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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Jeff stays winning.

Though I don't actually think they'll mention this Smeagol-to-Gollum situation at all on the site, or if they do it will be a brief thing. Like, there isn't much to gain by actually having Palmer on GB again--he was there for the big Oculus stream which is the only time you'd really expect his presence. If he does show up again, I'd expect a very QLEX-like environment rather than friend-of-the-site/special stream kind of deal.

That said, Palmer's presence as anything more than a professional obligation would be massively disappointing as a GB subscriber.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
pachter tried to compare something as serious as racism to gaming preferences
palmer luckey is a white supremacist

been a dumb week for video games


Someone called Palmer luckey 'vice president of the memes' in Jefflr chat

"Vice President of Racism is more like it." -Jeff

Good on Jeff, just because Palmer is part of one of the big three high-end VR headsets, doesn't mean that they have to give him the time of day.

I wasn't getting an Oculus before due to Facebook and its anti-consumer practices, but it's nice having my decision justified.


the holder of the trombone
I mean just on the VRodeo the Vive always looked like a better product all the way.

Can't believe how occulus botched VR's launch compared to the vive.


Well, Pachter was right about one PC gamer.


I do wonder if this will have any effect on the headset itself (Doubt it but it would be interesting).


When the Touch controllers came out, I was finally going to be content with my dumbass decision to go Oculus instead of Vive.

But nope nevermind


I remember not getting good vibes from Palmer when he was on the e3 show but I can't remember why exactly. Fuck him
I remember not getting good vibes from Palmer when he was on the e3 show but I can't remember why exactly. Fuck him

The most recent E3 he came off as very defensive and immature with a chip on his shoulder. I guess I wrote that off as him not dealing with coming off of a terrible launch of the project he was working on so long. His previous interview, he came off as awkward and immature but at least enthusiastic.

It wasn't until someone in OT pointed out some GG connections in his social media a couple months ago did I realize the guy was actually a real piece of shit. I'm not surprised that he's a full on alt right Trump supporter but I am surprised that he'd go as far as this fucked up scheme. It'd be nice if Facebook forces him out at Oculus but I'm sure he doesn't give a shit at this point. He has more money than he could ever hope to spend. At least he'd be out of the industry.
When the Touch controllers came out, I was finally going to be content with my dumbass decision to go Oculus instead of Vive.

But nope nevermind
Yup. Touch controllers always seemed way cooler than the Vive Wands to me, and the headset itself seems more comfortable, as well as clearer for things like text in Elite Dangerous... but this.. if this is really true.. well fuck.



Very glad Jeff is taking a strong stance on this from the start.
And I hope I will never see Palmer on any GB content ever again.
I never had the dislike for Palmer that a lot of you seem to have, he always seemed like a kinda geeky but okay guy, but that's an unfortunate thing to learn.

I saw hints of this awhile ago with his social media activity. Guys an alt right shithead.

I own an Oculus and a Vive but that was well before I realized the guy was such a slimeball. I have no intention of buying anything from the Oculus store.

My desire to not support Palmer is going to conflict with my love for Carmack.
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