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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

CBS No Mercy was my least favourite Attitude Era PPV.

Hey. Saw your thread about your PS4. Hope you get everything sorted out. Every time I go into threads like that, I'm so scared to see someone say they had 2FA set, but every time that's not the case. Hopefully your thread will help get that across to people. It's worth it. No matter what. Always do 2FA (I'm glad my Yahoo account had it, otherwise I might've had a hacked e-mail account!).
Hey. Saw your thread about your PS4. Hope you get everything sorted out. Every time I go into threads like that, I'm so scared to see someone say they had 2FA set, but every time that's not the case. Hopefully your thread will help get that across to people. It's worth it. No matter what. Always do 2FA (I'm glad my Yahoo account had it, otherwise I might've had a hacked e-mail account!).

Cheers, I have 2-factor on like everything but haven't been playing PS4 much so forgot it was even a thing as part of the last update. Sorted now, was the first thing I did.

Something seems up at Sony's end, the proportion of chatter about compromised accounts seems disproportionately high, but at least they have implemented it now.

I'm going to call them tomorrow to sort out this primary PS4 kerfuffle.

I'm more offended whoever it was chose Watch Dogs to play from my library above everything else.
Cheers, I have 2-factor on like everything but haven't been playing PS4 much so forgot it was even a thing as part of the last update. Sorted now, was the first thing I did.

Something seems up at Sony's end, the proportion of chatter about compromised accounts seems disproportionately high, but at least they have implemented it now.

I'm going to call them tomorrow to sort out this primary PS4 kerfuffle.

I'm more offended whoever it was chose Watch Dogs to play from my library above everything else.

HAHAHA. By the way, did you happen to have Neverwinter Nights (or has the person in control of your primary PS4 done anything with it?)? A lot of the compromises/hacks seem to involve that game (at least going by similar threads like yours). It's similar to that whole FIFA thing that started last gen.
I couldn't stand the XL. Too big. I like to hold big things but not really big game stuff. Never felt comfortable to me and my girl hands. I got the New Nintendo 3ds and it's much more comfortable and I'm really happy with my purchase. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive my next phone (still on 5s) because phones these days are so big!

I love the Naruto discussion on the last Beastcast. I hope they talk about anime more.
HAHAHA. By the way, did you happen to have Neverwinter Nights (or has the person in control of your primary PS4 done anything with it?)? A lot of the compromises/hacks seem to involve that game (at least going by similar threads like yours). It's similar to that whole FIFA thing that started last gen.

No, nothing re: Neverwinter Nights.

I'm not sure what it could have been, my password is different than my e-mail accounts. I am sure they have their ways.


Silent Hill and Prince of Persia occupy the same space of just being perfectly mediocre.

Mortal Kombat has some heart to it, a little fire in the belly.


the answer should be pretty obvious



The Postal movie is probably the one of the most faithful adaptations when it comes to capturing the "spirit" of the series.

But Street Fighter gave us memes, and those are everlasting.
The Angry Birds movie is pretty good.


Creep was alright. I knew they'd blow the ending and they did, though.

Ah, awesome I'll check those out. I think I added Hush to my Netflix already.

I haven't seen several of those, so I'll check them out if I can.

Thanks guys!

Most of those should still be on Netflix, or at the very least on VOD. The only potentially difficult one to find might be The Loved Ones.


Saving Private Ryan is the best videogame movie. You can clearly see it was inspired by games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty


Warcraft is the best video game movie, by far. Prince of Persia is a solid number 2. The only things good about the first Mortal Kombat are the iconic characters, nothing else.


I'm kinda afraid of anime. I never met anyone who watched it until I changed schools at 16. 12 years later those people (around 10-12 people) are all A) unemployed for a long time B) drug addicts C) Both A and B.

Just writing this down made think of more stuff like this. All most every punk fan I've known works or has worked with children in some way and bunch of rappers went into filmmaking.


the holder of the trombone
I'm kinda afraid of anime. I never met anyone who watched it until I changed schools at 16. 12 years later those people (around 10-12 people) are all A) unemployed for a long time B) drug addicts C) Both A and B.

Well that would explain why Austin is working at vice now.
I really hope the Assassin's Creed movie turns out decent. The creative team made one of my favorite movies of the last few years (Macbeth) and the DoP is one of the best people in the business right now (did all the cinematography work for True Detective season one). I guess if nothing else, it should at least look great.
I really hope the Assassin's Creed movie turns out decent. The creative team made one of my favorite movies of the last few years (Macbeth) and the DoP is one of the best people in the business right now (did all the cinematography work for True Detective season one). I guess if nothing else, it should at least look great.

That is more pedigree than I realized the film had. I'm super curious about it even if the trailer made me think "Yep this is going to be awful."
I'm kinda afraid of anime. I never met anyone who watched it until I changed schools at 16. 12 years later those people (around 10-12 people) are all A) unemployed for a long time B) drug addicts C) Both A and B.

Just writing this down made think of more stuff like this. All most every punk fan I've known works or has worked with children in some way and bunch of rappers went into filmmaking.

anime ruins lives

I've refused to talk about anime in public ever since I was approached by someone wearing a Naruto headband who called themself a "Narutard."
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