA, and it's not hard to criticize certain plot elements. But the important job was done.

Can you recommend some other good film critics? For me, FCH articulated exactly what I felt - that the characters just emote a lot and do whatever the story requires, rather than have actual personality. I found them very bland, so I disagree that they are "good new characters that I care about." I don't think it's better than the good Marvel movies either. It could've done what it needed to do better. It's a waste of that great cast. Tentatively high hopes for the next one but we'll see. And yeah, a Han Solo spinoff is the lamest idea in the world.

Also this thing made me appreciate the prequels more, and I actually think they're *okay*, except for episode 2 which is a steaming turd with no redeemable qualities at all.
Now if you were to tell me Lego's shouldn't reuse recorded movie dialog then maybe I'd be willing to listen.

Yeah, that's my issue with the talking Lego people -- I'd rather them just stick with the funny gesticulations than repurpose movie dialogue. No one playing those games gives a shit about the plot so just make it as dumb and goofy as possible.


I always believed, every single time, that Dan won't get any worse than he is in terms of he doesn't know, and I am proven wrong.

Every time.

It was equally funny and palm-facing to hear Dan not know what GMT is on Bombcast.
I wish I'd never finished episode 2 as well. Like a bad fanfic.

The dumbest part of episode two was how they clumsily retconned Daisy Fitzroy from a violent revolutionary to a sacrificial martyr purely as a reaction to people criticizing that character as embodying the "angry black woman" stereotype. "Oh no, you see, she was just pretending! She WANTED to die!" Fucking what?
The dumbest part of episode two was how they clumsily retconned Daisy Fitzroy from a violent revolutionary to a sacrificial martyr purely as a reaction to people criticizing that character as embodying the "angry black woman" stereotype. "Oh no, you see, she was just pretending! She WANTED to die!" Fucking what?

It was awkward and totally missed the point anyway. It doesn't change the fact that the game equivocates racist oppression with violent uprising of the oppressed. For my part the game didn't live or die on that part, but as I understood most of the criticisms, it seemed to miss the mark. I hated how episode 2 tied the Infinite characters into Bioshock 1 for no other reason than "why not",
sacrificing Elizabeth for the sake of Jack and the Little Sisters, aka. mute protagonist man and plot device/currency girls.
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