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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Still without luck
I don't think I've ever really got what Brad said, I have an idea but don't really want to say it. 😅


Lunar FC

I don't think you get to avatar quote the avatar you gave?

It's rule 3 of neogaf pretty sure.

I think I read that such actions void an avatar bet agreement.

I want to play this new Ace Attorney game but peeps on gaf keep telling me to get the trilogy pack. The kid just wants the latest and greatest..
"Boy" has sort of just come back somewhat into the vernacular but the McElroys picked up on it hard.

Now try being me and consuming most of their content while the term "good boy" is a sexual trigger for you.

That shit numbs you, man.


he putsa miibo in his mouth
"just like Bart" (?)

That's everything I know of MacElroy

Same here. No time to watch other personalities except those around GS/GB for me. If I were to do so I'd never play video games and what's the point of talking about'em if you barely play'em or not at all?

I love Swery so much.

GB kids react to gb videos.

"My dad said what?"

"Brad said what about me?"


Yes please.

This is the thing that saddens me the most. HD releases of old games I get but of last gen games?? This I'll never get honestly unless it's an HD release that has alot of change in it.

bread been playing recore lots
i wonder how bad it is

Him and Jeff. I wonder who's reviewing it. I already got the game since I am always interested in new IP's. I'm hoping this one to be decent at the very least.


I hope it's good. The reveal trailer (was it at gamescom?) was kinda cool. But then Mighty Nr. 9 happened and... yeah.

If it's anything like the previews say it can be neat. Dungeon unlocking, platforming, robots ... I do want something like that right now and it does not need to be a 9/10 AAA game. Sometimes the games with less budget are equally good, or better.
I'd like to see some kind of Giant Bomb Terraria premium feature of Jeff and the others playing. The game itself might be a bit slow but I'd love it as just background gameplay for them chatting.


AA6 has one character that literally looks and acts like Dan Ryckert. Not gonna say who cuz spoilers but I laugh every time I see him cuz I think of Dan.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Shenmue time. How will they spend the mandatory 8 hours the game will make them wait this time?

AA6 has one character that literally looks and acts like Dan Ryckert. Not gonna say who cuz spoilers but I laugh every time I see him cuz I think of Dan.

How is the game? I loved all the AA (well, except Apollo Justice which was just alright) games but for some reason never finished the last one.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
"Do you know where a tattoo parlour is?"
"I'll only tell you if you join our gang"
"To join our gang you need to get a tattoo first, here is where you can get one"

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