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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Yeah, people can harp about how Paladin came out first or whatever

but my dude, some of these ANIMATIONS are straight up ripped from Overwatch. It's shameless.


I used to really be really into wiki stuff, it was neat, but I didn't feel that there was a lot of people actively editing stuff. High profile releases would just be left feeling very barren a lot of the time, probably still the case.

Maybe something like quest would entice people to do stuff?

Were will Vinny's setup be?

Edit: I wonder how long Brad will be gone. That Destiny shit is out soon. We need the resident Destiny editor.

Back to sleep


Yo if that quake is good goodbye ow tbh. Idc if it's not quake or whatever I need some good shit. Also fuck whoever is making the balance calls in ow


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I played against 6 Meis last night. I think I'm ready to uninstall Overwatch.
I should catch up on some UPFs, did some of the more recent ones stand out?




Tribes is the F2P game I've spent the most money on. Shame to hear it's gone downhill. I was absolutely addicted to that game for a while.

Quick Look: Sky Force Anniversary
Get a bird's eye view of Dan and Brad as they dance around a tenacious EMP missile.


Died as in it shut down? Or died as in nobody plays it?
A little of both I guess. The experience Velvet Sundown was at launch doesn't really exist any more. It's still up and playable (last I checked) but the few people you'll find playing it have no interest in actually 'playing' the game.

They switched away from the subscription model to a one time purchase (all scenarios or buy them a la carte), which was probably the right move, but then they never actually added any new scenarios or improved the base game. Worse, the text to speech is gone, robbing the game of most of its charm.

The developer was bought a while back and they seem to have kind of disappeared. I'm surprised the game is playable at all.


Wait, the text to speech is gone?
Last I checked, yeah. The TTS wasn't part of the actual game, but was a third party service implemented into it (which is why TTS was spotty at launch). I assume they weren't making enough on the game to justify paying the costs anymore. Or the game was intentionally abandoned. I really don't have a clue as to what happened with the developers.


If we can figure out the movement thing besides point-teleport I would love to see... I don't know. A game of assassin in VR?

Spy Party VR. We are all handibot now


If we can figure out the movement thing besides point-teleport I would love to see... I don't know. A game of assassin in VR?

Spy Party VR. We are all handibot now
I love mp games built around deception (which is why I loved VS and the AssCreed mp so much) and doing that in vr could be incredible.

Handibot has probably killed before.
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