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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Lunar FC

Too keep the annoying goty talk going, I was making my first goty list and I actually played games this year! It's crazy, I can actually fill out a top 10.

And Fifa 17, Forza Horizon 3, Pokemon Moon and Yo-Kai 2 are still to come out.


In addition to something else I'm working on and am planning to send in, I messed around with this tonight:

Speaking about the other thing though, anybody have the address for the GBeast guys? I've got stuff to send to both East and West, and rather than maybe hope Alex and Vinny get their thing during GOTY stuff, I figure I'll just send them theirs directly, but again, not sure on their address for mailbag stuff.


In addition to something else I'm working on and am planning to send in, I messed around with this tonight:

Speaking about the other thing though, anybody have the address for the GBeast guys? I've got stuff to send to both East and West, and rather than maybe hope Alex and Vinny get their thing during GOTY stuff, I figure I'll just send them theirs directly, but again, not sure on their address for mailbag stuff.
It's in the OP

Giant Bomb
CBS Interactive
28 East 28th St, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10016
United States

Make sure to send it to Vinny c/o Ella

Lunar FC

In addition to something else I'm working on and am planning to send in, I messed around with this tonight:

Speaking about the other thing though, anybody have the address for the GBeast guys? I've got stuff to send to both East and West, and rather than maybe hope Alex and Vinny get their thing during GOTY stuff, I figure I'll just send them theirs directly, but again, not sure on their address for mailbag stuff.

Awesome work bruh.

Giant Bomb East's Mailing Address: Giant Bomb, CBS Interactive; 28 East 28th St, 10th Floor New York, NY 10016 United States


Fuck Yahzee, I can't even look at him without feeling disgust

Also, It's been like forever since Mary was on GB. :/

Wasn't Mary on a podcast 2-3 months ago?

Please don't tell me that the Yahtzee disgust is because of some half-assed attempt in making him a Gamergater.
Dead Rising is a dope fucking game. The time pressure turns it from a mindless open-world game into Supermarket Sweep, where you're planning out your path through the game to either see the most content, level up to make future playthroughs easier, get specific achievements done (which actually rewards you with in-game items), or get a certain ending. It has the best possible progression system and setting that said gameplay could take place in, and it's got the brand of earnest campiness that only a Japanese developer could bring us.

2 irons out many of the rough edges and is definitely a better playing game, but most of the charm is lost since Chuck is a completely flat protagonist and they straight up ruin Frank's character in Off the Record by making him a stereotypical snarky video game protagonist. They both subscribe to the "video game developer" definition of cool and just rattle off one-liners after they kill psychopaths (which often come off as pale imitations of DR1 psychopaths) and dumb shit like that. Co-op is a whole lot of fun, but the sea of slot machines that is Fortune City gets a little tiresome, and combo weapons make the bosses a little on the easy side (and also turn the notion of finding and using standard weapons into a moot point).

Dead Rising 3 is the cynical "we want the Call of Duty audience" sell-out game people feared it would be, but that manifests through the gameplay and not so much the aesthetic or attitude of the game. The irreverence remains despite the gritty facade you see at first glance, but anything that could be even remotely seen as challenging (the time pressure, escorting survivors, fighting psychopaths, finding weapons and health, etc) has been turned into a damn cakewalk. It's fun in its own right, but there's a reason a majority of the discussion around Dead Rising 4 has been "what the fuck are you guys doing?"

Dead Rising 3 is the best Dead Rising.

My favorite DR is the first one. I feel like they somehow lost the balance in being serious about themselves yet dumb/silly at the same time. With each game the balance kept shifting into being more dumb. DR3 is the most fun I had though in co-op which is why I'm looking forward to 4 player co-op with DR4.

If you're interested someone has uploaded all episodes of Button Mashing. Love going through them from time to time, takes me back.

Congratulated him a while back, awesome stuff.

GOTY talk in September may be worse than anime talk.


Well, it's more like repeater did.

In addition to something else I'm working on and am planning to send in, I messed around with this tonight:

Beautiful work.
Most Disappointing Game: Virginia

Talk about all style and no substance. The first time I've refunded a game I've fully completed.

I mean, I appreciate your honesty but man...not a good look. I enjoyed it for what it is, kind of reminds me of Twin Peaks with it's surreal images and events.
I wanted to like it so much, but it completely bounced off of me. Not just that I didn't like it, by the time I finished I actively disliked it. At that point, I'd rather have my $9 back than keep the game.

Did you rush through it or were you able to go at your own pace and still beat it within two hours?


I mean, I appreciate your honesty but man...not a good look. I enjoyed it for what it is, kind of reminds me of Twin Peaks with it's surreal images and events.

I beat it in 1:50, and it's fully within the policy. I even said in my request that I'd fully completed the story. I don't think it's unreasonable to want my money back for a product I wasn't satisfied with, indie game or otherwise.

I liked the graphical style and some of the quick-cut sequences were neat, but man. That's a game that would actually be dramatically more enjoyable as a film, because the entirety of the gameplay is just a pixel hunt for the one interactive thing in the environment to progress the story. No optional things to look at, no exploring sequences, just rushing along from one sequence to the next. I typically like walking simulators, but Virginia isn't even one of those.

To steer things back on topic, I do find myself curious to hear what anyone on the crew thinks of it. It seems like a very Austin kind of a game.

Did you rush through it or were you able to go at your own pace and still beat it within two hours?

There really is no rushing or taking your time. The game goes at one pace and that's that. You don't get much wiggle room as a player. I certainly wasn't making any attempt to hurry.


Jeff: Fool / Emperor
Vinny: Magician
Brad: Tower
Dan: Fool / Fortune
Alex: Moon
Jason: Strength
Drew: Chariot

Patrick: Hermit
Austin: Justice
Jeff B: Star

Ryan: Sun


Jeff: Fool / Emperor
Vinny: Magician
Brad: Tower
Dan: Fool / Fortune
Alex: Moon
Jason: Strength
Drew: Chariot

Patrick: Hermit
Austin: Justice
Jeff B: Star

Ryan: Sun

Man I wish I was playing Persona 5. I imported it because I was feeling the hype but I don't know any Japanese.

February please come sooner.
Virginia was a super cool game but definitely not for everyone. I don't think its cool to refund a game after finishing it, as short as it is, but hey you do you. I thought the game was killer.

soundtrack of the year, fight me
Did you rush through it or were you able to go at your own pace and still beat it within two hours?

It's a very short and linear game so it's possible to beat it in 2 hours or less even. It also is most certainly a game not for everyone.

I beat it in 1:50, and it's fully within the policy. I even said in my request that I'd fully completed the story. I don't think it's unreasonable to want my money back for a product I wasn't satisfied with, indie game or otherwise.

I liked the graphical style and some of the quick-cut sequences were neat, but man. That's a game that would actually be dramatically more enjoyable as a film, because the entirety of the gameplay is just a pixel hunt for the one interactive thing in the environment to progress the story. No optional things to look at, no exploring sequences, just rushing along from one sequence to the next. I typically like walking simulators, but Virginia isn't even one of those.

To steer things back on topic, I do find myself curious to hear what anyone on the crew thinks of it. It seems like a very Austin kind of a game.

That's fair enough, you do you. I just disagree with that notion. At the same time, the system is there to do that and all so, yeah. I can't really say anything.
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