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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Finished rewatching the P4 ER, still great.

I always crack up everytime Jeff says
in the later episodes.


Vinny, what a class act, going into that shitstorm of a thread all friendly and jovial. So far this ER has given us a lot of entertainment out of a pretty lacking game.


Oh, Vinny. Did you go into THAT thread? On THAT day? I'm sorry, I don't remember.

Talk to the Chinese about chinese.
Yea that ER thread is ridiculous. Can't believe the hostility (over whether he pushed A or not rofl). I wasn't around for the other ER's (just started subscribing last Fall), were they this bad?


There's always frustration about how GB plays games (see Hitman), but I dunno, I think the Shenmue fanbase is actually as crazy as the rumors said
So, a while back (a few months ago) it was announced that Quiplash 2 would be a part of The Jackbox Party Pack 3 and, like the (relatively) recently released Drawful 2 (which will not have an XL version in JBPP3), it will allow you to create custom prompt. So, lets think of some Giant Bomb prompts for Quiplash 2. I'll start off: Brad finally left Giant Bomb to....

What are some other prompt ideas that come to mind for you? Maybe we can save some of these on a list or something for when they inevitably play JBPP3 on a UPF this fall.

Lunar FC

I spent like an hour today walking on campus for street passes because they updated the puzzle pieces game to put out like 10 pieces per person. This might be a new low.

Also, I've fallen off on the ER. Still on ep 10, I tried watching it like 3 times now before bed and keep falling asleep.
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