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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

Jeff B was giving Luckey an out by chalking it up to his youth, that's fine if you piss on the sidewalk or knock down a mailbox. Luckey has money and because of that power and influence, he as to be held accountable for his actions. Also the whole movement has some pro-white supremacist leanings.

The biggest thing is that Luckey is presumably friends with Milo the douchebag. At that point you cant say hes young or its his political leaning, its straight up white supremacy at that point.


It's the "listen to both sides" mentality taken to an absurd extreme. It's fine to take a stand against a hateful ideology without having to hide behind the claim that it's the meme funding part that's problematic, not his politics.


I haven't listened to the Beastcast episode yet, but it sounds like they were soft on Luckey to try to be fair and balanced. Can't say I'm surprised. Unfortunately, sometimes that's not the right tone or approach to take, but when you're dealing with an industry guy who's been on your livestreams, it can be an easy thing to do.

I'll listen to it and if it pisses me off, they're going to get an email. Rest assured, it won't be read on the podcast..


Unconfirmed Member
I just felt like they were a little out of their element when it came to stuff like that subreddit and just hate groups from that sphere of the internet in general. What neither them nor the Bombcast mentioned is that the videogaming community, especially indie developers, actually has a lot of past experiences with similar groups. It's no accident that Polytron was the first to cancel the Oculus version of their game, they know the effects of "shitposting" and "meme magic".
And Palmer knows all about that, too.
I left a comment on GB pretty much saying I was disappointed and Alex replied to say that they weren't tiptoeing or dancing round the issue, they called it grotesque etc and the conversation went the way it went and that's it.

I don't think they were trying to skirt around it intentionally to be fair to them.

Mr. F

I left a comment on GB pretty much saying I was disappointed and Alex replied to say that they weren't tiptoeing or dancing round the issue, they called it grotesque etc and the conversation went the way it went and that's it.

I don't think they were trying to skirt around it intentionally to be fair to them.

I think they missed some important details but in fairness I think Alex was the one who spoke most firmly on that stuff. The weird part was Bakalar almost walking back on Alex's stance whenever he'd interject.

def sim

Bakalar should have made his editorial point without giving that bit of excuse for Palmer. I wasn't expecting them to go in on him or have an in-depth conversation about politics and racism, whatever fine, but I also wasn't expecting one of the crew to present it like some adolescent mistake.

Alex, at least, made it clear that Palmer's problem isn't just some political stance and I also appreciate the comment he made about civil discourse at the end there.
Oh cool, hadn't noticed the Dishonored 2 unfinished. I'm never quite sure going into Fall which games I'll get a real itch for, but it's seeming like this might be The One for me this year.


You don't get to drop an apology no matter how sincere you make it sound and get off the hook for shacking up with actual white supremacists. This is prime time "they came from Stormfront" type shit. Luckey is way way beyond the pale.


It's been pretty noticeable that Bakalar can be that way for awhile now. This was just a bit more revealing.

There's nothing about this Luckey shit that is even remotely okay or forgivable


Yeah I just finished the Beastcast and the Palmer Luckey segment was profoundly disappointing coming from the Podcast that spoke so eloquently on the whole Allison Rapp situation.
I kinda want to send an email to express my disappointment but maybe that's a bit much.

To be fair, regarding the Allison situation, that was mostly Austin.

I'm sure had he still been here, he would have went IN.

It really goes to show why having a diverse group of people in GB is important.
To be fair, regarding the Allison situation, that was mostly Austin.

I'm sure had he still been here, he would have went IN.

It really goes to show why having a diverse group of people in GB is important.

Yeah, I mean him and Alex did almost the whole episode on it on the new Vice podcast.


To be fair, regarding the Allison situation, that was mostly Austin.

I'm sure had he still been here, he would have went IN.

It really goes to show why having a diverse group of people in GB is important.

I'm not sure how much I can trust someone who defended Fallout 4 :p

Lunar FC

Guys, I'm in a pickle!

So both my interviews today went well.

The first one (the job I wanted less) offered me a position to start right away (tonight). A family member had the connection and said they were looking for a cook assistant at this nice hotel for 10.50/hr. But they want me to do fucking dish-washing the majority of the time, and are starting me a 9.00/hr.

The second interview (Costco) is a place I've worked as a seasonal employee before and really enjoyed my time there. I was hoping to get the same job (Merchandising), and they said they would call me for a second interview next week. This place pays 11.50/hr and has structured pay raised based on hours worked. But it's only seasonal and I'm not guaranteed they call me back once it's over for a part-time position.

I would like to take both of them but that's pretty unrealistic as I'm already taking 15 hours of classes and this is my first year in the business school.


Guys, I'm in a pickle!

So both my interviews today went well.

The first one (the job I wanted less) offered me a position to start right away (tonight). A family member had the connection and said they were looking for a cook assistant at this nice hotel for 10.50/hr. But they want me to do fucking dish-washing the majority of the time, and are starting me a 9.00/hr.

The second interview (Costco) is a place I've worked as a seasonal employee before and really enjoyed my time there. I was hoping to get the same job (Merchandising), and they said they would call me for a second interview. This place pays 11.50/hr and has a structured pay raised based on hours worked. But it's only seasonal and I'm not guaranteed they call me back once it's over for a part-time position.

I would like to take both of them but that's pretty unrealistic as I'm already taking 15 hours of classes and this is my first year in the business school.



Take the first job until the second job is confirmed


I was never really a fan of JB, and now its even more clear for me. I was pissed to no end. Also disappointed by Vinny a little bit, because no, there is no way to talk reasonably to specific groups of people sometimes.

Lunar FC

Would just feel bad ditching that position after a couple of weeks when it was my aunt got me in there. I would of been able to deal with that pay difference if they offered me 10.50 and I enjoyed the cooking position. But getting paid 9 bones and hour to wash dishes the majority of the time sounds like the worst kind of hell.
Would just feel bad ditching that position after a couple of weeks when it was my aunt got me in there. I would of been able to deal with that pay difference if they offered me 10.50 and I enjoyed the cooking position. But getting paid 9 bones and hour to wash dishes the majority of the time sounds like the worst kind of hell.

I know what you mean but that will happen literally all the time with a job of that sort. If it suited them they would get rid of you just as quick.

It's definitely what I would do but understand it would feel a bit awkward.


I wouldn't classify donating money to white supremacists as a "dumb mistake" though.

I agree but saying "I fucked up, I'm sorry." stops people from digging even if you are not sorry. Sure X% of people will never trust you and maybe even hate you but thats better then letting this gain steam.


I didn't think Bakalar's thing was that bad, he was kinda trying to speculate on why the dude acted that way. Also his argument about separating the product from the creator has some merit, pretty sure most of us love something made by one piece of shit or another.

I'm more disappointed that the entire Crew focused on the "meme" stuff - which probably won't even sound that bad to someone who might be listening to it to the first time and might think like "it's just dumb memes, who cares, get some thicker skin or whatever" - and they barely mention the ties to white nationalism and extremism / hate groups, which is the real issue here.
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