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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Man the guys were really uncomfortable discussing the Palmer Luckey stuff on the Beastcast. I understand it's hard but they really missed the mark for me.

I thought Alex was pretty on-point but it was clear that Jeff was pretty uncomfortable with talking about it.


I liked Dishonored before it was cool

Jeff talking about his old party house is also always a good time.

I still laugh at thinking about him saying "hand full of change".

Also I have a urge to replay Dark Souls 2 on PS4. My backlog is already huge. PLEASE STOP ME!




Idk you can make an argument for silent hill being the best one because people in the project know the source material and try their best to represent it.

Now the sequel can go suck an ass


Oh god...Episode 16 of the Shenmue ER...

I'd be pissed too Vinny. I'd be pissed too.

Edit: and now the episode has been redeemed. That
vinny/dan music making


Perhaps they are uncomfortable because the audience that Palmer are reaching are crazy. I mean the audience are white nationalists, gamergaters etc. Doxing and swatting have been done by them before.
Maybe the Beastcast are all Republicans and quietly agree with Luckeys support of Trump

Thats why they couldnt throw one of their own under the bus

Im kidding. They probably just arent comfortable talking politics.


man, what's with the stick-in-the mud who emailed Beastcast about them sneaking in ads. When you hear music, you know it's an ad break.

Mr. F

cross-posted from the beastcast thread but yeah, the way they handled that stuff was pretty poor. I'm disappointed with the discussion around the Palmer situation, especially having an extra lead-in of a few days to really observe and report the aftermath and consequences around the non-apology apology.

I understand none of them are in the news role as much as Austin was, but for a lot of the stuff they glossed over or didn't dig into with much conviction they didn't have to look any further than their own site with Jeff's breakdown earlier this week on the Bombcast. Austin's absence is glaring in this one, there are even moments where Bakalar sounds two steps away from trying to give Palmer the benefit of the doubt.


Only Dishonored 2 stuff I've watched is the E3 stuff via GB stream because I know I'll play it. The only thing about the first one I thought wasn't at least good was the VO, it was ok.


The premium content on my Birthday is VinnyVania. 😫

At least I got a new 8-4 Play podcast. 😄

And I bought GB GOTY 2016 Tokyo Mirage Sessions.


cross-posted from the beastcast thread but yeah, the way they handled that stuff was pretty poor. I'm disappointed with the discussion around the Palmer situation, especially having an extra lead-in of a few days to really observe and report the aftermath and consequences around the non-apology apology.

I understand none of them are in the news role as much as Austin was, but for a lot of the stuff they glossed over or didn't dig into with much conviction they didn't have to look any further than their own site with Jeff's breakdown earlier this week on the Bombcast. Austin's absence is glaring in this one, there are even moments where Bakalar sounds two steps away from trying to give Palmer the benefit of the doubt.

I'm in complete agreement with you, that whole Palmer segment was just so soft. They may as well not have even bothered mentioning it. I love the beastcast but that was supremely disappointing.


Unconfirmed Member
Only Dishonored 2 stuff I've watched is the E3 stuff via GB stream because I know I'll play it. The only thing about the first one I thought wasn't at least good was the VO, it was ok.

Yeah I don't need to see that game to know I'll play it eventually. If they just give me literally the exact same thing again, I would be totally into it.
Ugh the Dishonored 2 Unfinished made me a little apprehensive. The art style and mood are stronger than ever, but Jason's struggles with the combat and blinking abilities are exactly the same issues that the first one had. The mechanics just always felt a little janky.


Bobby Jindhal or whatever the evil scientist's name was in the Dishonored 2 video looks like a slightly cartoonish Vincent Price.


I really hope the combat is better than the first game, the ranged combat was fine but again the swordplay was just messy. Serkonos looks pretty visually interesting at least, probably more than Dunwall.
On a semi-related note the Daud DLC was damn good.
The PC building e-mail is fantastic.
I'm deciding between picking up SMT IV Apocalypse or X-COM 2. Need to see how well X-com performs on PS4 though.


Yeah I just finished the Beastcast and the Palmer Luckey segment was profoundly disappointing coming from the Podcast that spoke so eloquently on the whole Allison Rapp situation.
I kinda want to send an email to express my disappointment but maybe that's a bit much.


I thought the palmer stuff was fine. Gerstmann's take was the best obviously. I just got the vibe they didn't want to talk about it too much since Jeff and Co already did

I was way more troubled by the e-mail about the ad-dropping. Who ever that was was taking crazy pills


Jeff B was giving Luckey an out by chalking it up to his youth, that's fine if you piss on the sidewalk or knock down a mailbox. Luckey has money and because of that power and influence, he as to be held accountable for his actions. Also the whole movement has some pro-white supremacist leanings.


They also didn't really mention the two statements that came from people at occulus basically trying to sweep things under the rug and call it just his politics or w/e.


Jeff B was giving Luckey an out by chalking it up to his youth, that's fine if you piss on the sidewalk or knock down a mailbox. Luckey has money and because of that power and influence, he as to be held accountable for his actions. Also the whole movement has some pro-white supremacist leanings.

that bummed me out. 24 is old enough to know what he's doing. I dunno why Bakalar was so forgiving about it. Luckey is an asshole and should be called out for it.

Mr. F

Yeah I just finished the Beastcast and the Palmer Luckey segment was profoundly disappointing coming from the Podcast that spoke so eloquently on the whole Allison Rapp situation.
I kinda want to send an email to express my disappointment but maybe that's a bit much.

Austin spoke eloquently on the Rapp situation, which is the most telling thing about how they handled Luckey in his absence.

that bummed me out. 24 is old enough to know what he's doing. I dunno why Bakalar was so forgiving about it. Luckey is an asshole and should be called out for it.

It was really jarring, there's enough cards on the table that it's ok to take a firm stance and yet Jeff B kept hiding behind the excuse of wanting to be 'editorially fair' or whatever. It felt kind of spineless given the views being espoused.
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