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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Terrible story
Meaningless dialogue and choices
Awful, erratic performance that becomes unplayable during set-pieces
Simplified mechanics, yet even more jank

These are all things Jeff should have expected "because bethesda" and he's wrong to think their flagship debut on current gen should be better?

All of these things can be said about Skyrim. People called that Oblivion-lite.
For the performance part lets not forget Giant Bomb awarded Skyrim Game of The Year despite it (still) being unplayable on 56 (now 80) million consoles and very broken on other platforms for weeks/months.

Of course Bethesda are not gonna change if they can release unplayable games and be awarded for it.


Standards change. Expectations change. If you drew two lines on a graph, one indicating how impressed I was with the things those games were going, and another indicating my distaste for how they always seemed like they were going to fall apart with no warning, the first line starts high but doesn't go up all that much, and the second line starts low but shoots up at an angle, and F4 is the point at which line 2 crossed line 1.


It's so fucking dull.

When I call Skyrim the world's best Scandinavian hiking simulator, that backhanded compliment is still a compliment. Nothing about it is particularly super interesting outside of the historical and political stuff that's been in every TES game, but you shoot the guys with arrows and loot the chests and 10 hours have gone away.

Fallout 4 is just mindlessly empty drudgery loosely wrapped around a core of pure irritation and hints of sheer contempt for the player. The improved combat is still bad, enemies popping out of windows or the ground is annoying considering they never stop chasing you, the progression is just making numbers slowly and steadily go up, making the junk "meaningful" by reducing the amount and making it all used in crafting just means you carry more junk because it could theoretically be used in the absolutely atrocious crafting menus and interface to make more numbers go up, the weapon customization means that Fallout is now, for some reason, a loot shooter with none of the gameplay or menu accommodations of a real loot game, they stripped out role playing by vastly constraining who your character could be, the being 200 years old thing is a pointless gimmick, Nick Valentine is the only character whose attempts at being quirkily endearing are decent instead of excruciatingly annoying, settlements are garbage, they butchered the dialogue system in a way that made the game feel hollow and half-complete given that talking to people was my Fallout Thing, everything looks like a pile of mud and trash covered with metal that looks like melting vinyl, almost all the quests end in walking to a place to shoot a room full of bad guys, despite dumbing everything the fuck down it's still buggy as hell, it all fucking sucks and I hate it and when it's too banal to hate it I just feel nothing toward its empty soulless attempts to constantly persuade me with overwrought string pieces and awful looking zeppelin scenes that somehow this is all epic and meaningful. Cool, you enter the vault, then the bombs go off, and ten minutes later it opens the vault with this grandiose pile of musical turds and dramatic lighting in a desperate attempt to be Iconic™, like we're all supposed to be awestruck that you copied Fallout 1's opening (again) by copying Fallout 3's opening but this time we know it looks exactly the same as what we just saw five minutes ago except now the neighborhood is brown and made out of dirt and lumber piles, because Bethesda's entire concept of Fallout is "what if you lived in the garbage of the 1950s, forever, isn't that neat"

Fuck to Fallout 4

FO4 is the game I most regret playing recently. I had fun at first but man it got so boring. The game is lifeless. Nothing you do matters, at all. I enjoy the Elder Scrolls games far more than FO4. FO4 was my first time playing a FO game and I am pretty sure that is a big mistake on my part, but now I have zero interest in playing another open world Bethesda game unless they make significant changes to the formula. I can't think of any other game I have felt this way about after playing it for over 100 hours.

On the other hand I enjoyed Witcher 3 a lot haha.
The thing that annoyed me most about Fallout 4 discussion was the amount of people saying "Yep, it's another Fallout game." No, it's another Bethesda open world game, but it's barely Fallout outside of having Fallout names and lore on it, and VATS I guess. Fallout is the post nuclear roleplaying game, not Far Cry 3.1 or a less cartoony Borderlands with wacky dress up and a bad take on Mass Effect dialogue wheel.


I had just started to type out a rant on why F4 is such a great disappointment, but this game just isn't worth it. All I'll say is that 4 has made me abandon any hope that BGS would strive to improve on their design in a meaningful way which each iteration, and that wasted potential is a huge bummer. They've found their million-selling formula, and they're just going to bolt on a couple of things, maybe give it a fresh coat of paint, and shit it out every few years. When they announce ES 6, I'll fully expect ES 5.01, and I'll probably still be disappointed, in the unlikely case that I get around to playing it.


The thing that annoyed me most about Fallout 4 discussion was the amount of people saying "Yep, it's another Fallout game." No, it's another Bethesda open world game, but it's barely Fallout outside of having Fallout names and lore on it, and VATS I guess. Fallout is the post nuclear roleplaying game, not Far Cry 3.1 or a less cartoony Borderlands with wacky dress up and a bad take on Mass Effect dialogue wheel.

I think at this point, Bethesda disagrees with you, which sucks. I like NV and even Fallout 1 and 2 a hell of a lot more than 4, don't get me wrong. But the part of the Fallout DNA that's valuable and marketable to Bethesda is the 50's style American optimism juxtaposed with the dilapidated wasteland around it. To them, that's all that needs to be there to call it Fallout.

With the CRPG revival of the last few years, I'd love nothing more than for Bethesda to publish another isometric Fallout game made by a smaller studio that harkens back to the old games. Spend a bit of money to appease series die-hards while the main series gets further streamlined into oblivion. How fucking good would that be?



What bothered me the most about that discussion was how Brad and Austin decided to go all "there's video game development literature out there AND NOW SHUT UP!" route. Then why even talk about any of this? That doesn't allow for any discussion then. Man, screw their attitude during that debate.

Due to the glitch I got the Fallout 4 Super Mega Edition or something FOR FREE on Xbox One. I disconnected my console and everything to not lose it when MS became aware of their mistake. After one hour of playing I went "this isn't worth it" and connected to XBL again, losing everything I got for free in the process. And I don't regret it at all.

Fallout 4 is nothing. NOTHING.
I think at this point, Bethesda disagrees with you, which sucks. I like NV and even Fallout 1 and 2 a hell of a lot more than 4, don't get me wrong. But the part of the Fallout DNA that's valuable and marketable to Bethesda is the 50's style American optimism juxtaposed with the dilapidated wasteland around it. To them, that's all that needs to be there to call it Fallout.

With the CRPG revival of the last few years, I'd love nothing more than for Bethesda to publish another isometric Fallout game made by a smaller studio that harkens back to the old games. Spend a bit of money to appease series die-hards while the main series gets further streamlined into oblivion. How fucking good would that be?


There's probably someone who'll recommend Underrail at this moment, but I only know OF it.
My thing with Fallout 4 is that I'm shocked people like Emcee didn't see this coming. E3 laid the game bare. If you played Beth RPGs before you know that the stuff they touted and showed off, from the new "role playing" mass effect wheel to the backstory of your character, that they'd flub it. Beth cannot write and when I saw they were changing text dialogue, which allows for actual role playing in a Fallout game, to voice acted options that they were going to limit player choice. Certainly you could make a guess and hope they pulled it off, and I realize the hype train for FO4 was stupidly infectious for a lot of people, but a lot of the complaints could be seen a mile away based on Bethesda's weaknesses and how they made Skyrim. I guess I'm just not sure what people were expecting. Maybe they were high on Skyrim (which I think gets worse and worse the more you play it) or maybe they thought Bethesda could pull it off. All I know is if Bethesda doesn't hire capable writers or change their formula I don't see myself purchasing another Bethesda rpg.
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